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One Special Moment

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“No, I'm sure he wouldn't,” Sterling said. His voice was like a soft caress as he continued. “A few minutes ago, you mentioned all the sacrifices he's made over the years for you, Colby. What real sacrifices have you made for him?”

Colby rose from the sofa to face him, her expression pleading for understanding. “But you're asking me to give up a baby, something that will be a part of me, my own flesh and blood.”

Sterling stood. “Yes. That's exactly what I'm asking you.”

“But a baby needs its mother.”

His jaw hardened. “You can't convince me of that. I didn't need mine.”

Colby lifted a brow. From his remark she could only assume his mother was not around while he was growing up, and for whatever reason, it had left him bitter. “You may not have had a mother around, Sterling, but you can't convince me you didn't need one.”

She watched him move to the window and gaze out. After a few brief minutes he slowly turned back to her, giving her a long, hard look. “It's important you understand that if you decide to go along with me on this, once I get custody of my child, you'll never be a part of its life again. I will be its only parent.”

“But you constantly travel all over the world. You'll never get an award for being a stay-at-home family man. What kind of life can you offer a child? When will you have the time to spend with it?”

“My child will be the most important thing in my life, and it's the quality of time and not the quantity of time that makes a difference. I will be both father and mother to my child.”

Colby swallowed. What could she say? He was convinced a mother's love wasn't necessary. “What if the woman decides after the baby is born that she wants to keep it?”

“I'll have the contract to back me up,” Sterling answered. “I've taken extra precautions to make sure it's not contestable.”

Colby then asked the question that had nagged her since leaving Edward Stewart's office. Sterling Hamilton was known to be a man whose name was constantly linked to some of the most beautiful women in the world. He was the man both People and Entertainment magazines referred to as one of the country's most eligible bachelors, as well as an extraordinarily gifted actor. The media thoroughly enjoyed keeping the public informed of his bad-boy lifestyle. It was often rumored nothing in a skirt was safe from him, especially if that skirt-wearing female caught his eye. From everything she'd read about him, he preferred a certain type of woman—tall women with long legs and pencil-thin bodies. She had none of those faculties.

“Why me, Sterling? Why was I the one chosen?”

He stared at her a few minutes before speaking. “I found the information on you very interesting. Foremost were the facts that according to the medical information I obtained, I don't have to worry about you giving me anything other than a baby, and you don't have any gynecological problems, so there shouldn't be any difficulty with you getting pregnant.”

“And what about you?” Colby snapped, angry that he had invaded her privacy by obtaining information about her. “Maybe you should be concerned about just what you might give me. You're the one with the widely acclaimed global sex life. And what if there's a problem with you?” Colby asked, lifting her chin belligerently. “What makes you so sure you can get someone pregnant?”

An amused look glinted in Sterling's eyes. “The tabloids like to sell those sleazy papers, and the media likes to keep America's ears buzzing. You're too intelligent for me to stand here and deny every intimate detail you've heard about me, so I won't. But I will say most of what you've read is not true. Although I do date a number of women, I don't believe in taking unnecessary risks. I love life too much not to be selective and cautious. It's plain suicidal these days not to. And at the risk of sounding boastful, getting you pregnant won't be a problem. However, to address your concerns, according to a recent physical I had, my sperm count was more than adequate to accomplish what I need to do.”

Colby blushed furiously. Then she asked her next question. “What about you and Diamond Swain? At one time the two of you acted like you were joined at the hip. Why can't she give birth to your child?”

He was silent for so long that for a while Colby didn't think he would answer her question. When he finally did, his tone was serious, and the look in his eyes held no signs of humor. “Diamond Swain is very special to me but not in the way the media has claimed. She and I are very good friends and that's all you need to know.”

“That's not all I need to know. If you plan on sleeping with the both of us then—”

“I wouldn't do that, and I refuse to discuss Diamond any further.”

Colby's anger increased. She wondered just what his relationship was with the woman who was the leading lady in most of his movies. According to Cynthia, at one time rumors had circulated that the two of them were even married.

She looked at him and his gaze held hers. His expression was unreadable. She knew he was waiting for her to make some kind of flippant comment about what he'd just said. But she had no intention of making his day. Her eyes narrowed at him but she said nothing.

“What's the matter, Colby? Suddenly at a loss for words?”

