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The Consultant's Accidental Bride

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‘Try and keep one corner clean,’ he hissed out of the side of his mouth.

Leah did her best, but it was a rather sad-looking effort that hung out of Cole’s pocket as they lined up for the photographers for the seemingly endless photos. Finally it was over and they sat down to a sumptuous meal before the inevitable speeches, which seemed to go on for ever, finally got under way. Cole’s was easily the best, Leah decided, witty without being embarrassing, endearing without being gushing. Best of all, he kept it short and Leah sipped at her coffee liqueur as she watched him, smiling reluctantly at his jokes, her cheeks curiously flushed as she recalled their four hours alone on the plane. He entranced her for all the wrong reasons. Pompous, condescending he most certainly was, but there was something else that she couldn’t quite put her finger on. It wasn’t just his looks, though undoubtedly they spoke volumes, but something about his strength, his dignity. As his speech neared its end, Leah’s eyes, which were still stinging from her embarrassing tears earlier, filled up again as she glimpsed the pain behind the rather severe mask Cole wore so well.

‘My late wife, Heather, adored Dale, saw him more as a brother than a friend. Despite her sunny nature, where Dale was concerned, none of the girlfriends he dragged to our dinner table for Heather’s opinion were good enough…

‘Until Kathy breezed into our lives a couple of years ago, that is.’

He cleared his throat and stared at the notes he was reading from for a second too long before continuing.

‘After they left we watched them drive off, and when Heather shook her head I waited, waited for Heather to have picked up some fault I’d missed, some glaring glitch in Kathy’s character I’d seemingly ignored. Instead, she let out a long sigh then smiled. “That’s the one,” she said. “That’s the one Dale’s going to marry.” And, though unfortunately she isn’t here to see it, Heather, as always, was right and I know that everyone in this room hopes that you’re as happy in your future together as Heather predicted you would be.’

Given that the sole handkerchief was safely back in his pocket, Leah had to make do with a couple of deep breaths and a quick sip of her drink. Looking up, she realised the whole room was looking at her and it took a second or two to realise that Cole was at the end of his speech and performing the duty toast to the bridesmaids.

Or bridesmaid!

Blushing crimson, she forced a smile as Cole held up his glass. ‘When Dale asked me to be best man, naturally I was thrilled, but never more so than now. The bridesmaid truly looks beautiful.’ A tiny smile softened his face as he worked the room. ‘And unlike the rest of the guys here tonight, at least I know that I’m guaranteed a dance.

‘To the bridesmaid!’

It was a joke, a light-hearted comment to end his speech on, Leah knew that, knew that, but as the speeches ended she sat burning with anticipation. Something in his voice, something in the way his eyes had held hers as he’d spoken told her he had meant it, that this would be more, so much more than a duty dance. As the lights dimmed and Kathy and Dale took to the floor for the first dance, Leah’s heart rate shot up as Cole approached. Shooting a look up from the refuge of her fringe, there was an expression she couldn’t quite read in his eyes and she knew there and then that the attraction she felt was most definitely mutual. As his hot hand closed on hers she could barely catch her breath as she walked alongside him in unfamiliar, impossibly high heels.

They stood shy and awkward for a moment so fleeting it was barely there, then Cole wrapped his hand around her waist and she slid into his embrace. The music carried them around the room and so tall was he, even in heels her cheek only rested on his chest as his deep low voice drifted to her ears.

‘I meant what I said. You really do look beautiful.’

Leah gave a small laugh, pulling her head up slightly so he could hear her. ‘It’s amazing what a posh frock and a few heated rollers can do. I think yesterday was a more accurate version of me.’

‘You looked beautiful then.’

Such was the honesty in his voice, such was its impact, Leah forgot they were supposed to be dancing and stilled for a moment.

Cole’s admission was obviously having the same effect on him and while the dance floor revolved around them, while couples entwined and moved to the music, for a second or two everything stopped.

‘You didn’t make me feel very beautiful,’ Leah responded, amazing herself at her boldness. ‘In fact, you made me feel incredibly irresponsible and rather unworthy.’

He didn’t answer, just stared on as Leah’s mouth started to move at a hundred miles an hour, nerves catching up with her as her senses kicked into overdrive. ‘If I remember rightly, you fell asleep at the first opportunity. After you’d told me off…’

‘That was the safer option.’ His eyes were on her, burning into her, and she stared right back. Never had she felt such an attraction, never, not even once in her life had she felt such a connection with another person. And it hadn’t just happened on the dance floor.

The instant he had appeared at the check-in desk, he had filled her mind. Her token annoyance at him had been just that.

A token, futile defence she had erected.

Even last night, as she had shared in Kathy’s last night of single life, her mind had guiltily wandered to the dashing stranger on the plane, scarcely able to believe her luck at the cards fate had dealt, at the chance to see him again the next day.

