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Temporary Nanny

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Not that Katy had given any indication she would endorse such a plan. On the contrary, he’d gotten the impression she’d been nearly as uncomfortable as he. And whenever they met up in the elevator, conversation had been polite, nothing more.

More tapping.


Not gonna bite. The kid was wasting his time.


Surely Katy wasn’t encouraging Jake? Maybe she didn’t know. How could she not know? Unless she wasn’t home. What in the heck was the kid doing home at two o’clock on a school day?

There was a thud from upstairs.

Royce stood, grabbing the broom from beside the couch. He refused to think about why he still had it handy.

He tapped out a quick message.

U O-K?

Nothing. No footsteps, no thumps or bumps. And certainly no responding code.

He waited a few moments and tried again. When he didn’t get a response, he dropped the broom and headed out the door.

Jake opened the door to apartment 472 almost before Royce was done knocking. His smile was wide. “Took you long enough.”

“What the hell?”

Jake shrugged. “You wouldn’t answer and I’m not supposed to leave the apartment alone.”

That’s when Royce noticed the baseball glove and ball. “Uh-uh. No way, Jake. I already told you. Besides, aren’t you grounded?”

The boy stepped into the hallway and closed the door behind him, using a key dangling from a lanyard to lock it. “Not anymore. Come on, let’s go.”

“You’re not listening. I’m not your baseball buddy. Now that I know you’re safe, I’m heading home.”

Jake stopped and eyed him. “I guess I’ll go by myself then. That’ll make my mom mad and I’ll probably get grounded again.” He sighed heavily. “But a guy’s gotta do what a guy’s gotta do.”

Royce could remember many activities he’d missed because his dad was at work. “Look, I was a kid once, too. I can understand you wanting to get out and play while the weather’s great. But—”

“I bet you got to play baseball when you were a kid. And didn’t have to stay in the stinking apartment every day.”

“Most of the time, as long as I behaved myself. It’s different these days.”

“No stranger’s gonna steal me. I’ll kick him hard in the privates if he even tries. You don’t have to worry about me. See ya later.”

Oh, great, now he’d have the specter of Jake being kidnapped by a pedophile hanging over his head.

“Why don’t you wait till your mom gets home? She’ll be here soon, won’t she?”

Jake shrugged. “Yeah. Pretty soon. You know, she won’t mind if I’m with you, ’cause you got all that government spy clearance and stuff.”

“Not spy clearance. Just a background check.”

“See ya.”

The boy trudged toward the elevator.

Royce wondered why he was allowing a ten-year-old boy to best him. Sighing, he realized it didn’t matter. He couldn’t stand the thought of something happening because he didn’t want to get involved. What if it had been Michael?

He trotted to catch up with Jake. “Just today. That’s it. You left your mom a note, didn’t you?”


KATY GLANCED at her watch as she answered her cell. She really didn’t need the interruption from her mother now. If she kept her nose to the grindstone, she just might finish work in time to pick up Jake from school.

“Hi, Mom, I’m right in the middle of something, can I call you back?”

“I’m so sorry, honey. Jake emptied his backpack at my house last week and apparently a notice slipped under the couch. I know they probably sent a second flyer home, but I just wanted to be sure you knew about his early release.”

The world around her seemed to come to a screeching halt.


“Yes, the teachers had some special workshop to attend.”

Katy swallowed hard. “What time does school get out?”

“It let out at one o’clock.”

“That was nearly two hours ago!”

“Oh, honey, I’m so sorry. I—I’m sure Jake took the bus home and is watching TV.”

“Mom, I’ve got to call home.”


Katy hit the speed dial button. The phone rang and rang, then finally went into voice mail.

She left a message telling Jake she’d be right there, just in case he’d been in the bathroom or totally engrossed in a video game. Then she grabbed her purse and keys and headed for the door, explaining to her boss on the way.

When Katy entered the apartment, she sighed in relief at the sight of Jake’s backpack. He was home. She’d been frantic for nothing.

“Jake?” she called. No answer. And the TV was off. Not the norm when her son was home.

She glanced in his bedroom. It looked the same as when he’d left this morning—the bed slightly rumpled but basically tidy. The bathroom door stood open.

Panic threatened to return.
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