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The Wallflowers To Wives Collection

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Escape to regency London in this four book collection!Unbuttoning the Innocent Miss'All you have to do is watch my mouth.'Simple, in theory, but how can the ton’s most eligible catch Jonathon Lashley concentrate on his French lessons with Miss Claire Welton when all he wants is to claim that delectable mouth with a heart-stopping kiss?Awakening the Shy MissDimitri Petrovich, Prince of Kuban, is unlike any man seamstress Evie Milham has ever met. Exotic and charismatic, he’s visiting her sleepy country village to excavate antiquities. Yet one glimpse of the Prince’s melting brown eyes, and shy Evie’s heart races like never before…Claiming His Defiant MissAristocrat’s daughter May Worth is beautiful, headstrong…and in trouble. There’s only one man who can protect her: Liam Casek, her brother’s best friend, a government agent, and the man whose sinfully seductive touch she’s never forgotten.Marrying the Rebellious MissWhen an ill-fated affair left Beatrice Penrose with more than just memories, she fled to Scotland to raise her son away from society’s eyes. But the past catches up with her…and Preston Worth is impossible to deny when he’s sent to bring her home.
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