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The Sweetest Kiss

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“So you need about three dozen cupcakes or was there another dessert you wanted?”

A cocky grin inched up his right jawline, and he met her eyes in a heated gaze. She gulped as her breath caught in her throat. His hazy, seductive expression admitted he’d heard her words in a completely different way. She froze, waiting for an answer.

He leaned in toward her. “As a matter fact there is something else I want,” he paused as his stare turned serious.

“What?” she asked barely above a whisper. She held her body as still as possible to suppress possible shudders that resulted from the fear of him replying “you” as a response to what he wanted.

“Your sweet potato pie.”

Surely she’d misheard him.


“I read over the list of other desserts you make, and I’d love to taste your sweet potato pie.”

“Oh...sure...of course. How many?” she asked, attempting to keep her voice steady.

“Just one. It’s for me.”

Relieved that he wasn’t referring to her, Tiffani’s heartbeat slowed to a normal pace—or as normal as possible with him sitting there eyeing her like a hungry animal. “Okay, I’ll add that to your order.” She kept her eyes downcast on the computer screen. She could no longer meet his penetrating gaze. However, she had kind of hoped he was going to say “you.” “You want a variety like at the wedding?”

“Yes, that’s fine. I saw on your website that you also deliver for an extra fee.”

“Yes, one of my employees can deliver and set up around six o’clock. Does that time work for you?”

“Um...sure,” he shrugged.

They spent the next few minutes finishing up his order. She suddenly felt disappointed because she figured he’d soon be leaving. Closing her laptop, she folded her hands on the table. He seemed to be a really nice guy, and he wasn’t standoffish at all. Perhaps Megan had been wrong.

“Thank you so much for ordering cupcakes for your get-together.”

“You’re welcome. I like to help out small business owners...especially ones as beautiful as you.”

“Mr. Hollingsworth...” Her face flushed with heat.

“No, call me Broderick. And I meant what I said. You’re a beautiful woman. Can I share something with you?”


“I don’t usually order food and whatnot for my events. My secretary or my housekeeper takes care of such things, but I wanted to see you and your sweet smile again.”

She couldn’t help but smile wide followed by a giggle.

“Yep, that’s the one.”

Oh my goodness. I’m acting like a silly teenager with her first crush.

She cleared her throat. “Thank you. You’re very sweet.”

Broderick snickered. “Sweet? I’ve been called a lot of things, my dear, but sweet isn’t one of them.”

Tiffani managed to stifle a gulp as his piercing stare raked over her bare neck and shoulders and down to the top of her cleavage. Heat rose in her cheeks at his perusal of her, and she felt her nipples hardening and pushing on her shirt. She realized she needed to change the subject and quick, especially when he bit his lower lip before resting his mesmerizing eyes back on her face.

Running her fingers through her hair, they landed on both sides of her shoulders and down her shirt in an attempt to cover her breasts. She caught him raise a wicked eyebrow at her gesture. She sensed he was about to speak but she cut him off.

“So why did you decide on sweet potato pie? Is that something your mother or grandmother makes?”

The seductive expression he’d worn changed into a sullen frown. He looked away from her for a moment, and when he rested his eyes on her again she noticed sadness.

“No, nothing like that. Just wanted to try it since it’s listed as being a seasonal item because of the upcoming holidays,” he stated as upbeat as possible. He stood and swiped his cell phone off of the table. “I have a meeting at my office soon.”

She stood as well, feeling guilty that he’d shut down when she’d asked about his family. Maybe his mother or grandmother or even both had died. Maybe it was recent.

“Before you go, I have something for you.” She rushed back into the kitchen and placed half a dozen pecan apple bear claws she’d made for the next day into a box for him. Tiffani felt awful and wanted to make it up to him somehow. She closed the yellow-and-white striped box that matched the awning on the bakery and headed to the front. He was standing next to the door scrolling through his cell phone with a strained expression.

Handing him the box, she smiled warmly, hoping it would take him out of whatever mood he was now in. The mood she’d caused. “I hope you like bear claws. Freshly made this morning.”

His pleasant demeanor from earlier returned as his face softened. “Thank you,” he said in a sincere tone. “I love sweet things, but you already know that, don’t you?” He winked and reached for the door. “I’ll eat one on the way to work.”

“I’d prefer you drive safely instead.”

“I’m not driving,” he answered, pushing the door open and nodding his head toward a black Bentley and a man dressed in a black suit, who opened the back door as Broderick approached. Glancing over his shoulder, his eyes briefly traveled over her. “Have a great day, beautiful.”

“You, too.”

Once Tiffani settled back in the kitchen, she finally exhaled.

Chapter 3 (#ulink_6eee5b57-caf6-506f-a757-2bf9a9d4d53b)

Tiffani drove up to the wrought-iron gate of a vast mansion in the West Paces Ferry area suburb of Atlanta. She spotted an intercom panel, rolled down her window and pressed the button. While she waited for a response, she focused on the massive brown brick and stone house in front of her—well, a half of a mile away it seemed down the long driveway that matched the brick on the house. Today’s plans hadn’t included dropping the cupcakes off at Broderick’s home, but her assistant, Kendall, had a study group that evening for a midterm exam. Luckily, it was grandparents’ day at KJ’s school, so he could go home with them. Still waiting for an answer, she pushed the button again. She was starting to get antsy because she was already fifteen minutes late thanks to traffic and making a wrong turn. She knew it wouldn’t take her more than twenty minutes to set the cupcakes on the serving platters that Matilda, Broderick’s housekeeper, promised would already be placed on the dessert table. She’d called that morning to verify the set-up time and to inform Tiffani that there was no need to bring any serving platters because she would be providing crystal ones.

The gate opened and a lady’s voice from the intercom stated to drive around to the side door by the garage. Once at the side entrance, Tiffani gathered the container with the cupcakes and the pie from the backseat. She was greeted with a warm smile from a middle-aged woman dressed in the standard black-and-white maid’s uniform.

“Hello, I’m Matilda. Do you need help bringing anything in?”

“Nice to meet you and no I don’t. Thank you.” She followed Matilda through the mudroom and into a huge gourmet kitchen where a chef and his crew were busy preparing food. Delicious aromas filled the atmosphere and it reminded Tiffani that she hadn’t eaten since lunch.

As they continued to the dining room, Tiffani noticed Megan’s expertise everywhere, from the heavy amethyst drapes that flowed from the top of the ceiling down to the walnut hardwood floors. The exquisite, long dining room table that sat at least twenty was surrounded by gold upholstered chairs. Bouquets of calla lilies were spread out on the table that was laden with serving trays and bowls.

“You can set up the cupcakes here, Ms. Lake.” Matilda waved her hands toward a buffet table on the wall that had two square crystal platters.

“These are gorgeous...almost too gorgeous for my cupcakes.”

“I’m sure they will look splendid. Do you need another platter for the pie?”

“Oh...no. The pie isn’t a part of the order. It’s for Br... Mr. Hollingsworth.”

“Very well. I’ll place it in his refrigerator. If you need anything, I’ll be in the kitchen.”
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