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Meet Me at Willow Hall: A perfectly charming romance for 2019!

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‘I suppose.’ I frowned, confused about why he would want to promote his ex-girlfriend’s business when he hadn’t seen me in so long. I opened my mouth to say something gracious, then changed my mind and decided to say what was actually on my mind instead. ‘But that would mean you’d see me more often, Anthony. And forgive me for bringing it up when we’re going to such pains to avoid it, but you actually banned me from your hospital room because you didn’t want to see me again.’

I didn’t know what kind of reaction I’d expected from him, but the slight shrug of his shoulders took me by surprise. Was he really so oblivious to how much he’d hurt me?

‘This is business,’ he said. ‘We’re trying to get Willow Hall known as a great wedding venue, and you’re an experienced wedding florist with lots of contacts. I think we could be very useful to each other.’


‘Yes, of course. Why not? The past is the past. You’ve moved on, haven’t you? You’ve got this… Jojo…?’


‘Right, that’s what I said. Anyway, we’re both adults, aren’t we? I don’t see why we can’t work together. Besides, you probably wouldn’t be seeing a lot of me anyway. I’m planning on taking a backseat in all of this. Weddings aren’t my favourite thing, as you well know.’ He grimaced and straightened up slightly. ‘How are your wedding plans, anyway?’

‘Errr…’ I shook my head. ‘Nothing yet.’

‘No ring, I see.’ He nodded at my empty left hand.

‘Not yet.’

Unable to stop myself, I shoved my hands in the pockets of my cardigan. I was rubbish at lying and convinced Anthony would see straight through me. He was a detective, after all, and trained in reading people’s body language.

The bell above the shop door jingled and I heard Bobbi’s laugh ring out as she entered the shop. Did that mean she was with Jayjay? Oh no, this just got worse.

‘Anthony!’ I heard her say in surprise. ‘Oh, my God! I can’t believe it.’ She appeared in the archway and threw her arms around him. ‘It’s so lovely to see you! Isn’t it lovely, Rachel?’

‘Yes,’ I said, far more cheerfully than I felt.

Bobbi widened her eyes meaningfully at me. ‘Ooh, guess who I found walking back from lunch? Jayjay.’

‘Oh, is he here?’ I said.

‘Yes. Jayjay, your fiancée’s in the back.’

‘Huh?’ I heard him say, confused.

‘Rachel’s through here, in the back.’ Bobbi was talking to Jayjay like he was a reluctant toddler. ‘Come through. Come on.’

My heart thudded with dread and I had to fight hard not to cringe as Jayjay appeared through the archway, pausing to shake Anthony’s hand as Bobbi introduced them to each other. To my relief, Jayjay looked fairly tidy today and a bit older than his twenty-two years, so we didn’t look quite as mismatched as I feared. As I was twenty-six, I didn’t want to look like some kind of cradle snatcher, especially when Anthony was ten years older than me.

‘All right, love?’ he said, smiling cheekily at me.

‘Hi,’ I replied cheerfully. ‘How are you?’

‘Fine, thanks.’

There was an awkward pause during which Jayjay, Bobbi and I all stared at each other with frozen smiles.

‘Well, I’d better go,’ Anthony said. ‘Lovely to see you again, Bobbi. Nice to meet you, Jojo.’ And then he was gone. The door slammed shut behind him and Bobbi and I looked at each other.

‘Oh, my God! Are you all right?’ Bobbi asked as she peeled off her denim jacket.

I nodded mutely and sat down on the wooden chair next to me. ‘Bit of a shock.’

‘I bet it was.’

Jayjay looked confused. ‘Not being funny, but what was all that fiancé stuff about?’

‘Elena told Anthony that Rachel was engaged to someone called Jayjay, so you’ve got to pretend to be her fiancé every time Anthony’s around.’

‘Oh.’ A frown appeared on his face and he ran a hand through his dark hair. ‘Why?’

I opened my mouth to respond, then shut it again. I wasn’t sure why either. Luckily, Bobbi seemed to understand everything perfectly.

‘Because Rachel’s still in love with Anthony but she doesn’t want him to know that so she’s pretending to have moved on.’

‘Hey!’ I protested.

‘Oh.’ Jayjay’s face cleared and he laughed. ‘So I’m like a stunt double?’

‘Erm… if you like.’ Bobbi laughed and rolled her eyes at me.

‘Cool.’ Jayjay laughed. ‘Right, I’d better get going.’ He leaned over to kiss Bobbi. ‘I’ll pick you up later, okay?’

‘Okay. Bye.’ Bobbi watched him go, her face slightly flushed and her eyes bright. I smiled at her.

‘Thank you for that. I never thought we’d ever actually have to pretend.’

Bobbi laughed. ‘I think it’s funny. I can’t believe Anthony was here. What did he want? Just to see you?’

‘No, he wanted Daniel and Elena’s number so he could call and pester them about the wedding.’

‘Really? Like a pushy salesman?’

‘Pretty much.’

Bobbi winced. ‘Still, it was nice to see him again. He looked well.’

‘Hmm, he did.’ I gnawed at a fingernail and stared at the rough brick of the wall opposite. Now Anthony had gone, I missed him desperately.

‘Anyway,’ Bobbi continued, ‘do you want to go for your lunch now I’m back? You look like you need a break.’

‘Do I look that bad?’ I laughed as I stood up and reached for my coat.

‘Not bad. Just a bit shell-shocked, that’s all. It must be difficult seeing him again after the way he finished with you. I must say, you’ve been very restrained about it all. I think I would have punched him in the nuts.’

I laughed, picturing the scene. ‘Tempting, but not very dignified.’

‘But ultimately very satisfying. See you later.’
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