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His Wicked Charm

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“I suppose it will be an extensive project.” She wondered how long she could keep a conversation going about the renovation of a house she had never seen and had no interest in.

“I am sure it will.” He cleared his throat. “Delilah. I believe you must be aware that I hold you in high esteem.”

“Thank you,” Lilah interrupted, desperately trying to think of a way to stave off his next words. With relief, she heard the sound of the front door opening and the butler’s voice. Perhaps she would be rescued by another caller; at this point, she would welcome Mr. Tilden.

There were footsteps and the butler appeared in the doorway, saying with great pride, “Lord Moreland.”

“Con!” Lilah jumped to her feet, smiling. There could be no greater disruption to any scene than Con Moreland.


LILAH REALIZED THAT her smile was too glad and her greeting too familiar. She pulled her face back into order as she went forward to greet Con. “Lord Moreland. It’s so good to see you again.” As if it had been ages since last they’d met.

Con’s eyes twinkled. Lilah had little doubt that he had immediately read the situation. He bowed over her hand and said in a syrupy voice, “Miss Holcutt. How could I stay away when all I can think about are a pair of sky blue eyes?” He all but fluttered his lashes.

Trust Con to overplay it. She shot him a stern glance, which only caused him to grin. She realized that he was still holding her hand. Jerking her hand back, she turned aside. “Allow me to introduce you. Sir Jasper, this is Constantine, Lord Moreland.”

The two men greeted each other, Sir Jasper stiffly and Con graciously.

“Were you a friend of Miss Holcutt’s father?” Con asked with great innocence. “How good of you to pay a visit to his daughter.”

Sir Jasper looked as if he were about to swallow his tongue. Lilah jumped into the silence. “Sir Jasper is related to me.”

“Ah, I understand. At first I feared you were unchaperoned. But with your uncle here, it is quite appropriate.”

“I’m a very distant relation,” Sir Jasper said with a forced levity that made him sound as avuncular as Con had suggested.

“You must have had the pleasure of knowing Miss Holcutt since she was in pigtails and pinafores,” Con said as Sir Jasper and Lilah took their seats.

Instead of sitting in the vacant chair beside Sir Jasper, Con chose to sit on a nearby hassock, only a foot away from Lilah. Lounging there, athletically graceful and utterly at ease, in contrast to Sir Jasper’s increasing stiffness, Con proceeded to flirt with Lilah so outrageously that it was difficult for her not to burst into laughter.

It became obvious that neither man was going to give up any ground. After a few minutes of paying Lilah ever more fulsome compliments, Con let out a dramatic sigh and said, “Alas, Miss Holcutt, I can see that you have forgotten your promise.”

“My promise?” Lilah asked warily.

“Why, yes, you told my nieces you would accompany us for ices at Gunter’s and a walk in the park.” He adopted a doleful expression. “Poor Brigid and Athena, they will be sorely disappointed.”

“Oh, my goodness,” Lilah exclaimed in equally stagy tones, one hand to her heart. Clearly her aunt was right: Con Moreland was a bad influence. “We cannot have that, now, can we? Of course, we must go. I am so sorry to have forgotten.” She stood up and turned to Sir Jasper. “I do hope you will forgive me, Cousin Jasper. I must leave. Brigid and Athena are such adorable little moppets.” They were also wild as March hares, but Lilah saw no reason to mention that. She barely waited for Sir Jasper’s polite agreement before turning to Con. “Just let me fetch my hat and give the butler a message for my aunt.”

She hurried out the door, the men trailing after her. Sir Jasper walked with them to the street, and Lilah feared that he might decide to stroll along with them. She turned to him, holding out her hand and saying, “Goodbye, Cousin Jasper. It was good to speak with you.”

He could do little but take his leave of them. “Good day. I am sure I will see you again soon, Cousin Delilah.”

Blast the man. He had called her by her full name. She sneaked a sideways glance at Con. Of course he would catch that. Lilah pivoted and started off at a quick pace, but Con kept up with her easily. His eyes brimming with laughter, his tone rich with wicked delight, he said, “Delilah? Your name is Delilah?”

Lilah let out a huff of annoyance. “Yes. It is. You’re a fine one to talk…Constantine.”

He chuckled. “I rather like being an emperor.”

“It’s a good deal less embarrassing than being a…a…”

“Temptress?” He grinned. “Seductress?”

She gave him a freezing look, her former good humor with him gone. “Deceiver. Liar. Betrayer.”

“You’re none of those things. Though I imagine you could bring a man to his knees.” When she made no answer, he went on meditatively, “I should probably be afraid of you. But I believe I’ll risk it.”

“You are a perfectly annoying man.”

“So you’ve told me. It’s a wonder you’re willing to go anywhere with me.”

“I was in desperate straits.”

He laughed. “I could tell. Was he about to ask for your hand?”

Lilah let out a gusty sigh, and the knot she hadn’t even realized was in her chest loosened. She slowed her steps. “I didn’t want to risk it.”

“I should think not. I’m surprised you didn’t ward him off with a chaperone. There are several old ladies in my family whom I would be happy to lend you.”

“Thank you, but that’s not necessary. Ordinarily my aunt is there. But I believe she hoped Sir Jasper would make an offer.”

“She favors his suit.”

“Yes. She thinks it would be a most appropriate marriage.”


“Just so. It would be convenient.”

“I can’t see how. He seemed a dead bore.”

“He inherited my father’s title. But Father left the main house to me. It’s the family seat—the Holcutts have owned it for ages. So marrying him would reunite the estate and the title. Everything would be in the direct line once again.”

“That scarcely seems a reason to marry.”

“Not in my opinion. Though perhaps he is less stiff once one gets to know him.”

Con frowned. “Don’t let them talk you into accepting him. It would be a terrible waste,” he said, his voice unaccustomedly serious.

Lilah glanced at him, surprised. “I would have thought you’d say the two of us were well matched.”

“Lord, no. You are aggravating but never boring.” He grinned. “I am always available to chase off suitors, should you need me.”

A laugh bubbled up out of her throat. “You seemed quite adept at it. Though I must say you overdid it. Eyes as blue as the sky?”

“In my defense, I was unprepared. But you are right, your eyes are more the color of the ocean.” His irrepressible grin flashed. “A stormy ocean.”

“Nor are they like stars in the velvet sky. And hair like the sunset? Really, now…”
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