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The sweat had long since dried and cooled on his body as he stared over the car to the rolling hills surrounding his family’s property. Hard to believe not fifteen minutes ago it’d been just a normal Wednesday morning run. And then he’d reached the carriage house and discovered Yvonne digging through his father’s junk in that damn skirt and a short, snug jacket that emphasized her tiny waist.

He smirked. Once a beauty queen, always a beauty queen. Even in dust, grime and rodent droppings.

Yvonne climbed out of the car with a large manila envelope in her hand. By the time she reached him, his expression was once again carefully neutral, his shoulder relaxed.

She held out the envelope. “See for yourself.”

Aidan took it, not letting their fingers touch. He flipped it over. The shipping label was addressed to World Class Weddings, care of Ms. Yvonne Delisle.

She hadn’t kept his name.

He pulled out the sheaf of papers inside and quickly scanned them.

“Looks like a standard contract,” he said, forcing his tone to remain impassive. “Nothing that can’t be voided.”

She inhaled sharply. “I’ll sue.”

He almost laughed. “Drag your company, your family’s name, through the legal system?” Wouldn’t her father love that? And God knew, Yvonne didn’t do anything without her parents’ approval. “I don’t think so.”

“Don’t underestimate me, Aidan,” she said softly.

His blood heated. Underestimate her? He’d loved her. Given her everything he had.

“Don’t push me,” he warned gruffly. “I’m not one of those nice Southern boys your daddy handpicked for you.”

Although if she’d stuck with one of those pasty-faced men with old money and “the third” after their names, men who spent their days working for their fathers, their evenings at the club and their weekends with their mistresses, he’d have been better off.

“I’ll have to take my chances then,” she said.


After a moment, she shrugged. “I want this job.”

“And what daddy’s little princess wants, she gets. Isn’t that how it goes?”

“If it makes you feel better to believe that, go ahead.”

“You don’t know how much that means to me. Your permission.”

“Aidan, please,” she said, her voice washing over his cool skin like a warm shower, “I realize this came as a surprise to you, and I don’t know why your mother didn’t tell you about our agreement, but I was hoping we could get past our history.” She looked up at him from beneath her dark lashes. “I know it’ll be…awkward…at first and I realize you’re still angry with me—”

“I’m not,” he lied smoothly. A lie he wanted to believe. Because to be angry meant he still felt something for her.

Relieved, and she smiled as she laid her hand on his forearm. His breath lodged painfully in his lungs. His muscles tensed under her soft fingers. But he didn’t shake her off.

“Then you shouldn’t have any objection to me working at the Diamond Dust,” she said.

“I’m not angry,” he repeated and, slowly deliberately, removed her hand from his arm. “But I still don’t want you here.”

She sent him a pitying look, setting his teeth on edge. She pitied him?

Damn it all to hell. Damn her to hell.

“And what Aidan Sheppard wants, he gets,” she said, tossing his words back at him.

That wasn’t true. And that was okay. He understood life wasn’t fair. Didn’t expect it to be. But this time, this one time, he deserved to get exactly what he wanted.

“You’ll be well compensated for your time and travel expenses,” he said, sliding the contract back into the envelope and handing it to her. “Be off my family’s property by five and we’ll pretend this never happened.”

Before he’d even finished speaking, she started shaking her head. “This—” she waved the envelope “—states I’m employed for the next six weeks.”

He tapped his fist against the side of his thigh. She’d never been stubborn before. Had always compromised. Or, in most cases, gave in.

“What do you want?” he asked.

“I want those six weeks.”


She frowned. “I told you, I—”

“I know. You want this job. But why here? Surely there are other opportunities out there far away from Jewell.”

“The first wedding here will be your mother’s.”

“My mother’s wedding isn’t until July.”

Yvonne shook her head. “Diane said she and the senator were moving the date up to April 9.”

And the surprises just kept piling up. He hated surprises.

“You’re going to be in charge of planning my mom’s wedding? Of course you are,” he said before she could respond. “What wedding planner wouldn’t want to be in charge of possibly the most talked about event of the year so far? After all, Al’s a beloved ex-politician. A wealthy ex-politician with powerful connections. And if the wedding is deemed a success, well, then who gets the credit?” He watched her carefully. “You do.”

Two spots of color appeared high on Yvonne’s cheeks. “It’s not about taking credit.”

“No. It’s about you using my mom’s wedding as a way to help your career. Sorry, Princess, but I’m not about to let that happen.”

At the use of his old nickname for her, she blanched. “You don’t have a say. I went into this contract with Diane, and unless she terminates it, I’m staying.”

You don’t have a say.

Just as he hadn’t had a say about the end of their marriage. Resentment churned in his stomach. But he didn’t give in to it. He walked away. Because no one made Aidan Sheppard lose control. Especially not Yvonne Delisle.


“WERE YOU GOING TO TELL me?” Aidan asked as he entered his mother’s spacious kitchen. “Or was I suppose to find out myself?”

Pouring coffee into a mug, Diane Sheppard glanced at her son. Even when he planned on working out in the vineyards all day, he looked as if he’d stepped out of some sort of catalog. He had on loose cargos and a plaid denim work shirt open over a waffle knit Henley. His short hair was neatly combed, the golden strands dark and damp from a recent shower.
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