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Passionate Chef, Ice Queen Boss / Rescued in a Wedding Dress: Passionate Chef, Ice Queen Boss / Rescued in a Wedding Dress

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Chapter Six

‘OH, NO!’ Scarlett stared at the e-mail she’d just dug out of the spam folder in her Internet mail program. ‘How could this have ended up in the mail trash? What date was it sent? Why didn’t they contact me when I didn’t respond? What if I’ve missed out on the opportunity?’ As these questions popped out another question followed. She opened the e-mail and started to scan its contents. ‘What date have they said they want to do this?’

It was Friday evening. She’d been just about to pack up in Luca’s office and to be honest she had felt a true sense of achievement.

She still didn’t have all the answers for making the restaurant completely self-supporting and guaranteed to always run in the black, but the changes she’d made were starting to pay off and she wasn’t at the end of her stream of ideas by any means.

This was only the beginning of what Scarlett could do. One of the things she’d tried was to canvas the local promotional body for Monta Correnti to see if she could interest them in granting publicity and media coverage to Rosa for a weekend cook-up. The body had a budget for community-related events, and Scarlett had hoped she might be able to interest them.

Scarlett had logged onto her e-mail account at the last moment just now to check for a response. Because she’d asked about it and time had passed with no answer, she’d all but given up on the possibility. But she had found her answer, sent almost a week ago and hiding out in the mail program’s trash file!

She quickly skimmed the contents of the e-mail. The promotional group not only loved the idea she’d put to them, they’d taken it further and brought in a second restaurant so the two could run a ‘friendly’ cook-off contest. ‘Oh, please tell me it’s not—’


But of course it was, because they were side by side in the square. The local co-ordinators couldn’t imagine anything more exciting or convenient. They anticipated a high degree of interest, advertising would commence…Scarlett read the date and her eyes widened. Advertising would commence today. And the contest itself would run next weekend with TV and newspaper coverage!

‘That’s only seven days away.’ A lump of panic lodged itself in Scarlett’s throat, and doubled in size when the remaining implications made themselves felt. ‘And they’ve set us up to compete against Sorella.’

According to this e-mail, Sorella’s owner had been more than delighted to front up for a contest to see which restaurant could prepare the best dishes and be declared better than the other.

Oh, Scarlett, what have you got Rosa into? And the family into by letting this come about?

Scarlett’s mother would thrive on this kind of competition. It didn’t surprise Scarlett that Lisa had agreed to the contest. That was enough of a problem. Scarlett could imagine Lisa hustling her restaurant staff by remote control over the phone from wherever she happened to be at the time, to ensure they did a good job in the contest. If Lisa didn’t have other more important engagements, she might even turn up for some part of the weekend.

Unfortunately, Luca might be a little more enthused about the possibility of ‘beating’ Sorella in a cook-off than anyone in the family would want as well.

Isabella, Jackie, Lizzie and some of the others had all been trying to get things on a better, less confrontational footing between the various branches of the family and specifically between Lisa and Luca.

More rivalry was the last thing they needed and yet now Scarlett had single-handedly set the family up for a cook-off war.

Scarlett dropped her head into her hands where she sat at the desk. ‘I can see it now. Front-page news. Rabble-raising Restaurants in Fantastic Food Fight. There’s no way this can work out well. Either one restaurant loses the challenge or the other one does.’

‘If you have a moment.’ The words came from the office doorway.

They were tight, low, spoken in a very familiar male voice and they held a decided edge of ‘unimpressed’ about them. The words were Lorenzo’s, but they didn’t come from the relaxed, helpful Lorenzo she’d worked with in recent days.

Days in which they’d almost felt as though they were in some kind of holding pattern to Scarlett. They’d kissed beside the van after parking it behind the restaurant. Scarlett had melted into his arms and he’d seemed to need their kiss as much as she had. Since then she hadn’t been able to get those moments out of her mind. But nor had she been able to draw any conclusions about them, decide what she should do about them.

In fact, Scarlett had asked herself whether there might be some way that she and Lorenzo could, perhaps, pursue these feelings now.

The thought wasn’t an easy one for her to have. He’d broken her heart five years ago. Scarlett had never expected to feel anything again for him other than contempt and anger. But working with him here at Rosa had changed that. They’d developed a mutual respect for each other. Scarlett might have wanted…If Lorenzo had seemed to want to pursue…

Well, so far he’s done a good job of not pursuing anything. Maybe he’s forgotten all about the kiss. Maybe he kisses women like that all the time.