She should have left it there. He’d registered his attraction, swelled her ego to unimaginable proportions and made the day extra special. And that was all it could be, Leah reminded herself. Tomorrow she was heading back to England. Tomorrow Australia, Melbourne, this wedding would be just another holiday memory to line up with the rest, to pore over the photos with a wistful smile as her real life resumed.

So why was she taking things further? Leah asked herself.

Why was she tossing her fringe back slightly as she looked up? Running a tongue over her glossed lips as she stared into those gorgeous dark eyes? Lowering her voice as she spoke?

‘Safer than what?’

She felt his shoulders stiffen under her hands as he gazed back at her. The bridal waltz had long since ended, their duty dance over, yet neither had made a motion to move. Instead, they swayed away, dancing to their own tune, the throb of the band a distant beat as they moved together.

‘Safer than getting involved with someone I barely know, someone who’s heading off to the other side of the world tomorrow. Is that a good enough answer?’

‘I guess it was to be expected.’ She registered his frown and gave a small smile. ‘You made it very clear you like to err on the side of caution so, yes, I guess it would be pretty stupid to go and do something crazy.’

‘What do you mean by crazy?’ He was smiling down at her now. She could feel his breath on her cheek, his arms pulling her in tighter as he awaited her answer to his dangerous question.

She felt as if she were back on the bungy-jump platform again. A golden once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, right there for the taking. It would be crazy, she frantically reasoned, crazy and bad and dangerous to go ahead and jump and, despite her adventures abroad, falling hopelessly in lust had been one she’d been only too willing not to succumb to. She’d enough baggage to lug around without a broken heart to boot, and from the break in his voice when he’d mentioned his wife during the speeches Cole had his fair share of baggage too.

Where was her sense of adventure when she really needed it? Leah wondered with a rueful smile. Why couldn’t she just throw caution to the wind and succumb to his charms even if it was for just a night?

But therein lay the problem. Casual sex simply wasn’t her style and with the clock ticking by, with her departure drawing more imminent with each and every step, Leah knew that a one-night stand was all it could ever be, so it was with reluctance pouring from every cell that she dragged her eyes up to him as the music ended.

‘I’d better go and find Kathy.’

Kathy wasn’t exactly much help. As the evening wore on time and again she engineered their meetings, time and again they were left alone at the head table. It should have been awkward but it truly wasn’t. Cole was so easy to talk to, he made her laugh, made her feel so dammed sexy when he looked at her, watched her mouth move as she spoke, and it took a mammoth effort to drag herself up to the hotel room to help Kathy out of her dress and into her farewell outfit.

Drunk on love and half a bottle of champagne, Kathy had a glint in her eye and a determination that everyone should be as happy as her as they fiddled with their make-up in the mirror.

‘It wouldn’t just be a one-night stand,’ she insisted. ‘Cole Richardson is the consummate gentleman. I can’t believe he’s actually making a move on you!’

‘I’m not that bad,’ Leah moaned.

‘I didn’t mean that. It’s just that since Heather died he hasn’t so much as even glanced at another woman, hasn’t shown the remotest interest. He must just adore you, Leah, and I can’t bear the thought of him being rejected. You could kiss him at least, have a drink together…’

‘In the honeymoon suite,’ Leah pointed out, staring at the massive bed, supposedly prepared for the happy couple. Champagne cooling in a bucket, flowers and chocolates on the table—any hope of resistance would be futile. ‘Come on, Kathy, I wouldn’t last five minutes alone with him. I’ve never felt like this and pretending it isn’t going to end up in bed if we pursue things is pointless.’

‘Then go with it,’ Kathy begged. ‘Cole isn’t going to just get up and walk away.’

‘I am, though.’

‘Why couldn’t something come of it? Look at Dale and I…’

‘Kathy, I fly back to England tomorrow, for heaven’s sake.’

‘So cancel,’ Kathy said airily. ‘Tell them you’ve got a raging cough and temperature and they won’t let you set foot on the plane.’

‘Don’t be ridiculous,’ Leah admonished. ‘I haven’t got anywhere to stay, I don’t know anyone. Anyway, we probably only feel this way, because I’m going tomorrow. There’s something quite seductive about knowing you’ll never meet again. Can you imagine the poor guy’s face if I turn around and say I’ve decided to stay on?’

‘Remember the first night Dale took me out?’ Kathy asked, her eyes shining. ‘We were sharing a flat and he was the Australian visiting locum about to head back down under? Remember what I said when he knocked at the door?’

Leah nodded, a smile wobbling on her lips. ‘If I’m not in bed by eleven I’ll be home by twelve.’

‘And just look at us now!’
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