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A Chase For Christmas

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“This is a cool game,” she complimented him after playing for thirty minutes. She was hooked and almost didn’t want to stop. She rarely played the games on her phone, but this one was going to be downloaded as soon as it was available to the public. “Little girls love to play dress-up, so the fact that they can change outfits according to the occasion and win points to buy more cute clothes is pretty sweet.”

“Thank you, Blythe. I asked Tiffani, aka girlie-girl, her opinion, and she said the same.”

“I see you even have a cupcake shop in the game,” she noted with a pleased smile, handing the laptop back to him after completing the first three levels.

“Shout out to my baby sis.” He placed the computer on the floor, but he didn’t move from his spot next to her.

Blythe was glued to the seat. She wanted to move. Needed to move. He was so close she could hear his pulse race. Or maybe it was hers. She was surprised that she wasn’t uncomfortable, especially when he bit his bottom lip lightly in a sexy manner that tied a tangled knot in her stomach. Being alone with him wasn’t scary, and that ironically swept a fear into her. Preston was a man she’d kept at bay for the past year. She’d shrug or groan whenever his sister teased her about hooking them up because she knew the notorious millionaire playboy would break her heart. And not necessarily on purpose. Preston was an up-front man, and she was sure that all his female friends, acquaintances, booty calls, girls-of-the-month or whatever he called them were aware he wasn’t going to commit to them. Not a road she wanted to go down again, which was why she hadn’t had a steady boyfriend in almost three years.

Abruptly she stood, and so did Hope, who’d been napping on her mat. Blythe gave the dog’s head a pat as she heeled beside her.

“Leaving?” he asked with a slight frown.

“Yeah. It’s been a long day.”

Standing, he grabbed her sketch bag from beside the chaise, and they headed toward the elevator. “I understand. I appreciate your help with the project. Hope and I will walk you to your truck. I need to take her outside.”

“Thank you, but the truck isn’t mine. I borrowed it from a friend so I could haul the tree. Unfortunately, he couldn’t help because he had a business meeting, so I’m glad you were there.”

His eyebrow rose. “Oh? A boyfriend?” he asked, grabbing Hope’s leash from a hook by the elevator and snapping it onto the ring on the dog’s collar.

“No, no boyfriend. He’s just a good friend,” she explained while silently laughing at his curiosity.

“Mmm-hmm. As beautiful as you are, I’m sure he wants more than just a friendship.”

Suppressing the heat that wanted to rise so badly on her cheeks thanks to his compliment, she shook her head once more. “No...well, maybe at first,” she admitted. “We did go on a date once two years ago, but we realized that there was no romantic connection. We’ve been cool ever since. He’s like a big brother.”

“Ah, man. He got placed in the big brother category.” He chuckled and pressed the button. A mischievous grin reached across his face as they stepped onto the elevator. “So, you do date?” He pushed the button for the ground level, and the doors closed.

“Yeah. Why do you think I don’t?”

“Well, the few times I’ve seen you at events with Tiffani, I just thought you didn’t date because you’re usually alone. And when men approach you, you kind of brush them off.” He paused as a sly fox smirk inched up his face. “Unless...you don’t like men? Is that why you’re the only woman not throwing yourself at me?” he teased. “That would explain a lot.”

Twisting her lips to the side, she playfully pinched his arm. “I like men, but dating is hard for me.”

“You had your heart broken?”

“No, not really. More like a wakeup call.” She shrugged and paused, contemplating whether or not she should tell him about her horrible ex. “I’m taking a dating break right now. Sure, I’ve been on a few random dates here and there but for the most part I’m just concentrating on me. Plus, sometimes men want to rush me after the first or second date...if you know what I mean and I’m like ‘Dude, slow down. We just met.’ That turns me off. Some men want to play games and I’m too old for that. I want forever, not a one-night stand or a relationship that goes nowhere. I want stability and commitment. For some reason I keep meeting duds, so now I’m just taking a break and focusing on me.”

He nodded his head in understanding, The doors opened to the first-floor lobby of his company, and they headed out the back door toward where she’d parked.

“Oh...well. Those men are stupid, because you’re a really great person. When men are ready to settle down with the right woman, they’ll realize it’s not a game. Trust me. I’ve had a lot of fun times with women and my life in general. But as men we need to know when to respect a woman and her wishes. Apparently these men you’ve gone out with aren’t looking for forever because if they were you wouldn’t have had a string of dating disasters. A man who really wanted to be with you would wait, get to know you and respect your decision. Until you’re both ready.”

Tilting her head, she slid her tote bag from his shoulder and grabbed her keys from the side pouch as they made it to her black four-door Lexus.

“Oh...wow... I...” She pushed the button on the key fob to unlock the door, but she didn’t open it. She held the handle and stared up at him in bewilderment.

“What? The last words you thought I’d ever utter?”

“Um...something like that.”

