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Cool Careers

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Are there any particular activities or subjects that keep your interest? These might be a hobby rather than a work interest at present.

Do you have a real passion for any area of life? Forget at the moment whether or not you have any training in relation to the area. Simply think about what you enjoy doing. Here are some examples: the environment, playing computer games, cars and mechanical objects, influencing people, travel, science, helping others, directing and leading, changing the world, doing something personal and meaningful, collecting data or objects, writing or artistic pursuits.

When you think about what you really love, what career direction does that start to point you towards?

2. Get to know yourself. Take a long, hard look at your personality. Be honest with yourself. Your work is going to take up a huge part of your life. There is no point pretending to be someone you are not.

Are you a completer/finisher who always delivers tasks on time? Or perhaps you are much more a big picture, philosopher type who is great at ideas and strategic thinking.

Maybe you are a moody, artistic type who is wonderful at living in your imagination? Ask your friends for their opinion if you are not sure.

Psychometric profiling tools, such as MBTI (Myers-BriggsType Indicator), or specific career profiling tools, such as the Holland typing systems, are very effective for revealing your character traits. You may have to pay a career counsellor to help you but it could be worth it. If you are short of cash, there is a lot of information online if you search under the tools’ names.

Choose a job that suits what you are naturally good at rather than trying to change yourself to suit the job. Changing yourself will neither make you rich nor happy. Doing a job that suits your personality, on the other hand, will.

3. Look at your current skills. How many steps are you away from your ideal career right now?

What skills would you need to learn or train in to make your ideal career a reality?

What would it take for you to learn these skills?

Is it physically possible for you to learn them? For example, if you are already 70, it’s probably too late for you to be a Premiership footballer, but you might still be able to create yourself a career to do with football.

4. Decide what’s important. What is really important to you in your career?

Is it money? Status? Flexible hours? Security and a nine-to-five routine? Regular promotions? Adventure and excitement?

Perhaps you want to be your own boss?

Maybe you need company, or would you prefer to be by yourself most of the time?

Is location is a key factor?

Do you want to work in an office, or outside?

Would you like to dress up for work and look glamorous, or never have to put on a suit or smart dress?

5. Look around at what other people do. Other people’s jobs and career paths can be the inspiration that you need to think about your own career choices. Unconventional careers are comparatively rare so it is important to keep your eyes peeled.

Who is currently doing the job you really want to do?

Who is doing a job in an industry or area that you would really like to work in?

How did they get that job?

Ten steps to getting a cool career

Introspection is a good first step but it will get you nowhere if you don’t take action. We only create change by both thinking and acting ourselves into new roles before we take them on. If you are looking for an unconventional career, you need some unconventional strategies to help you find it.


Networking is the best way to gather information about unusual and unconventional careers. Most of the conventional job market is hidden. The unconventional job market is even more hidden. Search out success stories. Find out who are the top people in your chosen field, or role models who can teach you new things. Find ways to meet them. Don’t expect to find them in your existing social network. Break out of your existing social habits and meet new people. Remember the Six Degrees of Separation theory – we are each of us only six people away from anyone in the world. If you contact a friend they can put you in touch with another friend who can give you another contact and so on down the line until you meet the person you really want to get in touch with. Do your research and ask questions all along the way about what interesting careers are out there and how you could get started in your career of choice.


Take the path less travelled. There may not be one career that suits you but several that will suit you at different times. If you have the chance, volunteer or do short contracts, trying out different jobs as much as possible. Each of them will teach you more about what you like and dislike. Remember, in this century we can invent our own careers by taking bits of different careers and giving them a new title.


If you can’t find the perfect career straight away, that’s OK. Just keep taking step after step and make sure each step is consistent with your values, personality and interests. As you build self-knowledge by taking action, inspiration about different career paths you could follow will come along.


Remember, we are each of us more than one person. What interests you at one time in your life may not be right for you at another. Be prepared to be flexible and respond to your intuition as to when to change paths.


It is perfectly OK to have a career on your CV that wasn’t right for you. Trial and error teaches us more than introspection. As you learn more about yourself, you can get more precise and accurate in matching your career choices to who you are.


Even if you know what your ideal career is, it may take a while – even years – to get there. Although it would be wonderful to wave a magic wand, small wins are the best ways to work the path towards a bigger goal. Use each small change you make, and everything you learn, as feedback about what you want and how to get your big goal. Accept that the path often weaves in and out of rocks and disappears for a while underground before coming back again. It is not a straight line. A series of small wins will add up to a big change over time.


If you don’t have the opportunity to learn through your current job and you can’t afford to take an immediate leap to another career, identify voluntary or parallel projects that you could take on that will give you new skills or insights. Turning points in careers don’t usually come because of one huge leap, but because of a build-up of preferences and commitment from different assignments over time. It is better to spend more time trying out different ways or styles of working in extracurricular projects, where you can afford to change direction, rather than taking a huge career leap that might prove hard to reverse and cost you money or security.


Career growth and transition take time. If you want to take the unfamiliar path, it may take two, three, or even more, years for you to grow the career you really want.


We all have periods when we make progress and periods when we seem to get stuck. Always keep your eyes peeled for opportunities. Career chances don’t always come conveniently labelled as such. Keep your eyes open for opportunities to make your career cooler than it is at present. Think about becoming an expert in a particular niche area. Or how about changing geographical location? What are you prepared to do that other people might not consider? Make a story out of your career so far. Take advantage of whatever life throws at you. Only you can make your career a positive experience for you. Tell the story of your life in a positive way to bring meaning to your career and it will make you get clear on the next steps you can take.


You can aim for an employed career or you can just get your name out there and invent your own. Be prepared to take a risk and go self-employed once you really know your own working preferences. It takes some courage but it could be your best investment in yourself ever. Check out the unusual careers in the lists in Part Two for ideas about one-off careers.

Turning uncool into very cool

Don’t panic if you have just realised that you are very uncool. With a little creativity you can start developing your career into a cool career. It’s up to you just how cold you want to go.


Classic cool: Pilot Being a pilot is an example of a classically cool career. Pilots have status. Little boys grow up wanting to be them. But the amount of cool depends on what type of pilot you are. A Commercial Pilot is a much sought-after career – aspirational, but not particularly unusual.

Very cool: an RAF Pilot Might score extra Cool points. Why? Fewer people have the opportunity to become RAF pilots. The tough training programme and reputation for ‘Top Gun’ adrenalin-charged flying produces extra cool points for many.
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