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Passport to Happiness

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Sighing, I don’t rise to the bait. For the fiftieth time this morning, she seems to want to remind me that my new job in Bermuda is solely for work, no fun allowed. She’s wrong though. Tilly’s already got loads of events lined up. She’s even decked out the spare room for me. Still, I won’t be telling Amy that – it’ll only annoy her even more. She already thinks I’m insane, irresponsible and reckless to have accepted this job. It’s been made worse by the fact that I decided to rent out my flat, fully-furnished, on a yearly contract. It’s taken her the last two weeks to come to terms with the fact that I’m OK with someone else using my sofa, and no, I won’t be homeless if I come back early, because there’s always our parents to stay with, or even here until I sort something.

‘Are you really sure about this, Everly?’

Trying not to roll my eyes, I finish packing the final pair of shoes into my suitcase. ‘Yep, I’m certain. And please can you quit asking me because even if I did have doubts – which I don’t by the way – it’s a bit late to be backing out now. I’ve already left my job, my flat, basically my life here and my flight is less than twelve hours away. It’s a done deal.’

I still can’t get my head around the turn of events. I went from phoning Carolyn back, to being interviewed the very same evening via Skype and offered the job. Luckily for me, my skillset in my particular curriculum had been hard to find locally. And even more surprising, I’d been the only overseas applicant – owing to Tilly giving me the heads up before they’d officially had time to advertise. The salary and package had been an even bigger incentive than the picturesque photos I’d browsed of the school location. It was double and a half what I was earning, plus a relocation package and inclusive flights. There was absolutely no way I was going to say no. Even if this just turns out to be six months of a new life, surely that’s better than six months of same old? Besides, it’s my new mantra to be more of a yes to adventure person.

Marching back into the room, Amy watches as I secure my case. ‘Are you going to eat dinner with us?’

‘Of course, unless you plan to turf me out early with an empty stomach?!’ Laughing, I stand up and take in her drawn, anxious expression. ‘Oh Aim, come here.’ Stepping towards her, I take her into a bear hug and stroke her back. ‘You need to stop mothering me, I’m going to be absolutely fine and Tilly will look after me.’ Releasing her, I notice the tears in her eyes.

‘I’m just going to miss you. I’ve gotten so used to you being nearby since you and Jay split.’ She looks at me shyly and takes a deep breath. ‘I guess, I just don’t want you to leave because then I’ve lost my best friend.’

‘I’m going to miss you too, you silly moo, but six months will pass so quickly.’ Lily bounds into the room and giggles at us both standing face to face holding hands.

‘Can I join in?’ She’s clutching a raggedy teddy and with her sweet little toothless grin, I feel my heart melt.

‘Of course, let’s all do a group hug,’ I say, smiling at Amy as we huddle together. It’s just moments later that we break off as the doorbell rings and they rush off to answer it, leaving me alone in the bedroom.

Before I can help myself, I wipe a tear away from my eye. I am going to miss the children and Amy so much, despite the newness that lies ahead. If I’m honest with myself, they’ve been the ones that have filled the void of Jay since he left. They’ve been the support I needed and relied on. What if it is a mistake to leave?

Dismissing the thought, I instead tell myself that the heavens must have a plan for me. Just like the song says…

Because if it wasn’t for that awful date with Florian, for the impromptu, ill-thought out trip to Switzerland, for Frederick, even for Emir making me realise it’s not about finding love just yet, but about trying to discover more purpose and fulfilment – there wouldn’t be a new life waiting for me in Bermuda, would there?

Everything is just the way it’s supposed to be and I’m going to trust that the new adventure I was hoping for, has begun. I pick up my case and half-drag, half-carry it to the hallway, my stomach fizzing with nerves and excitement.

I notice my bikini on the radiator and quickly retrieve it and shove it into my holdall. Who’d have thought I’d end up working in a place where rich people holiday? Smiling to myself I make my way to kitchen, trying not to get carried away with thoughts of myself beaching and boating.

It’s Everly dream come true…


I draw in a sharp breath. ‘Wow, it’s out of this world, absolutely stunning.’ But even that doesn’t feel quite enough to describe the view. Crystal clear turquoise water shimmers along the horizon in front of me, the sweet smell of sea and heat filling my nostrils. I’m unable to draw my eyes away, but I’m aware of my cardigan clinging to me and discreetly notice sweat patches already forming on my top. ‘Gosh, it’s so hot.’

Tilly laughs and brushes a stray hair from her face. ‘It’s the humidity that gets us here. It’s intense. Hope you thought to bring light clothing.’

We stop at a traffic light and I marvel at how tropical everything looks. Lush greenery and colourful plantation greet me everywhere I look. Houses with white pitched roofs painted in every pastel colour imaginable line the horizon at varying levels. It’s an assortment of colour and beauty, and I’m full of delight as the road leads us closer to the sea, it’s shimmering vivid, intense blue-green allure causing me to smile. ‘It’s so beautiful, I’m never going to want to leave.’

‘You will, give it a couple of months and you’ll have rock fever. You’ll be itching for fast-paced civilisation and better shopping like most ex-pats.’ She grins and turns back to the wheel. ‘I can’t actually believe you’re here, you know.’

Laughing, I drink in the scenery as we pass a stately mansion and a group of businessmen in braces and Bermuda shorts. ‘Neither can I. Thank god I don’t start work until next week, I will need at least a week to settle in and find my way around.’

‘Well, don’t get too comfy, I’ve already got us a night out planned for later. Don’t think you’re in for a tea and sofa evening. No way, missy!’ Tilly grins, flashing her overly white teeth at me and I know for sure that means she’s arranged something epic.

