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A Man's Promise

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“And you still think Vidal Duncan might have had something to do with your wife’s murder?”

“Hell, the thought crossed my mind when I first heard about it. He’d had an affair with my son’s wife, so why shouldn’t I believe he was having an affair with mine? But after talking to Jace about everything Vidal said while he held Jace at gunpoint, I’m not so sure. Jace is convinced the two incidents aren’t connected, and if that’s true, then the person who killed Sylvia is still out there.”

“That’s why I want to push for a new investigation and—”

“No, Carson. I can’t risk it if it means I could lose my sons.”

Carson didn’t say anything. “So what do you want me to do, Shep?”

“Hire someone to watch my sons.”

“Without them knowing?”

“Yes. That means the person has to be good. My sons are sharp, and I don’t want them to suspect anything.”

“Are you sure that’s what you want?”

“Yes, and I want you to arrange everything for me. Will you do that?”

A smile touched her lips and she leaned over and placed a light kiss on his. “Like I always say, Sheppard Granger. For you, anything.”


The next morning, Caden came down for breakfast to find Dalton helping himself to a generous amount of bacon and eggs. He glanced to where Jace was sitting and, speaking loudly enough for Dalton to hear, said, “I thought he didn’t live here anymore?”

Jace chuckled. “I thought so, too. However, he seems to find his way back whenever he feels entitled to a free meal.”

“Why should you guys gain all the weight?” Dalton asked. “Besides, I know how to take it off easily.”

Caden figured it had to be some way that was sexual. “So what time did everyone finally go to bed last night?” he asked, grabbing a glass of juice and a bowl of fruit. When he’d retired about ten, Jace, Shana, Dalton and Hannah were still up talking.

“I left around midnight,” Dalton said, sitting down beside Jace and across the table from Caden. “I thought about spending the night when Hannah mentioned she would be preparing a huge meal for breakfast this morning, but then I heard you playing that damned saxophone and figured the best thing to do was haul ass if I wanted to get any sleep.”

Caden took a sip of his orange juice and ignored Dalton’s comment. He hadn’t been able to sleep, and whenever that happened, he would take out his sax and play it for a while. Hannah and Jace never complained, and as far as he was concerned, Dalton didn’t count since he’d moved into his own place last month.

“So, Jace, have you and Shana set a date yet for your wedding?” Caden asked his brother.

Jace smiled. “I’m leaving all that up to her, but I don’t think she wants a huge wedding with the white gown, bridesmaids and a ton of guests and stuff.”

“Hell, I hope not,” Dalton said, chewing on a piece of bacon. “The moment she walks down the aisle, everyone is going to know she’s knocked up. Shit, a pregnant bride is almost as bad as a pregnant nun.”

Caden looked over at Jace. “Just ignore him.”

Jace smiled. “I do. All the time.”

“I hate being talked about,” Dalton said.

“Then keep your damned mouth closed,” Caden suggested.

Dalton had opened his mouth to say something when Hannah stuck her head in the door and said, “Don’t forget your lunch on the way out, Dalton.”

“Thanks, Hannah. I won’t.” Dalton smiled when he saw his two brothers glaring at him. “What?”

“You asked Hannah to fix your lunch?” Jace asked, barely holding back his anger.

“No, she volunteered, and I didn’t want to hurt her feelings by saying she didn’t have to.”

“Yeah, I bet,” Caden said, sipping his juice. He looked at his watch. “I think I’ll head into the office.”

“What’s the rush?” Dalton asked, looking at his own watch.

“I have a meeting this morning with Shelton Fields. I want to see what his products and design department is all about.”

“When you find out, let me know,” Dalton said, chuckling.

“And what’s on your agenda today?” Jace asked Dalton. He knew his brother got bored easily and he wanted to make sure that didn’t happen. A bored Dalton somehow became a womanizing Dalton, and that was the last thing they needed.

Dalton shrugged. “I have a meeting with the guys in the security department. They want to make sure I’m familiar with all the new security gadgets on the market.”

“Heaven help us all,” Caden muttered, rising to his feet.

Dalton smiled. “I heard that.”

“Good.” He stared at Dalton. “And don’t put another damned gadget on my phone or anyplace else without my permission.”

Dalton waved off his words. “Whatever.” As Caden was leaving, Dalton called out, “And you never did say why you were in the historical district yesterday.”

“And I don’t intend to.” Caden threw the comment over his shoulder as he walked out of the dining room.

* * *

Carson hung up the phone and sighed. It had taken some time, but everything Sheppard had asked for had been arranged. She had called on her good friend Roland Summers of the Summers Security Firm and told him what she needed. He thought he had just the right people she was looking for to do what needed to be done. He had access to men who were trained bodyguards, and several of them had served time with Shep and were now respectable, discreet and above reproach. And she made sure Roland understood they had to be ultra-discreet and remain at a safe distance.

She understood Sheppard’s desire to keep his sons safe, but she felt they should be made aware of what was going on. Carson had an uneasy feeling about this, but it was Sheppard’s decision.

She was about to pull a file from the in-box on her desk when her phone rang. Answering the call, she said, “Okay, Brett, what have you got for me?” Brett Holden was the guy she used on occasion as a private investigator.

“Just as you suspected. The email was sent to Sheppard Granger at Delvers from a computer belonging to the Wesconnett library.”

“Thanks for checking.”

“No problem. If you need me to do anything else, let me know.”

“Will do.” Carson clicked off the phone and said to herself, “Okay, Sheppard, your sons are being guarded. Now what?”

She opened the desk drawer and pulled out a copy of the email Sheppard had given her that day. The person responsible for his wife’s death was still out there and was crazy enough to try to kill again...even after fifteen years.

* * *
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