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“They don't look like bad people," Nerisa replied, surprised by the first words her companion had spoken since they began their journey. I think they need people to work on their land, so much vine must need a lot of attention.”

“You're amazing, Nerisa, you've lost your parents and separated you from your siblings, you've become a slave and your voice is firm and sure.” Cleanta looked at her with admiration.

“Don't think I'm so strong. My father taught us that we always had to behave according to the moment. I do not want to be a slave. I will do everything I can to get out of this situation and return to my siblings. Therefore, there is no point in fighting, I have to wait for the perfect opportunity, and you should do the same.”

"Go back, me? Where to? I am sure my father has sold me to pay off his debts and continue playing, and my mother has done nothing to prevent it. No, Nerisa, I do not have anywhere to go back to. It is all the same to me. When they took us to the cart to sell us, I realized how stupid it had been to think my father would free me. I have no family, just some distant relatives on my mother’s side who live in Rhodes, so I am alone.”

"You're with me," Nerisa said, without any doubt. “My older sister was raped and killed a couple of weeks ago. You are the same age. I want to be your little sister.” Cleanta was in awe of her companion’s determination.

"You're nine years old, but when you speak, you sound older than me. I am surprised by your fortitude.” She seemed to hesitate for a moment. “Okay, I'll be your older sister.” They held hands as the men continued to guide the cart and talk about their subjects, oblivious to the girls’.

They were already a short distance from the grounds when a couple of black dogs crossed the door toward them barking and wagging their tails from side to side. Behind them two boys ran up to the cart.

"Hi, Dad," the children exclaimed in unison, addressing the older one of the two men. Tanned and lively, Nerisa guessed that the little one would be about ten years old and the other about fifteen. Cleanta was translating the conversation in a low voice.

"Hello, children. How has everything been here?” The man smiled as he guided the cart toward the entrance.

"Very well," the older boy answered this time. “The work you ordered is finished and the preparations for the celebration are almost ready.”

"Well, run to your mother and sister while we unhook the ox.” The boys ran toward the big house; the cart was heading to a stable on the left, inside the perimeter of the farm. The grounds were spacious, almost as large as Narisa’s village. There were a dozen buildings inside. The stables must have taken up a third of the space. Two buildings of different heights towered over the complex, located in the centre of the enclosure. They certainly had to be the master’s quarters on the farm. On the right, a group of single-storey houses, more fragile in appearance, appeared to Nerisa as dwellings for the local peasants and slaves.

A peasant opened the stable doors and went inside. The men jumped down and left the ox there. They then left the stable, leaving Nerisa and Cleanta tied to the back of the cart, as if they were part of the vehicle.

“Hi, honey! I’ve missed you.” The older man embraced the woman who had just arrived. A younger woman stood next to them; the other man blushed when she saw her.

“Say hello to your future wife, don't be shy.” The older man addressed his traveling companion, ushering him to approach the young woman.

“Hi Thera, the journey has seemed forever away from here.” The young couple were blushing as they looked into each other's eyes, keeping a safe distance between themselves. A laugh distracted them from their thoughts.

“My daughter, future son-in-law, I have allowed you to bring a gift to celebrate your imminent wedding.” He winked at the other man and turned toward the cart approaching the girls.

“This is one of the perks. Two slaves so that you, my daughter, can devote all your time to your husband and my future grandchildren, and to make you all the things in the house.” Cleanta and Nerisa looked at each other, no translation was necessary. They belonged to the new couple.

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