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Grimhild's Vengeance: Three Ballads

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I it will not possess,
I never to the town should come
But ’twould bring me distress.

“I never should seek the town but I
Should therefore sure be chidden;
I shall not bear thee o’er to-day,
My Lady’s me forbidden.”

And Hero Hogen grew so wroth,
So wroth grew he in mood;
The ferryman’s head hewed he off,
So widely reeked the blood.

Then straight the bloody head he cast
Mid Öresund’s swift water;
And, bidding them meet in the deep,
He cast the body after.

Sir Gunter and Sir Gernot, they
Their vessel steered from land;
But when they reached the middle Sound
The tempest was at hand.

O then the oars asunder snapped
In Folker’s hardy hand;
Here Hogen guided with his shield
The ship with toil to land.

Then cast they out their anchors,
All on the yellow sand;
It was the Hero Hogen,
He stepped the first to land.

The others they did not delay,
But each as he could best
Arrayed himself right manfully,
And Folker ’bove the rest.

Abroad the warden standing was,
He on the rampart strode:
“O, there are come our country to,
Two Athelings so proud.

“O kemps are come our country to,
And men so bold to see;
They all yclad in iron are,
Their steeds come springing free.

“The one he bears a hawk in flight,
Gold on his buckler gleams;
The other bears a fiddle, and
A prince’s son he seems.”

Out came she, Dame Grimhild,
She so fair to speak was able:
“He does not bear a fiddle
For he serves a noble’s table.

“But they two gallant warriors are,
Two sprouts of Dukely tree;
To know them I have cause enough,
They brothers are to me.”

It was the Count Sir Gunselin,
His warriors he bespake:
“O, hither Hero Hogen comes,
A fray with him we’ll make.

“O, we will fight with them to-day,
And we will slay them all;
Then his red gold and forest green
Shall in our power fall.”

Then just within the portal
Hero Hogen answer made:
“With you I’ll blythely hazard that,
If ye be not afraid.”

Out then went the heroes all,
So sorely fast they hied;
Then unto old as well as young
Such evil did betide.

In hand of Folker Spillemand
The sword asunder flew;
He seized a big steel spear, above
The door that met his view.

And seven such gallant warriors
He slew at the first blow:
“In Drotten’s holy name,” he said,
“My fiddle be known now.

“Now merrily my fiddle goes,
Ye dance and spring around;
I sweat with strong exertion
In my acton narrow bound.”

It was the Count Sir Gunselin,
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