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The Door of Heaven: A Manual for Holy Communion

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Can set the sinner free.

2 I am not worthy: cold and bare
The lodging of my soul;
How canst Thou deign to enter there?
Lord, speak, and make me whole.

3 I am not worthy; yet, my God,
How can I say Thee nay;
Thee, who didst give Thy Flesh and Blood
My ransom-price to pay?

4 O come! in this sweet morning hour
Feed me with Food divine;
And fill with all Thy love and power
This worthless heart of mine. Amen.


1 And now, O Father, mindful of the love
That bought us, once for all, on Calvary's Tree,
And having with us Him that pleads above,
We here present, we here spread forth to Thee
That only Offering perfect in Thine eyes,
The one true, pure, immortal sacrifice.

2 Look, Father, look on His anointed face,
And only look on us as found in Him;
Look not on our misusings of Thy grace,
Our prayer so languid, and our faith so dim:
For lo! between our sins and their reward
We set the Passion of Thy Son our Lord.

3 And then for those, our dearest and our best,
By this prevailing presence we appeal;
O fold them closer to Thy mercy's breast,
O do Thine utmost for their souls' true weal;
From tainting mischief keep them white and clear,
And crown Thy gifts with strength to persevere.

4 And so we come; O draw us to Thy feet,
Most patient Saviour, Who canst love us still;
And by this Food, so awful and so sweet,
Deliver us from every touch of ill:
In Thine own service make us glad and free,
And grant us never more to part with Thee.


1 Sweet feast of love divine;
'Tis grace that makes us free
To feed upon this Bread and Wine,
In memory, Lord, of Thee.

2 Here every welcome guest
Waits, Lord, from Thee to learn
The secrets of Thy Father's breast,
And all Thy grace discern.

3 Here conscience ends its strife,
And faith delights to prove
The sweetness of the Bread of life,
The fulness of Thy love.

4 The Blood that flowed for sin
In symbol here we see,
And feel the blessed pledge within,
That we are loved of Thee.

5 O if this glimpse of love
Is so divinely sweet,
What will it be, O Lord, above,
Thy gladdening smile to meet;

6 To see Thee face to face,
Thy perfect likeness wear,
And all Thy ways of wondrous grace
Through endless years declare. Amen.


1 In full and glad surrender
I give myself to Thee,
Thine utterly and only
And evermore to be.

2 O Son of God, who lovest me,
I will be Thine alone;
And all I have and am, Lord,
Shall henceforth be Thine own!

3 Reign over me, Lord Jesus;
O make my heart Thy throne:
It shall be Thine, dear Saviour,
It shall be Thine alone.

4 O come and reign, Lord Jesus;
Rule over everything!
And keep me always loyal,
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