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The Westmoreland Legacy: The Rancher Returns (The Westmoreland Legacy) / His Secret Son (The Westmoreland Legacy) / An Honourable Seduction (The Westmoreland Legacy)

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She wrapped her arms around his neck as he wrapped his arms around her waist. They were sitting in his truck, kissing like oversexed teenagers. Like they had nothing better to do and all day to do it. How crazy was that? But the insanity was lost as she tasted him. He tasted primitive, untamed and wild with lust. How could she detect such a thing in a kiss? Was this a warning that she should back off? That Gavin Blake would be the one man she couldn’t ignore?

The latter gave her pause, but not enough to stop her tongue from mingling with his. Not enough to refrain from following his lead when he deepened the kiss. Not enough to stop the moan escaping her throat.

Layla knew then that she was a goner.

Seven (#ue141ee09-dbd7-53c6-a05c-d5124a0c80b6)

Gavin greedily devoured Layla’s mouth. Never before had any woman escalated his arousal to such a state. And never had any woman made him want to kiss her each and every time he saw her.

Every bone and muscle in his body throbbed with a need for her that went beyond desire. Intense heat curled inside of him, threatening his control. And the one thing he was known for was control. So why were his brain cells faltering under the onslaught of such a delicious kiss? Why was his body making urgent demands for him to make love to her right here in his truck? Damn. What could he say?

Nothing. He was totally at a loss for words, which was a good thing since he didn’t have time to indulge in any. He preferred using his mouth for this kiss. He intended to get his fill. But a part of him wasn’t sure he could ever get his fill of Layla. He saw her and he wanted her. That wasn’t good. He had to get control of his body and of the situation. And he needed to do so now.

Gavin reluctantly broke off the kiss. Drawing his mouth away from hers was one of the hardest things he’d had to do. He saw the look of denied need in her eyes before she leaned back, dropped her head against the headrest and closed her eyes. He figured she was as in awe of what just happened as he was.

What they’d shared wasn’t just a kiss. It was an acknowledgment of deep sexual desires. He knew what was driving his and he thought he had figured out what was driving hers. She just refused to accept it. She was stubborn. It would take a lot more kisses like this one to bring her around. They’d felt an intense attraction to each other from the first, and from all appearances, things had gotten worse.

He continued to stare at her as heat curled inside of him. He wanted her. Bad. And that pushed him to say, “So tell me again why we can’t sleep together.”

* * *

Layla heard his words but she couldn’t respond. Neither could she open her eyes to look at him. There was no point. She knew what she would see in the depths of his dark gaze. A sexual need so hot it was likely to sizzle her insides. It would make her fully aware of her own sexual need. A need he stirred to life inside her whether she wanted him to or not.

“Open your eyes, Layla. I’m not going anywhere.”

At least not today. She suddenly remembered Ms. Melody mentioning he had to go to Mississippi on business. “When are you leaving?” she asked, opening her eyes.

Just as she’d expected. The eyes staring at her were dark and seductive.

He lifted a brow. “Leaving for where?”

“Mississippi. Your grandmother mentioned you had important business to take care of there.”

“Trying to get rid of me, are you?”

“It wouldn’t hurt,” she said and saw his eyes get even darker when she moistened her bottom lip with the tip of her tongue. “So when are you leaving?”

He moved his gaze from her mouth to her eyes. “I changed my mind about Mississippi. I’m not leaving here any time soon.” She couldn’t stop the disappointment that flashed through her.

“But I thought you had important business to take care of.”

“My plans have changed. Do you have a problem with that?”

“I just hope you don’t plan to get underfoot.”

“I’ll try not to. Now show me the exact spot where you plan to dig,” he said, opening the truck door to get out.

No matter what he said, Layla knew Gavin would try getting underfoot.

* * *

When Gavin pulled an odd-looking camera from his backseat, Layla lifted a brow. “What is that?”

He smiled. “A Vericon 12D. It’s a high-tech camera that’s mainly used underwater. Flipper messed around with it so we could use it on land, as well.”


“Yes, Flipper. One of my team members. He’s into technology and all that high-tech stuff,” Gavin said as they walked side by side.

“Surely Flipper isn’t his real name.”

Gavin chuckled. “His real name is David Holloway. His code name is Flipper.”

“Oh,” she said, glancing up at him. “Do you have a code name?”


“What is it?”

He saw no reason not to tell her since his grandmother was well aware of it, too. His teammates called Gavin by his code name whenever they came to visit. “Viper.”

Layla scrunched up her features. “Viper?”

“Yes, Viper.”


“Why what?”

“Why do they call you Viper?”

He stopped walking to answer her, and when he stopped, she did, too. He hadn’t noticed before how small she seemed, standing close to him. He figured he’d never noticed because usually when he faced her he was fixated on her mouth.

“The reason I’m called Viper is because when I set my sights on a target, I don’t give up until I make a hit. I love taking the enemy down.”

She tilted her head to look up at him. “Do you consider me an enemy?”

He didn’t hesitate. “No.” She wasn’t the enemy, but he had every intention of taking her down...right into his bed.

Evidently satisfied with his response, she looked around him, back toward where the truck was parked. Then she turned around. She did it several times and each time he saw her confusion deepen.

“Is something wrong?” he finally asked.

She whipped around to look at him. “Yes, something is wrong.”

He glanced around before returning his gaze to her. “What?”

“Someone moved my marker. It’s gone.”
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