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Swept Away

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He shrugged. “Just the usual. He is often taken advantage of.” He shook his head and smiled at her. “Please, let us not talk of Alfred. A dull subject, I’m afraid.”

“How unkind!” Julia’s eyes sparkled at him. “Then let us talk of something more interesting. You, for instance.”

“Me! No, I am afraid that you have hit upon another dull topic.”

“I doubt that.” In her somewhat limited experience, Julia had found that most men’s favorite topic of discourse was themselves, so she did not take him at his word. “At least, I do not find it dull. I know nothing about you.”

“There is little to tell. What would you like to know?”

What you did with that money, she thought—and how you made it look as if my brother had taken it. But those were scarcely things she could say, so Julia merely smiled and said, “Why, everything. I hardly know where to begin.” She paused. “Are cards your passion? Is that how you spend your days?”

“I usually reserve it for the nights. But, no, I would not say that gambling is a passion with me.” The look in his eyes gave her little doubt as to what he did regard as a passion. “’Tis merely a pastime.”

“I see. And what do you do the rest of the time?” She hoped that he might mention the trust in his activities; she was beginning to see that it was not so easy as she had thought to direct their conversation along the path she wished.

He shrugged. “The sorts of things one does. I go to my club when I’m in London. Pay calls. I’ve been known to race my curricle or to spar a few rounds at Jackson’s. Even attend to some business affairs.” He grinned. “You see? I told you it was deadly dull.” He lifted her hand, idly stroking down the back of her hand and each finger to the tip. “I am sure it would be much more fun to talk about you. Where are you from? London?”

“No, Kent,” she replied automatically, then worried that she had been too truthful. But then, she reminded herself, thousands of people lived in Kent; he wouldn’t necessarily think of Thomas St. Leger or his nearby neighbors, the Armigers.

“Indeed? I come into Kent now and then.”

“Really?” she murmured vaguely. She was finding the way he was caressing her hand quite distracting.

“Yes. I have a ward who lives there, and I visit him sometimes.”

“A ward? You mean you are someone’s guardian? Is he a relative?”

“No. I’m not his guardian, merely a trustee of his money.” He made a dismissive gesture. “I am afraid it’s not very interesting.”

“Oh, no, it sounds quite interesting. So you invest his money and such?”

“We direct it. There are two other gentlemen who are trustees, also. But let’s not talk about that.” He brought her hand up to his lips. “I would much rather talk about you. Or not talk at all.”

Julia raised a coquettish brow. “Indeed? Do you find talking with me so boring?”

“Never.” He began to kiss each individual finger, his eyes gazing into hers all the while. “It is just that there are so many other interesting things about you.”

The warmth of his lips against her fingers sent tingles running through Julia. She did not understand how something so small could set up such a strong reaction within her. “My lord…”

“Deverel,” he murmured, turning her hand over and planting a lingering kiss on the inside of her wrist.


“What?” He was kissing his way slowly up her bare arm, his lips hot and velvety on her skin, stirring her senses.

“I don’t think we should be doing this.”

“Why not?” She could feel his smile upon her skin.

“Uh, well, anyone could walk out here at any moment and see us.”

“That’s true. But unlikely.” He had reached the point of her shoulder and now began to trail kisses across her collarbone to her neck.

Heat welled up in Julia so quickly and explosively that it almost frightened her. “Deverel, stop.”

There was a touch of panic in her voice, and Stonehaven lifted his head, looking at her in a puzzled way.

“Why? What’s the matter?”

“I—” Julia was embarrassed by her moment of fear. She looked up at Deverel. His eyes were dark and smoldering in a way that made her insides quiver. Her eyes dropped to his mouth. She thought about their kiss a few nights earlier, and warmth blossomed in her loins.

She could not stop now, she told herself. She was not about to act the coward. She had to lead him along until she got him to talk. It was a delicate line to walk—to give just enough to keep him interested without giving in entirely. She had known that from the start. She had also known that Lord Stonehaven was no schoolboy to fall easily into her trap.

Julia drew a steadying breath and smiled at him. “Nothing. Nothing’s the matter,” she said, putting her hand behind his neck and pulling his head down.

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Though she had experienced it before, Julia was not quite prepared for the torrent of sensations that flooded her at his kiss. She trembled beneath the onslaught, and her fingers tightened against his neck, as if to help her hold on. She had never touched a man so boldly before, and she was very aware of the warmth of his skin and the way his hair brushed her fingers.

He kissed her long and deeply, as if he could reach her very soul, and his arms wrapped around her, pulling her into him until she could scarcely breathe. Their bodies strained together, a little awkwardly because of their seated positions on the bench, until finally Deverel pulled Julia onto his lap. She leaned back against his supporting arm, giving herself up to the pleasure of his kiss.

When at last he broke their contact, it was only to trail kisses across her cheek to her ear and take the fleshy lobe between his teeth, teasing it gently. She could hear the harsh rasp of his breath, and the sound was somehow exciting, too. Little shivers of delight radiated through her. She knew she must get a grip on herself, must control what was happening, but everything was too new and startling.

He began to kiss his way down the side of her neck, and as he did so, his hand slid up from her waist until it cupped her breast. Julia jumped in surprise, drawing in her breath in a gasp. “Deverel!”

“Mmm?” He continued to make his way down her neck to her shoulder.

“I—uh—” She didn’t know what to say. Her whole body was throbbing, and there was a restless ache between her legs. This was not working. She was getting in deeper and deeper without discovering anything. She gestured vaguely back toward the cottage. “The house…your friends…”

He raised his head and looked at her. His eyes glittered ferally, and his chest moved up and down in harsh, rapid pants. He glanced back toward the house where she pointed, then cast a long look at her.

“You’re right,” he said finally. “This place is hardly private enough.”

He closed his eyes as if fighting to gain control of himself. His arms loosened around her, and Julia made herself hop off his lap, a little surprised at how reluctant she was to do so.

“Wait…Jessica…” He reached toward her, but Julia took another step backward.

“Ah, no,” she said, pleased at the flirtatious tone that she forced into her voice. “I don’t know what sort of women you are used to, but I am not the kind to fall so easily into dalliance.”

Irritation flashed across his face, and for a moment Julia thought that he was about to flare up in anger, but then he sighed and leaned back against the bench, looking up at her and saying in a bantering voice, “Oh, and what kind of woman are you, then?”

“The sort who places a high value on herself,” Julia retorted coolly.

He chuckled. “Indeed. I would say that you are one whose value is higher than most.”

He stood and came to her, his lazy smile telling her that he understood her game. No doubt it was not uncommon for a bird of paradise to play a waiting game, trying to raise the stakes.

“What next, then?” he asked.
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