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Dreams of Forever: Seduction, Westmoreland Style

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McKinnon couldn’t, and while Casey continued talking he tried concentrating on what she was saying and not on what she was doing. Having her hands on her hips had drawn his gaze to her small waistline, curvy hips and thighs. A waist he had touched the night they’d kissed, and thighs and hips that he’d molded against his own.


He quirked an eyebrow at her. “What?”

“What do you think?”

“I don’t like it,” he said in a gruff voice. “There’s too much work to be done before it can be occupied.”

Casey frowned. “It wouldn’t hurt for you to be a little positive.”

“Just speaking the truth.” He turned to Ms. Mills. “You don’t have anything in a more settled residential area? I don’t like the fact that there’s a bar on the corner.”

Before the woman could answer, Casey said in an irritated voice, “You don’t have to live here, McKinnon. That bar won’t bother me.” She then turned to Joanne. “But the size of the kitchen does. It’s too small. I like cooking on occasion and there’s not enough cabinet space. What’s next on the list?”

McKinnon didn’t like the next couple of places, either, and Casey had to admit that neither did she. It was late afternoon when they’d seen the last apartment and Ms. Mills promised to call when other listings came up.

“You might do better just to buy a piece of land and build on it,” McKinnon said as they headed to the car.

“I might have to do that,” she said, but knew that building a place would take even longer. She glanced up at the man walking beside her, thinking that although he had gotten on her last nerve a few times today by being overly critical of the places they’d seen, she had enjoyed spending time with him. “How’s your hand holding up?”

He glanced over at her. “I told you my hand is fine. To prove that point, I’ll drive back to the ranch.”

Casey didn’t have a problem with that since she’d found concentrating on the road and not him rather difficult. She’d been too distracted by his mere presence, and now that he had removed the rubber band from his hair, the curly mane flowed freely down his back, making him look more savage than tame. And then there were his smoky, dark eyes that would lock with hers. More than once while sitting in the doctor’s reception room she’d glanced up from the magazine she’d been flipping through to find him watching her with an unreadable expression on his face. Each time their gazes connected her desire for him intensified that much more, and although she tried looking in another direction, it seemed her eyes kept inexplicably returning to his, only to find him still staring.

She handed him the keys. “If you want to drive, that’s fine with me.”

“Thanks.” McKinnon opened the car door for Casey and stood back to let her get inside, trying to ignore the way her dress raised a little when she sat, showing a nice amount of thigh. He was attracted to her something awful and spending time with her had only intensified that attraction. Sitting and watching her at the doctor’s office had been challenging. He was sure he had made her nervous but he hadn’t been able to help it. She was take-your-breath-away beautiful and while staring at her he wondered about a number of things. How she would look naked. What sounds she would make when she came. Visions of them wrapped up together in tangled sheets had immediately materialized in his mind.

He composed himself as he moved around the car to get in on the driver’s side. He was used to seeing what he wanted and going after it, but had to constantly remind himself that with Casey came limitations. Hell, forget limitations—with Casey Westmoreland there was a no-fly, total hands-off zone, which he’d already breeched with that kiss. But he was determined to try and adhere to it from now on, no matter what.

“Hey, McKinnon, wait up!”

McKinnon gritted his teeth as he turned around. Rick Summers, who’d always been a pain in McKinnon’s and Durango’s sides, was approaching at a rapid pace. Rick wasn’t someone they considered a friend. In fact, from the time he’d moved into the area a few years ago, he’d practically made it his business to try and compete against them where the ladies were concerned. He really thought a lot of himself, and when it came to the treatment of women he could be a total jerk.

“Rick, what can I do for you?” McKinnon asked, annoyed when the man reached the car.

Rick gave him a smooth smile. “I was on my way to visit a friend and thought I recognized you coming out of the house that’s for sale. Thinking about moving into town, McKinnon?”


The man then peered through the open window to where Casey was sitting and all but licked his lips. “I also saw your lady friend. Aren’t you going to introduce us?”

McKinnon stopped short of saying “no” but knew he really had no choice. “Casey, I’d like you to meet Rick Summers, and Rick, this is Casey Westmoreland.”

A surprised look appeared on Rick’s face. “Westmoreland?”

“Yes. She’s Durango’s cousin and Corey Westmoreland’s daughter.”

A smile touched Rick’s lips and McKinnon knew the man was giving Casey what he thought was his most flirtatious smile. “Nice meeting you, Casey,” he said, opening the car door to shake her hand.

Casey returned the man’s smile. “Nice meeting you, too, Rick.”

“Are you just visiting a spell?” Rick asked curiously.

“No, I’m moving to Bozeman.”

McKinnon knew by the darkening of Rick’s eyes he had definitely latched on to that response. “To live with your father up on his mountain?”

Casey chuckled. “No, somewhere here in town.”

McKinnon watched as Rick’s smiled widened into a look McKinnon compared to a wolf on a hunt. “In that case, I hope we run into each other again…real soon.” He tipped his hat and walked off smiling.

McKinnon shook his head, and when he slid into the driver’s seat, he slammed the door shut as his protective instincts kicked in. If Rick Summers thought for one minute he would be adding Casey’s name to his little black book, he could think again. Although who she dated was none of his business, the thought of her getting mixed up with the likes of Summers didn’t sit well with him.

“He seems like a nice guy.”

McKinnon glanced over at Casey. “In this case looks are deceiving because Rick’s not a nice guy. He’s an ass and I suggest you stay away from him.” He could tell by her expression that she didn’t appreciate his suggestion.

And as he drove toward the highway that would take them back to the ranch, he decided that whether she liked it or not, he intended to keep Summers away from her.

Chapter 7

“What are you doing for dinner?”

Casey stiffened as she got out of the car. Now that they were back at the ranch, surely he wasn’t going to invite her to eat with him. “The usual,” she heard herself say. “Henrietta usually fixes me something, and I eat it at the guesthouse while doing journal entries of Prince Charming’s daily progress on the computer. Why?”

“Just asking. Thanks again for the ride into town.”

“Don’t mention it.”

Common sense told McKinnon that this is where they would part ways. She would go to the guesthouse and he would go to the ranch house, and if he was real smart he would avoid her again this week. He’d spent some time with her today. He’d heard her voice and inhaled her scent and now he had gotten her out of his system for a while. Hell, not by a long shot. But as he forced himself to keep walking toward his front door, something made him turn around.

“Casey, how about if—”

Whatever words he was about to say died on his lips. She was gone, having made a swift exit to the guesthouse. His disappointment quickly turned into annoyance. Evidently she’d taken as much as she could of him for one day. He wished he could say the same but couldn’t. He could have taken more of her…a lot more. He had been constantly aware of her as a woman—a woman who probably didn’t know the extent of her own sensuality or sexuality. And he was a man who would love tapping into what she didn’t know; expose her to a few things. Hell, more than a few.

Thirty minutes later, after taking a shower and being careful to keep his stitches dry, he made his way to the kitchen to warm up his food. He’d been following this same routine for years, ever since Lynette had left. He was used to it and preferred things this way. He was about to stick his plate into the microwave when the phone rang.

He reached over and picked it up. “Yes?”

“How are you, McKinnon?”

He smiled upon hearing his mother’s voice. “I’m fine. How are you and Dad?”

“We’re both doing well. We just got back today. We’ve been up on Corey’s Mountain visiting, which is why I’m calling. Abby and I decided it would be nice to give a party for Casey.”

He tensed. “A party? Why?”
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