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Not Without Her Family

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“I can’t believe it’s been ten years,” she said. “It’s taken me so long to find you.” Silence. She forced her lips into a smile. “You’re a hard man to track down.”

“That’s the way I wanted it.”

She dropped her pseudo-grin. Okay. Things weren’t going quite as well as she’d hoped. Not only had she forgotten how much Dillon disliked surprises, but she’d also forgotten how bullheaded he could be.

She glanced toward the kitchen, not surprised to see the cop watching them from the doorway. “Is there somewhere we could go to talk?” she asked Dillon.

“I’m working,” he said flatly.

“Dillon, please—”

“No. I’m not interested in anything you have to say. You shouldn’t have come.”

She willed back tears. She kept her voice low and fought the urge to turn and run away from the hatred in his eyes. “I just want a chance to talk to you, to apologize—”

“I don’t care what you want. Not anymore.” He met her eyes. “I want to be left alone. To forget everything that happened.”

Though it hurt—God did it hurt—Kelsey forced herself to ask, “Does that include me, too?”

“Yeah,” he said after a long moment. “It does.”

It was like being punched in the gut. She was shocked to find she was still standing, still on her feet and able to breathe when all she wanted to do was slide to the floor and cry. “Please, I—”

“No.” He pinched the bridge of his nose before letting his hand drop. “Look, I don’t blame you or hold you responsible for what happened, but the past is over. And I want it to stay that way.”

“It doesn’t have to be over. We can work through this. Start again.”

He shook his head and turned to leave.

She reached out, her fingers grazing his hand. “Dillon, wait. We could—”

He whirled around and grabbed her by the upper arms. She gasped as he raised her onto her toes. “Damn it, Kelsey.” He shook her once. Though it was the barest of movements, it made her stomach turn. “Don’t you get it? I’m through with you.”

“Is there a problem, Ward?”

Kelsey shut her eyes at the sound of the cop’s commanding voice. When she opened them again, the cop was standing behind Dillon, his expression downright frigid.

Dillon dropped her arms and stepped back. “No problem, Chief Martin. Kelsey was just leaving.”

She pressed her lips together. “You want me gone? Fine. But we aren’t done yet.”

Kelsey spun on her heel and stormed out into the bright sunshine. Crossing the paved parking lot, she passed a run-down pickup truck, a snazzy red SUV and the cop’s car—a black-and-white Jeep. When she reached her ancient gray hatchback, she bowed her head and inhaled shakily. She rubbed her hands over her arms where Dillon’s fingers had been, unsure if she was shivering because of the cool October breeze or Dillon’s anger.

“You okay?”

She stiffened. “Fine.” She swiveled to face the cop. “Don’t tell me I’m breaking some sort of city ordinance by standing in one spot too long.”

He studied her silently and she could’ve sworn he looked…concerned. For her.

“I wanted to see if you were okay,” he said. “All part of the job.”

The job. Of course. What, had she honestly thought he’d been worried for her? Ha. Fat chance. “Well, thanks. I guess.”

When he didn’t say anything else, she turned back to her car, pulled her key out of her front pocket and inserted it into the lock with an unsteady hand. The urge to escape, to run away, almost overwhelmed her. Had her pulse racing, her palms sweating. She didn’t want to stay, didn’t want to face her mistakes or her brother’s disgust.

But she couldn’t run. Not this time. She wouldn’t give up. No matter what Dillon said or how many times he pushed her away, she wasn’t going anywhere until she got what she came for.

It wouldn’t be easy, she’d known that much before she’d left New York. What she hadn’t taken into account was how much it would hurt to look into Dillon’s eyes and realize the truth—he hadn’t forgiven her. For putting him in the position where he’d had to take a man’s life to save hers. And for abandoning him.

How could she ever forgive herself?


JACK COULDN’T HELP BUT WONDER what was going on in Kelsey’s head. He’d only been in her company less than twenty minutes but he already knew she was a puzzle.

He always did like solving puzzles.

Hell, the biggest mystery at the moment though was why he had followed her out here in the first place. Sure, he’d told her he was just doing his job, and after seeing Ward manhandle her, that was partly true. But he was also there because, to be honest, he didn’t like the vulnerability he’d seen in her any more than he’d liked the sight of that SOB grabbing her.

She slid him a sideway glance. “Quit looking at me like that.”

She sure was prickly. Come to think of it, prickliness and defensiveness were two of Ward’s more irritating traits as well. Guess there was a family resemblance after all.

“How am I looking at you?” He hoped it wasn’t with anything other than professional interest. He hadn’t given himself away, had he?

She faced him, her pretty green eyes flashing. “With pity.”

“I don’t pity you.” Though he hadn’t liked how she’d clearly lost her confidence and spirit when Ward had stepped into the room. “I don’t think Ward’s worth it.”

“Not worth what?”

Not worth the tears he’d seen in her eyes or the dejection in her expression.

“Not worth getting so upset over,” he said. “I’ve seen Ward’s kind before. You’re better off without him.”

Her mouth opened. Then shut. She shook her head. “You don’t know Dillon or me. And I don’t need, or want, your opinion.”

He probably deserved her curt tone. Even it he’d only been trying to help. But if she wanted to waste her time with the likes of Dillon Ward, it was no concern of his.

“I apologize if I was out of line,” he said, unable to keep the stiffness out of his voice. With a slight nod, he put on his sunglasses, turned and walked away.

He wasn’t going to apologize for distrusting Dillon Ward. Of course, it was true that Ward had managed to stay out of trouble since being released from federal prison, but Jack wasn’t about to let his guard down. Especially while Ward was working for Allie.

“Hey, wait a minute,” Kelsey called, exasperation clear in her voice.

Jack stopped by his Jeep and slowly turned around. She was still at her car, her arms crossed at her chest, her mouth turned down at the corners.

“Was there something you needed?” he asked when she remained silent.
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