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Baby, I'm Yours

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Aaron was sitting at the kitchen table, his math book open in front of him.

“I thought you already finished your homework,” Becca commented.

“I forgot a page.”

“Hmm. Try harder to remember next time. I don’t like you leaving your homework till the last minute. That makes for sloppy work.” She ruffled his hair as she went to the counter. “Have a seat, Rick.”

He sat at the opposite end of the table, so their talk wouldn’t disturb Aaron’s concentration.

“Coffee? Water?” Becca asked, placing a plate of cookies on the table.

The boy snagged the first one.

“Water’s fine,” Rick said.

Becca returned with two glasses of ice water and napkins.

Selecting a cookie, Rick nodded toward the plate. “Still working on the leftovers from the wake?”

Becca’s smile faded as she sat down in a chair across the table from him. “They freeze well.”

Gabe’s mother, Irene, came in the kitchen. She glanced at him, unspoken questions in her eyes. “Hello, Rick. Good to see you again.” So soon?

“Good to see you, too. I brought some files for Becca.”

“Why don’t you join us for a snack, Irene,” Becca invited.

“No. But I’ll steal a couple cookies and take them out to Jim.”

“Is he working on something in the shop?” Rick asked.

“Yes. I haven’t seen it yet—he’s been very secretive about this project. But he did let it slip that it’s some sort of commemorative to Gabe.”

“Ah, so you’re trying to catch him unawares and the cookies are your excuse?” Becca teased.

Irene stiffened. “Absolutely not. That would be an abuse of his trust. Trust is very important, don’t you agree, Rick?”

Did he detect an undercurrent? Surely there was no way she could know what had happened with Becca the night of Gabe’s funeral.

He forced himself not to break eye contact. “Trust is very important.”

She nodded, her hand hovering over the cookies. Her stare was lethal.

He grasped at another reason for his visit. “Um, Becca, I also came by to talk to you about David.”

Becca frowned. “Did he take your parking space again? I talked to him about that. If it involves him working more hours, I would prefer that he spend the time studying.”

“I agree with you about the hours and I’ll back you up. He seems determined to be the man of the house now that Gabe’s gone.”

“I don’t want that for him and I’m sure Gabe wouldn’t, either. I want him to have every opportunity to be a young man before he has too many responsibilities thrust on him.”

“It seems to be something he’s taking on himself,” Rick said. “The kid’s wound pretty tightly. I need to find a replacement partner for racquetball, or I’m going to lose my court time at the gym. I was thinking it might be a good outlet for David to blow off steam.”

Becca smiled. “I think it’s a wonderful idea.”

“Hmmph.” Irene made a great show of wrapping cookies in a napkin.

“What do you think, Irene?” Becca asked.

“It’s fine, I guess. Nobody could replace David’s father, though.”

There was a moment’s silence, then Rick said, “I know that.”

Slowly, Irene nodded. “Good.” Then she left through the back door.

“I hope Irene’s feeling all right.” Becca sounded concerned. “She’s not usually short with people. I’ve been worried about her since the funeral.”

“I’m sure she’s fine.” As a matter of fact, he was pretty sure Irene had picked up on the vibes he’d been trying to hide, even from himself.

Because when he looked across the table at Becca, he remembered how good they’d been together.


BECCA TRIED TO focus on what Rick was saying. But her mind kept drifting to the news she’d received from the doctor and what it would mean to her life.

“Hey, earth to Becca.”

“I’m sorry. I guess I’m still groggy from my nap.”

“I better go.” Rick rose and placed his glass in the sink.

For a wild instant, Becca wished she could confide in him. She needed a shoulder to lean on so badly. But Rick was the last person to rely on for emotional support. Look where it had gotten them last time.

“I’ll walk you to the door.” There must have been a note of desperation in her voice, because Rick raised an eyebrow.

“Thanks, I think.”

“I’m not trying to get rid of you…”

“Hey, I didn’t intend to stay.” He ruffled Aaron’s hair on his way past. “Keep hittin’ the books.”

“I’m almost done.”

Becca breathed a sigh of relief when she closed the door behind Rick. She found pretending everything was normal tremendously draining.

After helping Aaron with the rest of his homework, she tucked him into bed and ran a couple loads of laundry, then sat down on the couch in the great room.

Glancing at her watch, she sighed. It was nearly time for Maya to be home from studying. Becca closed her eyes for just a moment…
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