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Secrets In Texas

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“Ow.” He rubbed his side. “Someone certainly is grumpy this morning.”

“Not grumpy. We don’t want to embarrass Aunt Eleanor.”

“I imagine she and Uncle Jonathon kissed every once in a while. Didn’t you, Aunt Eleanor?”

“It’s not seemly to discuss intimate subjects. Some things are best left in privacy. You have forgotten our ways, Matthew.”

“No, I’ve just remembered what I want to remember.” His tone was light, but Angel sensed an undercurrent.

“Jonathon will expect more than that. Complete obedience is necessary in our life. There is no place for self-centered desires.”

Angel wondered how much self-centered desires figured in with the elders taking multiple young wives.

“I apologize. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable, Aunt Eleanor,” Matthew said. He released Angel and stepped back a pace. Angel was almost sorry to be deprived of his reassuring warmth.

Eleanor nodded, accepting his apology. “Go on ahead for your meeting with Jonathon. You know how he admires punctuality.”

“Yes, I remember. Are you ready, Angel?”

Angel nodded, drying her hands on the dish towel.

“Jonathon wanted to see you alone, Matthew.” Eleanor’s tone was stern.

“Anything he can say to me, he can say in front of Angel.”

“He will be displeased. He intends to take you to the elders’ meeting this morning. It is not right for a woman to be involved in men’s business.”

“Then the elders better save their business for another day. I want Angel to meet them and have a chance to talk to Uncle Jonathon. I want my wife to know my family.”

Eleanor sighed. “You always were a headstrong boy. Sweet but headstrong.”

“What do you think, Angel, dear? Does that pretty well describe me?”

Angel tilted her head, smiling in spite of herself. She couldn’t resist the opportunity to tease him. “Definitely headstrong. I’m not sure I agree with the sweet part.”

He stepped closer. “Then I guess I’ll have to show you later how sweet I can be.” The heat of his gaze left no room for misunderstanding. Either he was a very good actor or he was mentally making love to her.

The thought sent a shock through her. “Um, well, we should probably meet Uncle Jonathon.”

“Yes, I believe I saw him arrive a few moments ago.” Eleanor gazed out the kitchen window.

Angel hadn’t noticed his arrival and she’d been right by the window, too. But then again, she was beginning to believe Eleanor had almost otherworldly powers of observation. The woman didn’t seem to miss a thing.

“I’ll show you to his study.” Eleanor dried her hands on a towel, then patted her hair into place.

Angel thought it was kind of cute that the woman still cared what she looked like when her husband saw her. She also thought it was kind of sad, because Eleanor could never have the security of being Jonathon’s one and only love.

They followed her down a hallway. She stopped at a closed door and tapped. “Jonathon, Matthew’s here to see you.”

She didn’t include Angel in her announcement. Smart woman. She was going to let Matthew explain why he’d brought the little woman to a guys-only meeting.


MATTHEW TOOK A DEEP breath, steeling himself to see his uncle in the light of day. His hand at Angel’s elbow, he urged her forward.

Jonathon sat behind a large mahogany desk, a desk Matthew remembered from his childhood. It had been his father’s.

He suppressed a flash of anger as he followed Angel to the lone chair opposite the desk. When she glanced inquiringly at him, he nodded toward the chair. He stood behind her, resting a hand on her shoulder.

Forcing a smile, he said, “Good morning, Uncle.”

“Matthew.” His uncle inclined his head, appearing every inch the regal leader. “I didn’t anticipate you would bring your wife. I imagine Angel would be more comfortable chatting with Eleanor and Ruth this morning. You and I will be meeting with the elders later.”

Matthew chose to ignore the underlying command in Jonathon’s observation. He intended to keep Angel as close as possible until he was sure she was safe. “Angel will stay with me this morning.”

“Do you really think that wise?”

“I don’t see a problem.”

“You’ve indicated you wanted your wife to be tutored in the ways of our life. God made men and women with different strengths and weaknesses. Women are better suited to tending the home, not interfering in men’s business.”

Angel’s shoulders tensed beneath Matthew’s palm. He didn’t blame her for being angry. Unfortunately Jonathon’s thinly veiled condescension was the least of his crimes. And Matthew intended to prove it.

“Of course I want Angel to learn the proper ways. But we are newlyweds, Uncle, and I want her at my side today.”

“I was a young man once myself and remember the passion of youth. However, I’ve found self-control to be a valuable trait. You will be all the more glad to see your bride this evening. As the old saying goes, ‘Absence makes the heart grow fonder.’” Jonathon smiled, but there was a dangerous glint in his eye.

Angel shifted. Matthew knew she had to resent being discussed as if she weren’t in the room. He squeezed her shoulder. However appalling he might find his uncle’s values—or lack of them—he had a job to do. And to be effective, he had to appear to agree.

“I understand, Uncle.” He stepped forward, catching Angel’s eye. “It is my heart’s desire to spend every waking moment with you. But my uncle is right. You should join the women while the elders meet.”

Her eyes flashed a warning. Then she lowered her gaze, her voice barely audible when she said, “Yes, Matthew.”

He exhaled in relief. He’d worried she might tell him what he could do with all this crap. He reminded himself she was a professional and very good at her work.

Undercover gang assignments. A far cry from posing as a pliable Zion’s Gate wife.

He turned toward Jonathon. “It’s my fondest desire for Angel to meet my whole family. That is not possible if she secludes herself at Aunt Eleanor’s house.”

“We will hold a celebration of your homecoming after services on Sunday. There will be ample opportunity for Angel to meet everyone.”

“Good. I look forward to introducing her to my sister Rebecca. She will also be there Sunday, will she not? Or could we perhaps visit with her this evening?”

Jonathon frowned, leaning back in his chair and gazing out the small window set high in the wall.

Matthew’s heart pounded. He’d pushed too hard, too soon, possibly tipping his hand. Please, God, please let her still be alive.

“Rebecca hasn’t been feeling well, but possibly she can be persuaded to attend on Sunday.”
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