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Secret Child, Royal Scandal

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“I sent them to you.”

All the time they’d been together, he’d never once given her flowers. She’d understood her role in his life. First as a sounding board for all his frustrations and woes. Eventually, she’d become his lover, a convenient one that he could drop in on whenever he was feeling lonely or in need of comfort. She’d made no demands, expected nothing, and he’d given her mind-blowing sex in return. To be fair, while they’d been physically intimate she’d also enjoyed a great deal of emotional intimacy, as well. But out of bed, Christian donned the charming persona he maintained to keep people at bay.

The roses had reminded her how susceptible she’d once been to his charm. What if nothing had changed in the past five years? She needed to determine if she could trust her head to guide her. He mustn’t be allowed to think he could sway her with romantic gestures. For gestures were all they were.

“You’re not going to make this easy for me, are you?” He crossed the threshold, crowding her office with his powerful presence.

“Why should I?” Noelle liked having her elegant desk as a buffer between them, but didn’t want her entire staff hearing this conversation. Stepping out from behind the desk, she gestured Christian away from the door and closed it, trapping them together in the small space. “Five years ago you wanted nothing more to do with me. Now, you’re desperate for an heir and you want my son.”

“You forget that I came to see you last night knowing nothing about Marc,” he grumbled in his deep, beguiling voice. His intent was clear. He intended to throw every trick in his abundant arsenal at her. “I saw you at the wedding and knew I’d made a mistake letting you go all those years ago.”

His claim was so ridiculous she should have laughed in his face. But the words made her chest ache. How many nights had she lain awake, praying for his knock on her apartment door in Paris? Dreaming that he’d burst in, sweep her off her feet and declare he’d been a fool to let her go and that he couldn’t live without her. Too many. In fact, she hadn’t given up all hope until Marc’s first birthday.

“I don’t believe you.”

“If you give me a chance, I’ll prove it to you.” His dark gold eyes glittered with sensual intent.

A hysterical laugh bubbled up in her chest. She clamped her teeth together and fought to appear unflustered. No easy task when the masculine scent of the man awakened buried memories. A tingle began between her thighs as she relived the joy of his hands on her body, his lips on hers.

Last night she’d stood up to him, an alarmed mama bear protecting her cub. Today she was a woman confronting a man who intended to persuade and seduce. Heat bloomed in her cheeks. She scowled, angry with herself and taking it out on him.

“If you want me to take your interest in Marc seriously, you’d be better off demonstrating that you have what it takes to be a father.”

“I agree.” He nodded. “Which is why I sent a gift to Marc, as well.”

Noelle bit back a groan. “What sort of gift?”

“A small thing.”

“How small?”

“A child-sized electric car. My assistant said her son loves to drive his cousin’s. He is about Marc’s age.”

She hissed out a breath. “You can’t just do that.”

“Of course I can.”

Once upon a time she’d have teased him about his arrogance. Once upon a time she’d been madly in love with him.

“An electric car is an expensive toy. I want Marc to value art and stories and music. Not things.”

“He’s a four-year-old boy,” Christian scoffed. “They want to get muddy and have adventures.”

Noelle knew it was ridiculous, but she could feel Marc slipping away from her with each word Christian spoke. Her son would love this thrill-seeking prince and want to go live in a palace, and never once miss his mother. “And you’re an expert on four-year-old boys?”

“I was one once. And he’s a prince. He should always get the best.”

Panic rose. Her voice dropped to a whisper. “That’s not how I’m raising him.”

“We need to be together for Marc’s sake.” Christian caught her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. “He shouldn’t have to grow up without a father.”

Christian seemed sincere enough, but Noelle couldn’t ignore that he needed an heir and knew just how stubborn Christian could be when he wanted something. She tugged her hand free and squared her shoulders.

“I can’t possibly be with you,” she said. “I’m involved with someone and we’re quite serious.”

* * *

Christian absorbed Noelle’s statement with a slow eye-blink, his thoughts reeling. He’d come in too confident, certain that he could win over Noelle with a few roses and a bit of persuasion. She’d always been there any time he needed her. It had never once occurred to him that she might be in love with someone else. Acid burned in his gut at the thought of her with anyone besides him.

“You didn’t mention anyone last night.”

Her expression, once so transparent and open, betrayed none of her thoughts. “All I thought about was Marc and the effect your sudden appearance in his life would have on him.”

“Who is this man you’re seeing?” The question sounded more like an interrogation than a friendly inquiry.

“Someone I met shortly after I moved to Paris.”

Five years. Had she run into his arms after Christian had sent her away? A knot formed in his chest.

“I’d love to meet him. Does he live in Sherdana?”

“Ah.” Suddenly she looked very uncertain. “No. He splits his time between Paris and London.”

Christian was liking this more and more. “Long distance affairs are so difficult,” he purred. “As I’m sure you’re finding out.”

“Geoff loves Marc.”

Christian saw resolve blazing in the depths of her chestnut-colored eyes.

“And Marc loves Geoff. They have a great time together. We are good together.”

He wondered at her vehemence. Was she trying to convince him that this Geoff character was father material or convince herself that he was husband material? Either way, Christian saw a foothold that would allow him to breach her defenses.

“When does he plan to come to Sherdana next?” A long unused oubliette beneath the castle on Christian’s vineyard might be the perfect place to stash Geoff until Noelle came to her senses.

“Why?” Noelle regarded him with narrowed eyes.

“I’d like to meet him. Does he visit regularly?”

“Of course.” But she didn’t sound all that sure of her answer. “That is, when his cases permit. He’s the managing partner of a very successful law firm specializing in human rights law and extradition.” Pride softened her lips into a fond smile. “And of course, Marc and I travel to London and Paris quite often to visit him.”

“How serious are you?” The more Christian heard, the less concerned he became that Geoff was going to prove a hindrance. If something of a permanent nature was going to happen between Noelle and her absent suitor, it should have occurred in the past five years. “Do you plan on marrying?”

She glanced down at her clasped hands. “We’ve discussed the possibility, but haven’t made anything official.”

What sort of man waited five years to claim a woman like Noelle? A very stupid one. And that was just fine with him. Christian had no qualms about stealing Noelle out from beneath the man’s nose.

“Have dinner with me tonight.”
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