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Famous Givers and Their Gifts

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Mr. Rockefeller's latest gift, of $600,000, was made to the people of Cleveland, Ohio, when that city celebrated her one hundredth birthday, July 22, 1896. The gift was two hundred and seventy-six acres of land of great natural beauty, to complete the park system of the city. For this land Mr. Rockefeller paid $600,000. The land is already worth a million dollars, and will be worth many times that amount in the years to come.

When announcing Mr. Rockefeller's munificent gift to the city, Mr. J. G. W. Cowles, president of the Chamber of Commerce, said of the giver: "His modesty is equal to his liberality, and he is not here to share with us this celebration. The streams of his benevolence flow largely in hidden channels, unseen and unknown to men; but when he founds a university in Chicago, or gives a beautiful park to Cleveland, with native forests and shady groves, rocky ravines, sloping hillsides and level valleys, cascades and running brook and still pools of water, all close by our homes, open and easy of access to all our people, such deeds cannot be hid – they belong to the public and to history, as the gift itself is for the people and for posterity."

The Centennial gift has caused great rejoicing and gratitude, and will be a blessing forever to the whole people, but especially to those whose daily work keeps them away from the fresh air and the sunshine.

A day or two after the gift had been received, a large number of Cleveland's prominent citizens visited the giver at his home at Forest Hill, to express to him the thanks of the city. After the address of gratitude, Mr. Rockefeller responded with much feeling.

"This is our Centennial year," he said. "The city of Cleveland has grown to great proportions, and has prospered far beyond anything any of us had anticipated. What will be said by those who will come after us when a hundred years hence this city celebrates its second Centennial anniversary, and reference is made to you, gentlemen, and to me? Will it be said that this or that man has accumulated great treasures? No; all that will be forgotten. The question will be, What did we do with our treasures? Did we, or did we not, use them to help our fellow-man? This will be forever remembered."

After referring to his early school-life in the city, and efforts to find employment, he told how, needing a little money to engage in business, and in the "innocence of his youth and inexperience" supposing almost any of his business friends would indorse his note for the amount needed, he visited one after another; and, said Mr. Rockefeller, "each one of them had the most excellent reasons for refusing!"

Finally he determined to try the bankers, and called upon a man whom the city delights to honor, Mr. T. P. Handy. The banker received the young man kindly, invited him to be seated, asked a few questions, and then loaned him $2,000, "a large amount for me to have all at one time," said Mr. Rockefeller.

Mr. Rockefeller is still in middle life, with, it is hoped, many years before him in which to carry out his great projects of benevolence. He is as modest and gentle in manner, as unostentatious and as kind in heart, as when he had no millions to give away. He is never harsh, seems to have complete self-control, and has not forgotten to be grateful to the men who befriended and trusted him in his early business life.

His success may be attributed in part to industry, energy, economy, and good sense. He loved his work, and had the courage to battle with difficulties. He had steadiness of character, the ability to command the confidence of business men from the beginning, and gave close and careful attention to the matters intrusted to him.

Mr. Rockefeller will be remembered, not so much because he accumulated millions, but because he gave away millions, thereby doing great good, and setting a noble example.

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