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His Loving Caress

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Elle ran a hand down her bare arm to repress the heated goose bumps that prickled her skin at the mere thought of being touched by him again. Luckily, Megan’s cousin Tiffani Hollingsworth approached carrying three flutes of mimosas and handed one to Elle with a warm hug.

“I had a feeling you’d need this, Soror,” Tiffani said, with a sweet yet solemn look on her angelic face. “Your expression is priceless but you look absolutely fabulous, love.”

“Thank you. So do you, as always. You’re definitely glowing with happiness.”

Tiffani blushed. “I am. Broderick is a wonderful man,” she answered, referring to her husband of four months. “But right now I’m concerned about you and your happiness. I know this can’t be easy.”

The ladies headed to an empty table and sat down. Elle set her untouched cocktail on the gold brocade tablecloth and slid into a chair. “I’m fine. Really. I know he’s not here, but just the thought that I’m in his club is kind of nerve-racking.” Plus, the fact that one of Braxton’s jazz songs played in the background didn’t help matters at all. She’d always loved the way he commanded the piano, and even though she hated him with every fiber of her being, she could never say he wasn’t a master on the keys.

Megan reached across the table and patted Elle’s hand. “Well, we’re glad you came. We haven’t seen you in ages. Now, I’m ready to eat. The chef here is absolutely wonderful. I purposely ate salads and fruit and drank water all week long so I can pig out today. I’m trying to get back to my prebaby weight, but with all of the events and cookouts I’ve been invited to this summer, that’s easier said than done.” Megan stood and smoothed down her flowing black dress.

Elle smiled. “You look fabulous, doll. No one can tell you just gave birth to twins two months ago.”

“Thank you for sending me this beautiful ensemble.” Megan twirled and Tiffani followed her action, wearing a short baby blue dress that showcased her long legs.

“Yes, me, too,” Tiffani said as the ladies made their way to the buffet table where two chefs were cooking fresh omelets and waffles.

“You’re welcome. They’re both samples from a new collection I’m working on that will debut next spring. I love designing bridal couture, but I’ve decided to expand with dresses that can be worn to other wedding-related events. We’re also working on another collection of everyday wear.”

Tiffani placed strawberries on her plate while waiting on her omelet. “Well, I’m glad to be friends with a world-renowned fashion designer and will be honored to be a guinea pig whenever need be.”

Laughing, Elle grabbed two strips of bacon and set them on her plate. “No problem, and as long as you keep sending me tasty treats from your bakery, you have a deal.”

An hour into the brunch, Elle began to feel at ease as she mingled and chatted with old friends. In the past ten years, she’d rarely traveled to Atlanta except to visit her parents. But once they retired from teaching five years ago, the Laurens moved to Destin, Florida, and bought a beautiful beach bungalow. The only reason for her visit to Atlanta now was to meet with an A-list celebrity who wanted Elle to personally design a one-of-a-kind wedding gown. Normally VIP clients met with her at her fashion headquarters in New York City, but the superstar singer was embarking on a mega tour for the summer and had rehearsals almost every day. Elle had designed evening gowns for the bride for awards shows and her client had always praised Elle Lauren Designs on the red carpet.

A loud screech in the sound system halted conversation and all eyes landed on the DJ booth. The guy mouthed out an apology before disappearing. Elle was somewhat grateful the music stopped because it was in the middle of a piano solo by Braxton. She’d never heard the song before but she knew his signature sound. She excused herself and turned to find Megan approaching her with an uneasy expression as she slid a cell phone from her ear.

“What’s wrong?” Elle asked with concern. Megan was always bubbly and whimsical no matter the situation.

“Oh...um...nothing.” Megan smiled and hooked her arm with Elle’s a little too tight. “I just hope the sound guy gets the music back on.”

“Yeah, me, too.” Elle stared at her puzzled. “I’m going to run to the ladies’ room.”

When Elle arrived, there was a quite a long line. Remembering there was a restroom on the bottom floor where she’d first entered the club, she jetted down the stairs to the empty restaurant area hoping no one else had the same idea. A movement out of the corner of her eye caught her attention. Turning her head slightly, her breath wedged in her throat and her pulse sped up at the hallucination in front of her. That’s what it had to be, right? Braxton Chase couldn’t possibly be standing less than a few feet away wearing a yummy smile across his handsome mahogany face.

