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Finding Home Again

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“I think I’ll go help your dad and brothers in the back. Time to put my pies in the oven for the lunch crowd,” her mother said.

“Okay, Mom.”

Moments later, while Bryce was placing their orders in front of Ray and Sawyer, she felt heat behind her and didn’t have to look to know Kaegan had arrived.

When he sat down she glanced over at him. “Your usual, K-Gee?”

He glared at her and she wanted to smile but managed to keep a straight face. He hated that nickname and she’d only called him that to annoy the hell out of him.

“Yes, my usual, Brycie.”

She momentarily went still, not expecting him to retaliate by calling her that. Brycie had been his special name for her whenever they made love. Not able to deal with the memories right now, instead of saying anything she nodded and walked off to the kitchen.

When she saw her mother busy mixing up her pies, she said, “Kaegan is here now, so you can stop fretting.”

Her mother chuckled. “I wasn’t fretting. I’d just noticed he hadn’t arrived at the time he usually does.”

It was no secret that Chester and Debbie Witherspoon always had a soft spot for Kaegan. In fact, very few people knew that it had been Bryce’s mother who’d gone to the school board and pushed for Kaegan to attend regular school and not the fake homeschooling his father claimed he was getting.

It might bewilder some people as to how her parents could still be so fond of a man who’d obviously hurt their daughter. But she knew her parents. The one thing she could give them credit for was not getting involved in their children’s business. They accepted the fact that Bryce and her brothers were adults and treated them that way. They got along with their daughters-in-law, and whenever disagreements would come up, they didn’t take sides.

She understood her parents’ feelings for Kaegan. He’d been a part of their lives just as long as he’d been a part of hers back in elementary school. They loved him like another son. Although her parents didn’t know all the details of their breakup, they believed it was something she and Kaegan would eventually work out. And just like the situation with her brothers and their wives, when it came to her and Kaegan, they refused to take sides.

Her brothers weren’t as easygoing as her parents. All they knew was that Kaegan had hurt her, and in the beginning that had been enough for them to take sides. But when she refused to tell them what Kaegan had done, they soon took the same position her parents had. Kaegan was like a part of their family. Ry and Duke figured whatever had pushed her and Kaegan apart, they would either work it out or they would not. Her brothers made the decision to let her handle her own business when it came to Kaegan and not get involved, and she appreciated that.

Placing hot blueberry muffins in the basket to take to Kaegan’s table, she wondered if his tardiness had anything to do with the woman who hadn’t been able to keep her eyes off him at the party. It appeared everyone had left the party Friday night, but that didn’t necessarily mean she hadn’t returned later for a weekend sleepover.

Reminding herself that what Kaegan did wasn’t her business, she went to pour his coffee.

“YOU’RE NOT VERY talkative, Kaegan,” Sawyer said, stirring his coffee.

Kaegan glanced up. “Not much to say this morning.”

Ray chuckled. “Well, I have a lot to say, mainly about Friday night. That was a damn good party and the food was fantastic, as usual.”

“Glad you enjoyed it.” And because he considered these two men his closest friends, he figured he needed to give them a reason for his solemn mood, even if it wasn’t the only reason. “I anticipate a busy week. I got another big order for the Chappell Group that needs to go out Thursday.”

“I’ll be able to help,” Ray said, smiling. “Ashley’s parents are coming for a short visit. When it comes to her mother, I have to take her in small doses, so trust me, you’ll be doing me a favor.”

Kaegan chuckled. “Was it that way before, when you were that Devon guy?” For a few years Ray had lost his memory.

“It was worse. I think at times she’s trying to determine how much of ‘Devon’ is still in me. Her only saving grace is that I understand she’s happy and excited that I finally got her daughter pregnant. She’s always wanted grandchildren.”

“And now you’re giving her doubles,” Sawyer said, grinning. “You’re going to love being the father of twins.”

