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Meet Me Under the Mistletoe

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I shook my head. ‘No, it was always phone and text. I might have an email address for him somewhere but I doubt it’s anything you wouldn’t already have. It’s on a business card, I think.’

‘Have you got anything of his that he left behind?’

‘Not really. I have some tickets from places we went to.’ I sighed, not really wanting to own up to it, but seeing I didn’t have much choice. It seemed overly sentimental keeping such things, but for some reason, this seemed to interest them immensely.

‘You do? Could we see them? If we have a timeline of where he was and what he was doing, that might help us pin him down.’

I shrugged. ‘It’s a bit of a sporadic timeline, I’m afraid, but yes, you can have them. I might be able to make a list of dates of the weekends we spent together if that’s any use to you?’

‘Yes, definitely. How soon can you do that?’

‘I’m not sure. Tomorrow?’

‘Brilliant.’ Anthony sat back in his seat and smiled at me. ‘I think that’s all for now.’ He reached into his pocket and pulled out a business card. ‘Here’s my number if you think of anything else that might help.’

‘Okay.’ I took the card without looking at it, careful not to touch his fingers as I did so. To my shame, my hand was shaking. ‘Can I go now?’

‘Yes. Thank you so much for your time, Miss Jones. We really appreciate it.’

‘You’re welcome.’ I nodded politely and left the room, feeling physically and emotionally drained.

Chapter Three (#ubfd5aa5b-d344-5dcd-a87b-360f986167ef)

‘So, let me get this straight,’ Elena said from the other end of the telephone. ‘Your parents’ sexy new tenant, the man you went out with last night and described as completely amazing, is actually a detective looking for Patrick?’

‘Yes.’ Lying back in the bath, I popped a bubble with my big toe and closed my eyes. Despite the warm water and flickering glow of scented candles, I was feeling far from relaxed. ‘It was a bit of a shock. To think I was so excited this morning. I thought he really liked me and instead he was just pumping me for information. I feel such an idiot, Elena.’

‘I’m sure he liked you, too. How could he not? I mean, he kissed you, didn’t he?’

I grunted miserably. The fact that I’d kissed him first had been playing on my mind rather a lot. Although he had kissed me back quite enthusiastically. ‘He wants my old phone and the engagement ring and I’m trying to make a timeline of weekends I spent with Patrick.’

‘Huh! That won’t take you long then.’

‘I know.’

‘So, what’s Patrick done?’

‘Fraud, apparently. I don’t know any more than that. I should have asked more questions, I suppose, but I’m not sure I really want to know. Patrick belongs in the past. I really don’t want to waste any more time on him. He made enough of a fool of me when we were together; I can’t believe it’s still going on four months after we split up.’

‘Did you ever suspect he might be dodgy?’

‘Not at all. Why would I?’

‘Well, I thought he sounded dodgy from what you told me.’

‘You thought he sounded married.’

‘That too. But didn’t your dad think he was a gangster?’

‘Only because of the size of the engagement ring,’ I scoffed. ‘Besides, no one’s saying he’s a gangster. At least, I hope they’re not! I think it’s probably dodgy business deals. Embezzlement and what have you.’

‘So, he’s not a bank robber or anything?’

‘I bloody well hope not.’ I sat up, sploshing water, and sighed unhappily.

‘Are you in the bath?’

‘Yes. What are you doing?’

‘Just waiting for Daniel to pick me up and take me to the house. It’s still like a building site but I love seeing it and imagining what all the rooms are going to be when it’s finished. Daniel’s been working so hard on it.’

‘When do you think you’ll be able to move in?’

‘In the summer, hopefully.’

‘Ooh, exciting!’

‘I know. I can’t wait. Oh, that’s him now. I’d better go.’

‘Okay. Bye.’

I climbed out of the bath and wrapped myself in a warm, fluffy towel before padding through to my bedroom. Sitting down on my bed, I reached for a pad of paper from my bedside table and started to write a list of places I’d been with Patrick. I’d been trying to push him to the back of my mind for the past few months so it was strange to be trying to think in detail about what we’d done together. Tears pricked my eyes as I remembered the good times we’d shared. Although he’d let me down badly in the end, I still had some very special memories of him. He had a huge personality and was funny and generous. Being with him was like walking in the sunshine. He’d made me happy for a short while. Even getting a phone call from him brightened my day.

