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Untamed Rogue, Scandalous Mistress

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Aurora shook her head. ‘I am sure.’ She gave him a hard stare. ‘It is unconscionable to doubt my students.’ Even as she said it, an uneasy suspicion crossed her mind. Her students would keep the secret to the best of their abilities, but she didn’t expect them to withstand extreme punishments or worse in order to protect it. They were gently bred young women after all and had little experience with the darker side of life. Except for Eleanor Windham. The poor girl! Could Gregory Windham have extracted such a confession from her, his own daughter?

Crispin leaned across the table, answering her with equal steel. ‘In my experience, Princess, secrets are leaked by those on the inside. Very rarely does an outsider stumble upon a secret and expose it. Don’t be naïve, Aurora. In all likelihood, one of your girls told someone. Don’t ignore the reality simply because it is unpalatable.’

Aurora rose from the table, pushing her unpleasant thoughts to the back of her mind. ‘You presume too much on too short an acquaintance, I think, Lord Ramsden.’ She gathered up the plates. ‘Thank you for breakfast. I am sure you have responsibilities elsewhere that demand your attention.’

His hand seized her wrist. ‘I will not be dismissed so easily.’

‘Unhand me.’ This was how it had all started last night; a quick touch, a little flirting, and she’d talked herself right into bed with the earl’s brother. Now she had Sir Lancelot in her kitchen wanting to do good deeds.

‘We’re not finished. If you won’t talk about the potential danger you’re in, then we can talk about last night.’

Aurora groaned. The only thing she wanted to talk about less than the stables was last night. Conversations that began with ‘about last night’ never went well.

‘What is there to mention?’ Aurora sat down hard on the bench. ‘I thought we were doing rather well not mentioning last night at all.’ That was the way she preferred it at least, which was one reason she so seldom took a man to her bed. Worthy men always wanted to complicate matters afterwards with feelings of obligation. With feelings of obligation came feelings of ownership. Aurora fought back a shiver. She did not belong to any man. Not any more. Not ever again.

‘What is there to mention?’ Crispin repeated coolly. ‘Surely it hasn’t escaped your notice that we didn’t take any precautions.’

Aurora looked him firmly in the eye, her tone brisk. ‘I did not consider you a traditionalist in that sense. There won’t be any complications. You needn’t worry. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have classes to prepare.’ She moved to go past him.

He put a staying hand on her arm. ‘This discussion is not over,’ Crispin said warningly. ‘Peyton has set up a meeting with my steward today, but I’ll be back and this discussion will be continued.’

Mackey finished his report and Gregory Windham rubbed his hands together in satisfaction. ‘And the rest? Was your man, Ernie, able to scout out the stables last night?’

Windham preferred to believe that his indirect attempt to stir the villagers against her would be all that was required. However, in the event that failed by the month’s end, he needed a back up. He’d hired Mackey’s assistant to find out the night schedule of the stables in case more direct intervention, such as an injury to Aurora’s prize horse, was needed. Such drastic measures were only to be used in desperation. He didn’t want to risk anyone being caught in the act and have them lead the authorities back to him.

Mackey shuffled his feet. ‘Ah, no, sir. She had company at the stables last night and we weren’t able to get close without fear of being spotted.’

Windham steepled his hands, pretending apathy. ‘Oh? Who might the visitor be?’

‘Ernie says it was Crispin Ramsden, sir. Dursley’s brother. I’ve never met him before, so I have to take Ernie’s word on that,’ Mackey hedged.

‘I’d heard rumour he was home. You could have waited until he left. I pay you enough to wait all night if need be. Everyone has to go home some time.’

Mackey coughed, embarrassed. ‘That was the problem, sir. He didn’t go home. Ernie said he stayed all night.’

Envy shot through Windham in hot bolts. The Jezebel! She’d shunned his offer only to take Dursley’s rakehell brother to bed instead. It sickened him to think of her with another, doing the things he’d dreamed of doing to her.

Windham carefully schooled his features to not give away any hint of his inward turmoil. Ramsden certainly complicated matters, especially if he was welcome in the hoyden’s bed. Yet, this last transgression provided another nail in the proverbial coffin, proof that Aurora Calhoun was no better than she ought to be. It was his experience that women living alone without a man’s guidance were prone to illicit behaviours. He would make sure that was the village’s experience too. When he finished with her, no man would want her again except for him and she would be glad to welcome his attentions. When she was broken, finally, she would see that only he could save her.

‘Did you know?’ Crispin fixed Peyton with a challenging stare over the decanter of brandy in the empty dining room. He’d dined at Dursley Park that evening, but the excellent food and company had done little to appease his dark mood. The day had gone steadily downhill after leaving Aurora’s.

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