“Says a man who should know,” Kaegan said, also grinning. He was happy for these two. He recalled how just a few years ago the three of them had been single men, without a thought of a female in their lives. All of that had changed. At least for two of them things had.

“I saw Farley’s sister at your party. She came without him?” Ray asked.

“Yes. He wasn’t feeling well, and I guess she didn’t want to miss a good party,” Kaegan said, chuckling.

“She’s a divorcée, right?” Sawyer asked.

“Yes, that’s right.”

“She’s pretty,” Ray said, looking at him over the rim of his coffee cup.

He glanced at Ray. “Is she? I hadn’t really noticed.”

In truth, he had noticed, but not enough to warrant his interest. She wasn’t his type. Not that he believed everything he heard, but on more than one occasion he’d heard his men whispering that she was into kinky stuff and that threesomes were her specialty. Personally, he wasn’t into sharing.

He glanced up when a cup of coffee and a basket of blueberries were placed in front of him. When his and Bryce’s eyes met, something stirred deep within his gut and he immediately resented the feeling. He also resented that he was noticing how pretty she looked this morning. Could it be the hint of blush she’d added to her cheeks? Or that her lashes seemed a little longer than usual? In the past, Bryce only put on makeup when it suited her. Was there a reason she was wearing some now? Was there a man coming into the café that she wanted to impress?

“Will there be anything else?” she asked him.

He hated that his thoughts had been on a past that could never be rekindled. She was glaring at him and he automatically glared back. “From you? No.”

He saw her bite down on her bottom lip, probably tempted to tell him where he could take the coffee and muffins and shove them. Instead she turned and walked off. He watched her leave and figured that even if he no longer cared one iota for her, he could still appreciate a good-looking ass in jeans. He kept his gaze glued to her backside until she disappeared behind the counter. He wished he didn’t remember a time he considered that ass and every damn part of her body as his.

“Keep it up and one day you’re going to get hot coffee thrown in your face, Kaegan,” Sawyer said, breaking into his thoughts.

He looked over at Sawyer. “If that happens, I’m sure you’ll be quick to arrest her.”

Sawyer shrugged his shoulders. “Can’t say that I will. I might figure you had it coming.”

“I will have to agree with him,” Ray added. “I don’t know what happened between you and Bryce years ago, but I’d think the two of you should—”

“Continue to ignore each other,” Kaegan interrupted.

“The two of you don’t ignore each other,” Sawyer said, after taking a sip of his coffee. “You antagonize each other. You do her and she does you.”

Kaegan wished Sawyer hadn’t said that. Why did memories of him and Bryce together suddenly flash through his mind? Her naked beneath him while they made love. He had been her first and she had been his.

He glanced at his watch. “I got to go. Marty called and one of his kids is sick, so he won’t be coming in. I’ll be helping with deliveries today.”

Ray raised an eyebrow. “Where’s John?”

“On vacation. He and his family left Saturday for Walt Disney World.”

Ray nodded. “You know if you need me to pitch in I’m just a phone call away.”

Kaegan knew that was true. When Ray had first arrived in town he had worked for him, first out on the boat and then in the office as a bookkeeper. The man had a way with numbers and in the end it was discovered why. He was a Harvard man with dual degrees in computer technology and finance. Even after Ray had started up his own company, Ray Tours, he would often volunteer and help out in any way he could, especially during audit time. Kaegan always welcomed the help. He still did, but knew Ray’s business had grown by leaps and bounds. Instead of one touring boat, Ray now had five. When Ray had gotten his memory back, it was discovered he was a very wealthy man. But Kaegan still appreciated that he hadn’t changed. He was still the laid-back man he considered a close friend.

“I’ll keep that in mind,” Kaegan said, standing and leaving enough money on the table to cover his bill and a tip. He glanced over to where Bryce was waiting on another table. Why his gaze had been drawn to her, he wasn’t sure. He never was sure.

“You’re still leaving, Kaegan?”

It was then that he realized he had been standing there staring at Bryce. He glanced at his friends. “Yes, I’m still leaving.”
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