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Signelil, A Tale from the Cornish, and Other Ballads

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But meanwhile through the hole John cut
A round piece from the friar’s gown,
And then in bed again lay down.

At morn ran out the hostess crying
That murdered was her husband lying;
And since nor man nor child had been,
Except the merchants, in the inn,
They should be hanged withouten fail;
They thereupon were led to jail.
John quickly them a visit paid.
“O, John! we’ve evil luck,” they said;
“Last night the host was choked in bed,
And upon us the crime is laid.”

“Dear gentlemen,” was John’s reply,
“Beseech the Justice instantly
To cause them who the murder wrought
Into his presence to be brought.”

“But who knows who the deed has done?”
They faltered forth; then answered John:
“If I can’t prove who did it, I
Will hang for it most willingly.”

“Speak out,” they cried.  Said John: “Last night,
Being in bed, I saw a light;
I rose, as if I’d had a call —
There was a hole in the house wall,
’Gainst which his back a certain friar
Placed, thereby blinding it entire,
Lest, as he said, some curious eye
From the next house their deeds should spy.
I cut, meanwhile, to him unknown,
A large round piece from off his gown.
To prove that what I’ve said is true
I’ve in my pouch the piece to shew.”
The merchants then were soon set free;
The murderers died on gallows tree.

All three depart from Market Jew,
Together with their comrade true,
Far as Kuz carn na Huila went,
And thence their ways lay different.
Now though the merchants earnest were
That John should with them home repair,
He steadfastly refused their plea,
Longing his wife and home to see.

When of the merchants he lost sight
He lounged away his time till night.
He’d fain know whether, while he roved
Abroad, his consort faithful proved.

Arrived, he listened at the door,
And heard a man’s voice, he was sure,
Within the bed; his knife he drew,
Resolved to slay the guilty two.
But soon remembering the advice,
“Ere striking once, bethink thee twice,”
In hurry from the door he strode,
But soon returning knocked aloud.

“In name of God, who’s there?” she cried;
“’Tis I am here, wife,” John replied.
(“Now in the name of blest Marie,
Whom heard I in her company?”)
“If John thou art, pray enter free.”
“First bring the light here,” answered he.
’Twas brought, he stepped the threshold o’er.
Quoth he: “On coming to the door
I heard a man’s voice in the bed.”
“Ah, Johnny, when away you sped
In distant parts for work to roam,
I then with child was three months gone;
In bed there lies a comely boy,
Unto us both he’ll be a joy.”

Said John, “I’ve something to disclose.
My master, when I left his house,
Gave me this cake I have in hand,
And with it gave the strict command
When I with thee should merry make
Then and not till then it to break.
I’ll now accomplish what he bade,
Mayhap we’ve wherefor to be glad.”

They broke the cake in anxious haste,
The nine pounds in it, lo! were placed.
They took the money, ate the bread,
And I for truth have heard it said
No quarrel e’er or noisy word
’Twixt them from that time forth occurr’d.

Now, Gentles all, my tale is done,
I hope it has your favour won!


In Linholm’s house
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