When she didn't reply, he shrugged indifferently. “Now where were we? Ah, yes, I was explaining how you were chosen. Another thing that impressed me about you was that you're an extraordinarily bright young woman. You graduated from high school at the age of sixteen.”

“There was nothing bright about that,” she said quietly. “James was taking classes at night at the college and didn't want to leave me home alone so he took me with him. I discovered I could get credit for a lot of my required high school classes if I took similar classes at the continuing education center located on campus, so I did. In the end, I had taken enough hours to waive my senior year of high school. I was able to graduate a year early.”

Sterling nodded as he listened carefully to her explanation. “You also completed four years of college in three years and still managed to graduate valedictorian of your class. You also got your master's degree in half the usual time.”

Colby shrugged. “So what of it? I merely took classes year round and studied hard.”

Sterling again nodded. Unlike a lot of women he knew, she wasn't one who liked to toot her own horn. “Lastly, according to my information, you're not seriously involved with anyone and haven't been for some time. All those things are important to me.”

His gaze suddenly became serious. “If you decide to go along with what I proposed to do, no one is to know of our agreement. The only person who'll know our marriage isn't one made in heaven is Edward. You're to tell no one, not even your brother. We'll do everything within our power to convince everyone we're in love. Because of who I am, our relationship will become news. The media is always fishing for a story. It's very important that we put on a good show.”

“Why? From what I've read, you've never cared one way or the other what the media has thought. Why are you doing so now? Besides, even if I went along with what you're suggesting, James would never believe it. He knows me too well and knows I'm not serious about anyone—especially not serious enough to rush into marriage.”

“The reason I'll be courting the media is because I don't want my child growing up with the circumstances surrounding his birth an issue. Neither do I want there to be any speculation about why you and I got married. As far as your brother is concerned, it'll be up to you to convince him our marriage is a match made in heaven,” Sterling said calmly.

Colby got out of her seat and began pacing again. Moments later she turned to Sterling. “I can't do it.”

He came from the window to stand before her. “Yes, you can. You love your brother too much to let him lose everything he's worked hard for. You will make the ultimate sacrifice to help him.”

“James would turn the company over to Morton Industries on a silver platter before he'd let me do what you're suggesting.”

“Are you willing to let him do that? I really don't think you are.”

Colby's head began spinning. Things were moving too fast. “I need time to think.”

Sterling shrugged. “I wish I could tell you to take all the time you need, but I can't. I want your decision as soon as possible, preferably in the morning over breakfast. If you decide to go along with this, you should make plans to stay in California a few more days so Edward can modify the contract.”

He pointed to the papers he had left on the sofa. “I'm leaving those for you to take a look at. Maybe then you'll understand the seriousness of the possibility of your brother losing his company.”

He eyed Colby closely, seeing her look of anger and frustration. “Giving up your child won't be the end of the world. No doubt you'll remarry one day and have other children.”

Colby didn't make a reply to his statement. What was the need? He actually believed what he was saying. How could anyone think one child could possibly replace another?

She took a deep breath. “I'll give you my decision in the morning. How can I reach you?”

“Didn't you know?” he asked as his mouth curved in a lazy grin. “I'm in the adjoining suite.” He walked over to the connecting door. “Although I have a home in Malibu, I prefer staying at this hotel whenever I'm in town and have important business to take care of.”

His smile widened. “And you are important business. I'll see in the morning, Colby.”

She watched as the door closed behind him. Then she walked to the door and locked it. Feeling monumentally drained, Colby went over to the sofa, curled up in the corner and began reading the documents Sterling had left. A few hours later, she was still curled on the sofa. The impact of everything was seeping through her mind and her heart.

Then she went into the bedroom and began getting ready for bed. She drifted off to sleep still uncertain as to what she would do.

Chapter 4

Colby dragged herself out of bed the next morning after having endured a sleepless night. The report Sterling had left clearly indicated Morton Industries was strategically planning a hostile takeover attempt of Wingate Cosmetics. And with Cynthia's at-risk pregnancy, a potential loss of the company was the last thing that her brother needed to deal with.

She felt the need for a hot shower to relax her. After checking to make sure the lock on the connecting door was still securely in place, she went into the bathroom.

During her shower she decided to go downstairs to the dining room for something to eat. Sterling had indicated he wanted the two of them to get together for breakfast, but he was the last person she wanted to see. Hopefully, he was still in his room sleeping.

Moving quickly, she got dressed in record time. Grabbing her purse, she was about to leave the room when there was a knock at her door.
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