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Bachelor Remedy

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A knock startled her out of her thoughts. Looking up, she saw a vaguely familiar male figure filling the open doorway. A tall figure, she couldn’t help but notice—very tall and lean. The Mariners T-shirt he wore predisposed her to like him, and she couldn’t help but appreciate the way it stretched nicely across his muscled chest. Longish dark brown hair curled over his forehead and at least a day’s growth of stubble shaded his jaw.

Handsome face, she noted, but it didn’t look like a happy one.

“Good morning, Ms. Mowak. Do you have a minute?”

“Sure. Come on in.”

Long strides carried him into the room. “How’s your cousin?”

Now she had the feeling she should definitely know him. “He’s doing very well, thank you. He should be released in a day or two. Do you know Louis?”

One brow ticked up. “Just from yesterday.”

“Oh, were you part of the medical team treating him?”

He gave his head a little shake. “Ms. Mowak, I met you yesterday. Pilot?”

“Your name is Pilot? I have a cousin named Jett.”

One hand came up to scrub his chin. “No, I was the pilot who flew you and your cousin in from Jasper Lake.”

That was it. “Oh, yes, of course. Mr....?” Had he ever said his name?

“Tag. Tag James. From Copper Crossing Air Transport.”

“Sorry, I didn’t...remember you.”

“Yeah, I got that,” he answered flatly.

Ugh. This was uncomfortable, although she wasn’t sure why exactly. She recalled the brief interchange about which hospital to fly to and realized she might have been a tad short with him.

“Your landing was excellent, by the way. That, I remember.”

“My landing?” He repeated the word like he hadn’t quite heard her correctly.

“Yes. In the bay. You’re obviously a competent pilot.”

“Competent?” The word came out slowly while his brows dipped down along with the corners of his mouth. He looked baffled. He crossed his arms over his chest and kept them locked there.

Hmm. Was he offended that she hadn’t recognized him? Or put out because she’d overridden his suggestion to go to a larger hospital? When she shifted into rescue mode, she tended to become hyperfocused on her patient and the circumstances surrounding the emergency at hand. And yesterday’s patient had been Louis, a family member, which had heightened both her concentration and concern. She felt it unnecessary to explain this.

“I apologize that I didn’t recognize you?” she said, and immediately realized that it came out sounding more like a question. Ally didn’t believe in superfluous apologies, or conversations, for that matter. She found them both a waste of time, and hers was at a premium.

With more smirk than smile, he said, “I can assure you I am more than competent, Ms. Mowak.”

Oh, brother. She should have seen that coming, pilots and their egos. Her second oversize ego of the day. At least this guy wasn’t her boss.

“Mr. James, what can I help you with?”

“Please call me Tag. I’m here to discuss the flight yesterday. Do you remember anything besides my competent landing? Do you have problems with your short-term memory I should be aware of?”

Ally felt a stir of dismay. Carefully, she answered each question and then followed with one of her own. “Of course. No, I don’t. And what about the flight?”

“Specifically, I’m here to talk about how your new position as hospital liaison affects me and the patients I transport, as per my business arrangement with the hospital.”

“I see.”

“Do you?”

“This is about the clay?”

“Partially. Not entirely. I have more than one issue.”

Oh, good, she thought wryly. She was about to get grief from the pilot, too. Who was next? The charge nurse hadn’t accosted her yet. But it was early, not even lunchtime. Patiently she waited for him to continue.

“If we’re going to work together I think we need to establish some ground rules.”

“I agree.”

He got right to it. “I don’t have issues with alternative medicine per se—herbal, Ayurvedic, naturopathic, homeopathic, acupuncture, Reiki or any other type of traditional remedy, for that matter, is fine with me. I don’t care or interfere with what people believe or how they choose to treat their medical conditions. What I do have a problem with is when it directly affects my job, and more specifically, my ability to save a life.”

“And you feel like my use of medicinal clay falls into the latter category?”

“I do.”

“Please keep in mind that yesterday I was treating a family member in an emergency situation. I wasn’t on the job.”

“I understand that, which is why I’m here instead of in Dr. Boyd’s office.” He shrugged a shoulder. “Even though I do not understand why you would purposely put your cousin in danger.”

“Obviously, I don’t see it that way.”

“Obviously. You can see it any way you choose. But for the duration of time that we’ll be working together I need you to do it my way. My way is the right way.”

“Noted,” she replied calmly. “My turn.”


Ally almost laughed at his look of utter confusion. “You said we were establishing ground rules. You gave me yours. If this works the way I think it does, then it’s my turn to outline my rules?”

Narrowing his gaze, he studied her like he was puzzling out this detail. His eyes burned into hers, and she couldn’t tell if they were green or brown. Inexplicably, the back of her neck began to tingle.

“Do you want to have a seat?” she asked, partially to stop his perusal, partially to bring him closer to her eye level. If Dr. Boyd hadn’t intimidated her, there was no reason this guy should. But it might be easier to manage if he wasn’t hovering over her.

“Fine.” Moving closer, he lowered his tall frame into the seat across from her.

Better, she thought, meeting his gaze head-on. Except now he seemed really...close.

Gathering her thoughts, she said, “When I’m out on a call and acting as the paramedic on behalf of Rankins Hospital my word is final. My way is the right way. I also have some ideas on how you can improve your efficiency. It took you too long to take off after you landed at the lake.”
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