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A Hero of Her Own

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Jewel knew he was going to kiss her. His intent shone hot in his amazingly gorgeous eyes. In the back of her mind she knew this was crazy, that she didn’t know this man well enough to kiss him and she certainly wasn’t interested in a relationship of any kind.

Still, that rational part of her brain was no match for the wave of sharp, visceral desire that swept through her as she gazed up at him. She parted her lips as he dipped his head to take her mouth with his.

Crazy. It was pure madness that possessed her, but she gave in to it. His mouth was hot, the kiss sending a shaft of warmth up and down her veins. She welcomed the feeling, welcomed him as she opened her mouth more to him, allowing him to deepen the kiss with his tongue.

She knew she should step back and call a halt to things, but it had been so long and Quinn’s arms were so strong around her and his kiss made her ache for more.

His hands stroked the length of her back as his mouth continued to ply hers with fire. She wrapped her arms around his neck and tangled her fingers in his soft, sexy mane of hair.

She swirled her tongue with his, felt her knees weaken and threaten to buckle. She clung to him more tightly, her heart beating a rhythm of desire.

His mouth finally left hers and moved down the length of her neck, nipping and teasing with slow, deliberate intent. She dropped her head back, allowing him to kiss her throat, and trail his hot mouth along her collarbone.

It didn’t matter that she’d only known him on a casual, social level until now. She didn’t care that this was probably one of the most foolish things she’d ever done. For right now, in his arms, she wanted to be foolish and abandon herself to being held by Quinn, being kissed by Quinn.

Once again his mouth captured hers and as she pressed more tightly against him she realized that he was aroused. This knowledge only made her desire flame higher.

She wanted to make love with him. She wanted to lose herself in his caresses, in the very mindless sensations of sex.

She’d heard enough about Quinn from Clay to know he wouldn’t hurt her, that she was safe with him. She wasn’t concerned about consequences. The most she’d have to worry about was perhaps a little embarrassment the morning after. But she didn’t care about the morning after—all she cared about was here and now.

“Miss Jewel?”

Jewel and Quinn shot apart like two guilty teenagers at the sound of the young voice drifting down the hallway. Jewel recognized the voice. She drew a deep breath to steady herself, not looking at Quinn. “Lindy, what’s wrong?”

“You’d better come quick, Kelsey is packing her suitcase and says she’s gonna run away.”

“I’ll be right there.” Jewel finally looked at Quinn as she felt the heat of a blush warm her cheeks. Okay, so her embarrassment hadn’t waited until the morning after.

“You need help?” he asked softly.

“No, I’ll be fine. Please, just go.” Now that the heat of the moment had passed, she was appalled by what had just happened between them…what had almost happened between them.

She was grateful that he didn’t argue but simply nodded and left. She closed the front door behind him then hurried down the hallway to the girls’ room where Kelsey was throwing her clothes into the battered cloth suitcase she’d arrived with.

“Kelsey, what’s going on?” Jewel asked.

The girl didn’t stop her activity and kept her eyes downcast. “Nothing. I just don’t want to be here anymore.”

“Has something happened? Did somebody say something to upset you?” Jewel took a step closer to the young teenager.

“No. I just gotta go, that’s all. I’ve got to leave.” She glanced up at Jewel, tears filling her bright green eyes.

Jewel stepped toward her and held out her hand. “Come on, let’s go someplace where you and I can have a little private chat.”

Kelsey hesitated a moment, then slipped her hand into Jewel’s. “Lindy, Carrie, back to bed and lights out,” she said as she led Kelsey from the room.

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