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An Essay on the Antient and Modern State of Ireland

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Had they been to us, as the Swallow, in Autumn, who forsakes all Connections on the Approach of Inclemency, I should never have pleaded for any Confidence in them. But a People, who, through a Winter of seventy Years Continuance, have never failed, or forsaken, or given us Cause of Offence, surely merit some Consideration, some grateful and chearing Ray to warm them to a Sense that Protestants are not, by Choice, of a cruel, unforgiving, and malevolent Nature.

Lastly, Sir, as I know you to be a Gentleman of a communicative Disposition, and that you were, formerly, fond of exhibiting the Sentiments of some of your Friends; should you impart this Letter to any of your popish Acquaintance, I doubt they might be apt to give me more Thanks than I am conscious I deserve. It is, therefore, but commonly honest, to advertise you, and them, that while I write in the Favour of Papists, the Interest of Protestants is never out of my Eye.

When I thought your Favourites most formidable, I shewed I did not fear them; and now, that I think them impotent, let them not think I flatter.

What I have hitherto hinted is but a narrow opening to the Concerns and Interests of an unhappy Country, whereof I have the Misfortune to be a helpless, though loving, Member. To promote the Advantage of Ireland, in any respect, would be, to me, the cardinal Point of the whole Compass of my Ambition; and a subsequent Letter may shew how far my Observations relate to the Decline, or Prosperity, of my Country, whenever you confer the Pleasure of an Answer on,

Dear SIR,

Your truly affectionate, &c.



Dublin, 1753, M. Reilly, Editor.


This Mac Con More Macnamara, Duke of Klan Cullane, founded, erected, and amply endowed the beautiful Abbey of Quin; as did other Chieftains of his Name and Family, several Parochial Churches, with a great Number of magnificent Castles.


Seasonable Thoughts, &c. published by George Faulkner; the Case of the Roman Catholics, and the Principles of the Roman Catholics, the two last published by P. Lord, in Cook-street, Dublin.


To all the above Productions of Ireland, may be justly added, our inestimable Fisheries, and plentiful Mines, which, under due national Encouragement, would raise immense Treasures.

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