Elle tried to move but her stilettos were deep-rooted to the floor. She racked her brain to find what she’d always said she would do if she ever saw him again. Was it run the other way? She sure hoped not, considering her skinny heels weren’t made for such a feat. Was it slap him? Possibly but that would mean her hand would have to touch his smooth fresh-shaven face and then glide up to his shiny bald head. It definitely wasn’t to kiss him. Even though heat puddled in her center as her eyes rested on his delicious lips that used to drive her insane. Her thoughts drifted further to his erotic tongue that had a mind of its own whenever it was on her body. Was it to curse him out for not showing up at their wedding and humiliating her in front of their family and friends? Probably, but she was too terrified at the moment to even open her mouth for fear of being tongue-tied. That wasn’t it, either. Elle had promised herself that if she ever saw Braxton Chase again, she would remain composed. She could never let on to the fact that she hated but missed him at the same time. Though there was a part of her that wanted to run into his warm, comforting embrace and let the tears flow from having to spend the last ten years without him.

However, she didn’t have a chance to carry out any of her thoughts, as the DJ appeared at the top of the staircase and shouted down. “Hey, B. Stop flirting with the lovely lady and bring the cord up here so we can get the music popping again.”

Braxton jerked his eyes away from Elle for a moment. Taking a step back, she figured she could flee out of the revolving doors, jet down Peachtree Street to the parking garage, hide in her rental car and hopefully remember how to breathe again. Instead, Braxton tossed the cable up to his DJ and placed his focus on her once more. This time his stare was serious to the point it was almost sexy and commanding. The tension in her neck crept back again. She was supposed to be mad at him, not turned on, but he was the only man who had ever made her insides burn.

He hesitated for a moment before treading closer, displaying a confident smile as if he were in control of the situation. “Hello, Elle.”

His low, deep voice caressed her like satin on her skin as her name rolled off his tongue in a seductive manner. Braxton possessed a swagger he didn’t have before, and it was downright intriguing. It reminded her of the summer before their junior year in high school when he’d returned from music camp. He’d shot up almost four inches during those two months of being away and had a faint mustache growing in. When he’d hugged her, she was overcome with nausea and panic, which was odd, because she’d always felt comfortable and secure in his embrace. That was the first time she’d realized she had a crush on her best friend, and then she ignored him for the next few weeks until he demanded to know what was wrong.

Now she felt like that high school girl standing in front of her crush all over again. Except this time there would be no hug even though her heart longed for one. And she hated that.

“Hi.” Her voice was barely above a whisper, but she was relieved that the frog in her throat didn’t make its presence known. “I didn’t realize you were here.”

“Normally I’m not. But I had something important to tend to.” His eyes darkened, and he stepped toward her.

“Then I’ll let you get back to it.” She pivoted on her heel and headed toward the staircase before the perspiration forming on her hairline appeared.

“Wait.” He outstretched his hand as if he was going to wrap it around her forearm but quickly dropped it back to his side when she winced. “How long will you be in town?”

“Why?” Her tone was curt and abrupt as heat rushed to her face. If he thought she wanted to see him past this moment, he was dead wrong.

“So we can talk?” He closed the gap between them. “Maybe we can have dinner or something...”

The fresh scent of his woodsy cologne engulfed her senses making her forget for a moment her disdain for him. She gritted her teeth at his closeness and the fact that she had to restrain her body from nestling against his. Elle couldn’t believe her thought process or her mixed emotions over the man who had left her. She silently chastised herself.

“We really don’t have anything to discuss. I don’t want to catch up on our lives, or reminisce about our wonderful memories, which clearly meant nothing to you. And I certainly don’t want any explanations as to why you weren’t man enough to face me on our wedding day. I know exactly why you didn’t show up. I’ve known you since I was five years old. So unless you’re going to tell me what an asshole you are, we don’t having anything to talk about.”

She stormed up the stairs before he could answer. Braxton was never one for a scene in public and wouldn’t call or chase after her considering the music was still off and there were dozens of women upstairs. She made it back to her table and plopped into the chair next to Megan.

Elle let out a long sigh. “Your brother is here.”

“Yeah...I just found out and I promise you I didn’t tell him.”

“Me, either,” Tiffani chimed in. “Are you okay?”

“No. I’ll probably leave soon.”

Megan shook her head vigorously. “No. He can’t know you’re ruffled by his presence. You have to stay and appear unfazed.”

“Yeah. I guess so.” Elle shrugged and took a sip of her mimosa. “Besides, I left him downstairs.”

Megan’s face scrunched. “Mmm, no. Actually, he’s talking to the DJ but looking right at you.”

Elle turned her head slowly and right into Braxton’s intent stare. A cocky grin raised up his left jaw along with a sexy wink. Even though it had been years, she knew him well. They’d been best friends since kindergarten before dating off and on in high school and all the way into graduate school. He was determined, confident and focused. He was also a stickler for a schedule. If Megan said he slept in on Saturdays, he did just that, which meant Braxton had purposely ventured to the club during the brunch in hopes of running into her. And he had, just as she was alone on the first floor. But how did he...?