“I’m not a bad guy, Blythe,” he said in a low, serious tone, stepping toward her. He reached over to the handle, settling his hand on hers, and opened the door for her.

The brief touch of his warm skin in the cold air sent a heated current through her, and the atmosphere around them altered. But she knew she had to ignore it and stay focused. “I know you’re not. Your advances and flirtations just don’t do anything for me.” She laughed and slid into the driver’s seat. “Good night, Preston.”

“Good night, and thank you for committing to the Winter Wonderland project.”

“No problem. I think what you’re doing for the children is wonderful. I’m happy to help.”

“Ideally you’ll get to see another side of me.”

“I’m already seeing it.” Winking, she pulled the door shut and waved at him through the glass.

She zoomed away a little faster than normal. It was the only way that she could clear her mind until she arrived home. There she could blast some jazz and paint away her crazy thoughts that she could actually have a relationship with Preston Chase.

Chapter 3 (#u7cec52df-a4d2-5584-b1f8-e301a1a36f42)

Preston poured himself a huge mug of black coffee and scanned his eyes over the computer code on his laptop one last time. He’d stayed up most of the night troubleshooting the bug and playing the game to verify it was fixed. Finally, at three o’clock in the morning, it was complete and he’d crashed in the bed. He knew he should’ve had the minor issue completed by midnight, but the conversation with Blythe hadn’t left his brain. It had wrecked his train of thought, but he was pleased to know that she wasn’t one of those women who’d sworn off men because of a broken heart. She wanted a real relationship. A committed, monogamous relationship. The thought irked him even though he wanted the same for himself. However, he had a hard time deciphering whether or not a woman honestly cared about him or cared about his millions and what he could do for them. He figured it was the latter because a lot of them had requests for expensive items after the first few dates. One woman had the audacity to ask for a Range Rover. Needless to say he never called her back. Preston didn’t mind spending his money, he was a very giving person, but he did mind being taken advantage of. Perhaps like Blythe, he needed a dating break as well, he joked to himself.

Sipping his coffee, he set the mug on the kitchen island and bit into the bagel topped with cream cheese and capers. He thought about the last real girlfriend he’d had, three years ago. They were exclusive for almost two years. They got along and the sex was awesome. But the emotional chemistry, compassion and connection weren’t there. No matter how hard he’d tried. During that stage in his life, he’d figured it was time to settle down and start a family. He’d assumed that since they’d been together longer than any of his previous relationships, perhaps she was the one. However, he couldn’t fall in love with her, and in the end they both knew it wouldn’t work. Preston wanted to experience the kind of love and respect that his parents shared over the last forty years. It exuded from them, and he desired the same.

Preston shut the laptop, slid the computer into its bag and took one last sip of his coffee before hustling toward the elevator with Hope on his heels. It was almost noon and he had yet to go down to the offices of JP3 Chase Technologies. Once he arrived at ground level, he walked briskly to his office, waving and nodding at a few of his employees who were heading out to lunch. He waved at his assistant, Linda Jones, who was on the phone, talking fast and aggressively. He plopped into his chair as Hope pounced on her nearby mat. Moments later, Linda peeked her head into the doorway.

“Hey, Boss. Going to lunch with the hubby. Want me to grab something for you?”

“Nah. I just had breakfast.”

Wrinkling her brow, she slipped her keys from her purse and leaned against the doorjamb. “I can only assume you were up all night working on the bug.”

“Yep, but I got it worked out, so we’re good for the test group tomorrow, and then it can be sent for manufacturing and back in time for the event.” He opened the program once more and perused it. He knew it was perfect, but one more glance couldn’t hurt. He was a perfectionist, especially when it came to his games. There could be no mistakes.

“I figured it would work out.” She turned on her heel to leave but pivoted back toward him. “Ms. Ventura stopped by this morning to pick up the check for her supplies.”

At the mention of the reason why he could barely sleep last night, Preston drew his focus from the computer and put it back on his assistant, who was more like his second mother.

“Blythe was here?” Standing, he wandered to his minifridge, snagged a bottled water and poured it into Hope’s water bowl.

“Yep, she was on her way to the warehouse where she buys paint supplies wholesale and then on to the event venue. Oh, and Devin called. He said everything is going well thus far.”

“Good. I’m going to stop by after my meeting with the design team for next year’s game ideas.” Even though now he wanted to cancel it and head on over to the Winter Wonderland site.

“It was a great idea to add Ms. Ventura to the committee. Tiffani is always praising her artistic abilities, and she seems like a lovely woman. I’m looking forward to seeing her winter-themed murals. I loved the idea of the ice-skating penguins. The crew has the Sheetrock ready for the first one.”

“Yeah, she’s very creative.”

“I saw you checking her out last night.”

Preston chuckled. He wasn’t surprised that Linda mentioned that. “Well, she’s a beautiful and lovely woman. I always check her out. There’s something about her I’ve always admired, but she doesn’t take me seriously because of, well...you know the party-guy, playboy rumors.”
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