Of course, the flipside was that not receiving a phone call from him plunged me into the depths of despair, and having such a great time when I was with him only served to make me miss him more when he wasn’t around. I still didn’t fully understand what had gone wrong, or why he’d stopped coming to see me. I knew he had to work, but surely no one had to work that much? He’d found the time when we first got together, so why had that changed? He’d even stopped phoning me regularly. I wasn’t sure what I’d done wrong or why he’d grown tired of me, but it hurt. It hurt a lot. And why wouldn’t he meet my family? It just didn’t make sense. I’d been furious when he’d phoned at the last minute to say he wouldn’t be able to make it. I’d been waiting for him to arrive at my door, all dressed up and ready to go to my mum’s sixtieth birthday party. It was being held in a function room at a local hotel, and most of our friends and family had been there. Uncles, aunties, cousins – all of them expecting to see my new fiancé. I could still see their faces when I’d walked in alone. Mum’s outraged disbelief, Dad’s quiet anger, Elena’s shock and Daniel’s discomfort. I saw, too, the smug, told-you-so smile of my cousin as she exchanged looks with my aunt. We’d never been particularly close, and I knew they thought I dressed too weirdly to ever get a man. My aunt had had words with my mum on several occasions over the years about my vintage clothes and bright red hair. ‘Why does she dress like she’s living in the 1940s?’ she’d say. ‘Can’t she tone down that hair?’

I’d never let it bother me until I walked into that party alone. I felt like I’d proved them all right. Maybe I was too weird and quirky to keep a man. Was that why Patrick hadn’t turned up to meet my family? Was that why I’d never met any of his friends or family? Was he ashamed of me? Maybe my novelty value had worn off.

I’d entertained those negative thoughts for a while before shrugging them off and moving on. I loved my clothes and I didn’t want to be anyone other than myself. If people didn’t like the way I dressed, that was their problem.

With a sigh, I wrote down the name of the cinema and a film we’d been to see, and the Disney on Ice show we’d taken his daughter to see back in April. She was such a lovely little girl, and I’d really enjoyed our day out together. I was sad I’d never got to see her again. I had all these plans for being a loving stepmother. It seemed ridiculous now.

The doorbell rang, and I groaned. Not again, Jenny! My next-door neighbour was lovely, but she was always forgetting her key when she went out. I kept her spare key so she could knock whenever she needed to get in. This would be the third time this week! Slipping my arms into my robe, I quickly ran downstairs and grabbed the key from the hook by the door. ‘Hiya!’ I said, breathlessly, holding the key out ready for her to take.

But it wasn’t Jenny standing on my doorstep. It was Anthony Bascombe. ‘Hello,’ he said, smiling down at me.

‘Oh! It’s you!’ I suddenly felt rather wobbly and breathless.

‘Yes, it’s me.’ His eyes twinkled as they fixed on mine. ‘I’m sorry to disturb you but I thought I’d drop by and pick up the phone.’

I hesitated. ‘But I’ve just got out of the bath. Can’t it wait until tomorrow?’

‘Well, I’m here now.’ He put his hand on the doorframe, still smiling. ‘And the sooner we have it to analyse, the better, really.’

His eyes dropped to my bathrobe and I glanced down to check it wasn’t gaping. The cold night air was making my nipples hard and I put my hand across my chest self-consciously. ‘I won’t take up much of your time.’ He took a step forward and I stepped back. Apparently taking this as an invitation to come inside, he walked past me with a polite thank you as I flattened myself against the door. Resigned, I shut the front door and followed him along the hall and into my lounge. Feeling the silky fabric of my robe begin to slip, I retied the belt firmly and watched Anthony worriedly. He stood in the centre of the lounge, staring around at my flowery wallpaper and bright-pink sofa. ‘Gosh, it’s bright in here, isn’t it?’

I shrugged. I was used to people looking surprised by how bright my house was and didn’t particularly care if they liked it or not. It was me who had to live here, not them. Plus, I still wasn’t sure how I felt about Anthony. The physical attraction was still there, but I was disappointed in him and sad he’d used me to extract information. ‘The phone’s in the kitchen. I’ll just get it for you.’

Anthony followed me in and stood with his hands in his pockets while I searched the drawer. It was towards the back, its screen cracked and the metal casing chipped and cracked. I handed it to him without looking at him, ashamed I’d behaved so childishly in smashing it up.
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