Elle’s eyes diverted to a security camera in the corner above the buffet table and there was another one she’d spotted in the bar area earlier. Well, she had her answer but that still didn’t explain how he knew she would be at the brunch. She believed what Megan and Tiffani had told her; they were aware of her disdain for him and would never betray her. And while she hadn’t had a chance to speak to Megan’s twin sister, Sydney, Elle didn’t think she’d told him, either.

Glancing at Braxton again, she saw him fumbling with cords on a subwoofer. She let her eyes roam over him momentarily. She’d seen him grow from a scrawny little boy into a handsome, six-foot-four young gentleman and now that he was thirty-four years old, he was all man. Tight arm muscles bulged as he lifted a speaker from a cart and set it on the floor. She remembered him working out, but his muscles had never appeared so tempting before, and she could only imagine how his chest and abs looked under the black golf shirt. His warm brown skin was flawless and smooth all the way up to his bald head. She liked the bald look on him; it complemented his big soulful eyes and his confident smile.

Grateful when Braxton disappeared through a door in the DJ’s booth, the tension in Elle’s neck relaxed, and she hoped that would be the last she would see of him. However, for some reason, she had a feeling that wouldn’t be the case. The fact that he was there wasn’t coincidental and since he’d stated he wanted to talk to her, she knew he wasn’t going to give up until it happened. After he was a no-show on their wedding day he tried numerous times to contact her, but her parents had prevented him from calling or seeing her. Over the years he’d sent white Phalaenopsis orchids—her favorite flowers—whenever she had a birthday, fashion show, or had won an award from the industry, and sometimes just because. There was never a note, but she assumed they were from Braxton because he knew of her love for the exotic plant and she had never revealed her favorite flower to any other boyfriend after him.

Just as she was starting to feel at ease again, Braxton reappeared. He pulled a keyboard to the ministage, then proceeded to hook the instrument up to a subwoofer. Her heart cringed. Hearing him on a CD or the radio rarely bothered her and if it did, she would simply turn it off and find something to do in order to suppress her hurt. However, this was different. She couldn’t run out of the room. Especially considering she noticed a few of her sorors, including two who were hostesses in the wedding that never happened, glance her way with whispers. Instead, she placed a pleasant smile on her face and prayed that Braxton wouldn’t dare play a song that held any special significance to them.

* * *

Braxton chuckled to himself as he glanced in Elle’s direction. He could sense her discomfort, but he also knew she was a strong woman and under no circumstances was she going to let him see her sweat. That just wasn’t in her nature.

When his sister Sydney had sent him a text message a few hours earlier that Elle would be at the brunch at his club, the wheels in his head had begun to churn. He needed to see her. He needed to apologize to her in person to clear his head of the guilt he’d felt for hurting her. Perhaps then he could finally be at peace with himself. Even though he’d tried on numerous occasions to see her after his no-show at their nuptials, her parents wouldn’t let him in their home, had even threatened to call the police for trespassing. Eventually he’d learned from his sisters that Elle had moved to Paris, France, to continue her education in fashion design. When she returned to the United States two years later, he’d tried again. However, she sent a message through Megan to please stop all attempts to contact her; she’d moved on and didn’t need him interrupting her life.

Braxton had respected Elle’s wishes even though he did continue to send her favorite flowers on every occasion. He probably always would. But he never got over the guilt of breaking her heart. He understood not showing up would hurt her but at the time he was at a crossroad, and the one that held marriage wasn’t the road he wanted to choose at that moment. They’d finished grad school a month before the day they were set to head down the aisle. It was all happening so fast, he barely had a moment to breathe. The pressures from both of their families to marry right after college suffocated him. It had been expected, and he thought surely he could go through with it. He’d loved Elle as his best friend and confidant since elementary school, and had fallen in love with her in high school. She was his soul mate and their connection had always been strong. However, whenever he wanted to discuss waiting a year or so, he couldn’t bring himself to tell her. She seemed so happy to finally marry him. He chalked it up to having cold feet because he never, even for a moment, doubted that he loved her. Having attended different colleges, they’d been apart for six years, with the exception of breaks, because they’d agreed to complete their master’s degrees before marriage. During that time they were off and on, dated other people, but never once did he doubt that she wasn’t meant to be his wife.

Seeing her pictures online from her fashion shows and red carpet events always made his heart smile, but seeing her in person nearly knocked him off balance. Elle was breathtakingly stunning. He’d always thought she was adorable but now she was an elegantly refined, classy woman. Everything about her screamed exquisite and graceful, from her beautiful dark brown tresses with subtle blond highlights, to her lavender fitted dress that glorified her hips and butt in a way that made him very happy to be a man. Even the way in which she spoke and her mannerisms were sophisticated and polished.
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