Jimmy arrived in Vancouver early one morning, and that afternoon he reached Osborne’s house, looking gaunt and worn. Osborne met him in the hall and gave him his hand in a very friendly manner.
“I must congratulate you,” he said. “You have lifted your firm into first rank by one bold stroke. If you allow your friends to help you, there’s an opportunity for a big development of your business.”
“That isn’t what concerns me most,” Jimmy replied meaningly.
“Well,” smiled Osborne, “I think I’m safe in trusting Ruth to you. Though the year’s not up yet, you have made good.”
As Ruth came forward Osborne moved away, and the girl looked at Jimmy with glowing eyes before she yielded herself to his arms.
“I’ve been hearing wonderful things about you, dear, but, after all, I knew what you could do, and now I only want to realize that I’ve got you safely back,” she said.