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Meet Me Under the Mistletoe

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‘But I will love again.’

‘Wow! You said that like it’s a slogan or something. Have you had that printed on a T-shirt?’

I laughed. ‘Just think about all the women whose hearts you’ve broken in your time.’

‘Funny, I’m pretty certain I haven’t broken any hearts.’

‘I bet you have, Anthony.’

‘No, I haven’t.’

‘Even if you don’t think you have, I bet you have. Just look at you. On top of being handsome and intelligent, you have beautiful manners and seem really kind too. Not that I know you, of course. But you seem lovely.’

‘Maybe that’s the problem. Women don’t want a lovely man with beautiful manners. Women want a bad boy in motorcycle leathers.’

‘Erm, not really.’ I looked up as the waitress came over to take our plates.

‘Do you want another drink?’ he asked.

‘Oh, I shouldn’t.’

‘Go on. I’ll walk you home.’

‘You don’t have to do that. It’s only up the road.’ I felt slightly flustered as I looked up at the waitress. ‘I’ll have another wine, please.’

Anthony ordered his drink and then turned back to me. ‘You kind of proved my point with Patrick.’

‘What point?’

‘About women preferring bad boys. You said you’d never met anyone you cared about before Patrick. He didn’t exactly treat you well, did he?’

‘He did when he was with me. And the boys I’d seen before weren’t super nice or particularly horrible, they were just immature. Patrick was older, so maybe I just prefer older men.’

‘He didn’t treat you well, Rachel. You never knew where you were with him. And he didn’t meet any of your friends and family. I’m pretty sure I’ve met at least some of the friends and family of every girl I’ve ever been in a relationship with. And I’m always upfront about the fact I’m not looking for anything long-term or serious.’


‘Really. I’m not out to mislead anyone or make false promises.’ He scratched his face and looked at me. ‘I wouldn’t like to think I’d broken anybody’s heart. That’s just sad.’

I smiled at him. ‘You’re very sweet. And that’s exactly why I find it so hard to believe that nobody has fallen in love with you.’

He rolled his eyes, looking embarrassed. ‘Anyway, this is getting a bit deep. Let’s change the subject now.’

‘Okay. What do you want to talk about?’

‘I don’t know.’ He laughed. ‘Tell me about yourself.’

‘Me? We’ve talked enough about me. Why don’t you tell me about you? You’re the new boy in town.’

‘I’m really not that interesting.’

‘I disagree. I think you’re quite fascinating, actually. You have a very bizarre attitude to relationships and I’d like to know why.’

‘Ah, but we’re not talking about that any more.’

I leaned my elbows on the table and smiled at him. ‘Let’s start with your family. Are you an only child?’

He hesitated for a moment, a smile playing on his lips as he looked at me through narrowed eyes. ‘No. I have a younger brother.’

‘How much younger?’

‘Three years.’

‘Is he married?’

‘Yes. And he has two children.’

‘Aww, so you’re Uncle Anthony. Are they cute?’


‘You like kids?’

‘I love kids.’

‘But you don’t want any yourself?’

‘No. Look, what is this? The Spanish Inquisition?’

‘I’m just making conversation.’

He laughed and took a sip from his drink. ‘Yes, I love my niece and nephew but I don’t get to see them very much.’

‘You mentioned your mother before?’

‘Yes. I have a mother.’

‘Are your parents divorced?’

‘Look, I know what you’re doing, you know. You’re trying to find out about my relationship issues by asking about my family. You can save your pseudo-psychological analysis of me for another time, thank you. My family are great. Now, are you an only child?’


‘I thought so.’


‘Because you’re bossy and like to get your own way.’
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