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The Poetical Works of Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Volume 2

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Who say – ah me! who dare to say
Where joy comes to the living?
Thy boat, Nuleeni! look not sad —
Light up the waters rather!
I weep no faithless lover where
I wept a loving father."
The river floweth on.


"My heart foretold his falsehood
Ere my little boat grew dim;
And though I closed mine eyes to dream
That one last dream of him,
They shall not now be wet to see
The shining vision go:
From earth's cold love I look above
To the holy house of snow."[2 - The Hindoo heaven is localized on the summit of Mount Meru – one of the mountains of Himalaya or Himmaleh, which signifies, I believe, in Sanscrit, the abode of snow, winter, or coldness.]
The river floweth on.


"Come thou – thou never knewest
A grief, that thou shouldst fear one!
Thou wearest still the happy look
That shines beneath a dear one:
Thy humming-bird is in the sun,[3 - Himadeva, the Indian god of love, is imagined to wander through the three worlds, accompanied by the humming-bird, cuckoo, and gentle breezes.]
Thy cuckoo in the grove,
And all the three broad worlds, for thee
Are full of wandering love."
The river floweth on.


"Why, maiden, dost thou loiter?
What secret wouldst thou cover?
That peepul cannot hide thy boat,
And I can guess thy lover;
I heard thee sob his name in sleep,
It was a name I knew:
Come, little maid, be not afraid,
But let us prove him true!"
The river floweth on.


The little maiden cometh,
She cometh shy and slow;
I ween she seeth through her lids
They drop adown so low:
Her tresses meet her small bare feet,
She stands and speaketh nought,
Yet blusheth red as if she said
The name she only thought.
The river floweth on.


She knelt beside the water,
She lighted up the flame,
And o'er her youthful forehead's calm
The fitful radiance came: —
"Go, little boat, go soft and safe,
And guard the symbol spark!"
Soft, safe doth float the little boat
Across the waters dark.
The river floweth on.


Glad tears her eyes have blinded,
The light they cannot reach;
She turneth with that sudden smile
She learnt before her speech —
"I do not hear his voice, the tears
Have dimmed my light away,
But the symbol light will last to-night,
The love will last for aye!"
The river floweth on.


Then Luti spake behind her,
Outspake she bitterly —
"By the symbol light that lasts to-night,
Wilt vow a vow to me?"
Nuleeni gazeth up her face,
Soft answer maketh she —
"By loves that last when lights are past,
I vow that vow to thee!"
The river floweth on.


An earthly look had Luti
Though her voice was deep as prayer —
"The rice is gathered from the plains
To cast upon thine hair:[4 - The casting of rice upon the head, and the fixing of the band or tali about the neck, are parts of the Hindoo marriage ceremonial.]
But when he comes his marriage-band
Around thy neck to throw,
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