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An Introduction to Computational Fluid Mechanics by Example

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This new book builds on the original classic textbook entitled: An Introduction to Computational Fluid Mechanics by C. Y. Chow which was originally published in 1979. In the decades that have passed since this book was published the field of computational fluid dynamics has seen a number of changes in both the sophistication of the algorithms used but also advances in the computer hardware and software available. This new book incorporates the latest algorithms in the solution techniques and supports this by using numerous examples of applications to a broad range of industries from mechanical and aerospace disciplines to civil and the biosciences. The computer programs are developed and available in MATLAB. In addition the core text provides up-to-date solution methods for the Navier-Stokes equations, including fractional step time-advancement, and pseudo-spectral methods. The computer codes at the following website: www.wiley.com/go/biringen
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