The thing is, until Tilly arrived at airport to collect me, I’d sort of forgotten just how animated she is. There’s this crazy vibe about her, the type of energy that is both magnetic and slightly unhinged. In the past I’ve seen her go from overly excited to wildly depressive within minutes. It’s hard not to want to be around her – she’s infectious with her zest for life and living to the full. However, I know I also need to try to keep a bit of distance from her unrestrained antics, especially if Bermuda is going to be my new home. Tilly isn’t always the best influence…

‘And tomorrow I thought we could have a beach day?’ She’s looking at me zealously again. ‘I’ve also got to walk down to the marina to check on my new boat.’

My eyes open wide in shock. I’m confused. ‘A boat? You bought a boat?!’ I turn to her, noticing that the car is slowly stopping, and she’s clicked on the indicator to turn left. ‘And aren’t you supposed to be working tomorrow?”

She shrugs and dismisses me with a wave of the hand. ‘Meh, work schmerk. And yes, I bought a boat. It seemed a waste for me to have a free marina space with my apartment and not make use of it.’

‘Oh, of course,’ I say lightly, trying not to sound sarcastic. ‘Yes, makes absolute sense to fork out thousands on a boat rather than let the space – which I’m guessing isn’t worth as much – go to waste.’

She laughs and shakes her head at me. ‘Don’t be so boring. You do realise this means we’ll be out boating practically every weekend. And there’s Non-Mariners coming up.’

I have absolutely no idea what’s she’s on about and she seems to gather this as she pats my leg and says, ‘Hundreds of boats together in a party, drink fuelled raft up. It’s fucking awesome. It’s all to do with a boat race but we’ll just anchor up and get on the champs. You’ll probably have to drive us home though as I’ll be undoubtedly smashed.’

I feel my pulse quicken in excitement. The last time I was on any sort of boat was a chartered speedboat, which we shared with random other couples. That’s when I realise she means drive the boat home, not just the car.

‘Sounds fantastic, but I’m not sure I know how to drive a boat though. I haven’t got a licence!’ My slightly high-pitched, giggly tone betrays my nerves and as Tilly looks at me with a huff and roll of her eyes, I know it’s going to happen regardless of whether I want it to or not. Still, there’s worse things in life that could be happening than being forced to drive a boat. Like waking up at this exact moment in my poky flat in the UK, to start yet another dull day at work.

‘This is us.’ Tilly’s voice breaks into my thoughts and I lean forward, peering out of the windscreen at the baby pink building with a snow-white roof which we are pulling up to. The sea sits only metres away from my passenger door.

‘Wow, you live here? Right on the marina?’ I unclip my seat belt as she pulls up the handbrake and turns off the engine.

‘Don’t you listen to anything I say? I’ve told you a hundred times that I live on the marina.’ I watch as she opens her door and hops out. ‘Come on, let’s get inside and I’ll show you around.’

Wasting no time in following orders, I’m out of the car at high speed and before I know it, we’ve managed to drag all three of my bags into her ground floor apartment.

It’s hard not to be impressed as I survey the spacious, open-plan setting before me. Sunlight floods the room thanks to a large double window that showcases the turquoise ocean so beautifully, I have to refrain myself from wanting to take an immediate selfie with it.

‘This is your home? My goodness, I’d never go out if I lived here!’

Tilly laughs, coming up behind me and taking off her sunglasses. ‘Well, that’s not true because now you do live here and we’re always going to be out!’ She walks over to her ultra-white kitchen and fills up the kettle. ‘I’m guessing you’re very tea-hydrated.’ She giggles, reaching across for the teabags. ‘I bought some bits at the supermarket for you, but you’ll probably find it’s easier to eat out quite a bit. It’s rather expensive here for groceries.’

‘Don’t worry, I’m used to budgeting,’ I say, as she takes two cups from the cupboard, places them on the side and then picks up one of my holdalls.

‘Right, follow me, I’ll give you the tour of your new home.’

Picking up my remaining two bags, I follow her into the hallway, her words echoing in my head.

My new home. I can’t help but feel fizzy inside with joy.

Chapter 6 (#u9e95656c-7e84-5ff9-b1b8-a08febe83069)

‘This is Abbi, she works with me.’

‘Hi, nice to meet you.’ The tall, willowy woman smiles warmly at me as she passes both myself and Tilly a glass of champagne from the table beside her. ‘We’ve heard lots about you. So nice to have a new face in our crew.’

‘Thanks,’ I say, stifling a yawn and taking a sip of champagne in the hope it’ll wake me up. ‘It’s been a blast so far and it’s only day three. I don’t feel like I’ve stopped yet.’ I grin at Tilly a little wearily. The thing is, we’ve been doing a lot more socialising than I’d anticipated and although it’s been fun, I’m tired.

‘I’ve kept you busy to help you from succumbing to jet lag.’ She giggles, draining her champagne quickly. ‘OK, let’s go over there and I’ll introduce you to Spencer and Jools.’ She points in the direction of a short, stocky guy who’s back is facing me. I can see his golden-blond hair flopping as he talks, gesturing wildly with his hands. Tilly leans in, whispering, ‘Jools, the taller one, is a bit OTT but he’s a good guy really. Just take him with a pinch of salt.’

I take a gulp of champagne, feeling it instantly going to my head, and follow her across the outside patio area of the prestigious hotel grounds that we’re enjoying our evening drink in.

‘Spence, there’s someone I want you to meet.’ Tilly taps the fairer-haired man firmly on the shoulder and I notice that up close he isn’t as short as I’d assumed. I watch as he spins around mid-conversation, wearing a surprised and slightly perplexed expression.
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