And maybe her head chef was a little upset right now and Scarlett had better deal with that. He stepped into the office and slapped down a copy of today’s newspaper.

One brief glance showed her the feature piece.

Restaurants will break out their competitive spirits for a weekend cook-off next weekend!

‘Um, about that.’ She really could have done with a few minutes to try to figure out how to present this to him in the best light, now that there was nothing she could do to change the course of events.

It was the end of the day. Why couldn’t she have discovered this earlier? Had Lorenzo known about it earlier? ‘When did you find out?’

‘Just now. None of us had time to look at the paper today.’ His gaze held an accusing edge. ‘I don’t know whether to say it’s just as well a patron didn’t tell one of us earlier in the day, or wish that they had. At least there’d have been a bit more notice.’

Scarlett forced a smile to her face and hoped it was a placatory, calm, very professional one. ‘Would you mind if I took a look? I didn’t know this was going to be in today’s edition of the paper so I haven’t actually seen it yet.’

That sounded suitably under control and not totally panic-stricken. Didn’t it?

Lorenzo silently pushed the newspaper her way with the tip of one finger. He still looked ready to pitch a fit over the topic. She should feel defensive about that. No, she should be aggressive about it, in an ‘I’m in charge here and this is just another aspect of performing your tasks for the restaurant so don’t bother complaining about it’ kind of a way.

Instead, she kept thinking how strong and manly he looked with his muscles locked that way and irritation and displeasure stamped on his face.

‘Right, well, let me just take a quick look.’ Scarlett had never skimmed a piece of print quite so quickly. As she did so she felt Lorenzo glowering down at her. She finally forced her gaze up, to meet stormy brown eyes. ‘Um, maybe you’d like to shut the door while we discuss this.’

‘Shutting the door isn’t going to make a bit of difference, Scarlett.’ His words weren’t shouted, but they were strong enough that they would carry. ‘I’m done here for the night, anyway. If you want to maintain some privacy on the topic of an article that I hadn’t even heard about, I suggest we take this elsewhere.’

Right. Well, that seemed like an eminently sensible idea. Scarlett shot to her feet. That was, she rose gracefully, and calmly gathered her laptop into the all-purpose carry bag that housed her room key and other necessary items a girl couldn’t do without, and stepped confidently towards the door.

And through it.

Without revealing even slightly that her heart was racing in a highly unprofessional way.

Oh, she wasn’t scared of him.

She just hadn’t had time to absorb the implications of this arrangement, and therefore didn’t exactly have a plan in mind for dealing with Lorenzo’s feelings about the whole matter. And she had this compulsive and extremely unprofessional urge to offer to rub his shoulders or in some other way unruffle his clearly ruffled feathers for him.

‘We’ll go to my bedsit. It’s close and the owner is away so I know we’ll be quite private even if you need to express your sentiments…’ Loudly? Vociferously? With gusto? Scarlett decided it might be wiser not to finish that sentence.

Instead she strode through the restaurant ahead of Lorenzo, and they walked in silence across the square to her bedsit. She let them in quickly, set her laptop down carefully against the wall inside the door.

Lorenzo drew a deep breath and advanced two steps into the centre of the room.

Which also brought him two steps closer to Scarlett who happened to be standing just shy of that same centre of the room herself.

‘Why is this the first I’ve heard of a cook-off that’s to take place between Sorella and Rosa? What do you hope to achieve from this? Have you thought of the possible ramifications?’

He was unapologetically irritated. And yet his eyes stayed gentle.

Scarlett frowned. Not at Lorenzo, but at her own thoughts. Now was not the time to take stock of Lorenzo’s eyes, or to feel that she wanted such gentleness from him.

‘The response from the local body handling my application ended up in my e-mail spam folder almost a week ago and I didn’t find it until today.’ Scarlett would contact them to find out just why she’d received no follow-up when she had failed to respond to the e-mail. It really wasn’t appropriate for the matter to be settled upon and advertised when one of the restaurants hadn’t actually agreed to the terms!

‘And don’t you think that as Head Chef I might have been made aware that such a cook-off event was a possibility in the first place?’ His hands came up to perch on a set of lean hips. ‘What if I didn’t want to participate in a cook-off?’

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