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City Cinderella

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‘Did you now?’ he said, eyeing her flushed face with amusement. ‘So what exactly are you doing on that laptop of yours? Hacking into state secrets?’

‘Nothing so exciting. I’m trying my hand at a novel. I make a sort of rough draft of the next bit in my head while I’m cleaning, then get it down on my laptop later. But if I hadn’t been stupid enough to lie to you when you caught me,’ she added bluntly, ‘I wouldn’t be telling you this. No one else knows, not even my family.’

‘My lips are sealed,’ he assured her, hand on heart. ‘But why the secrecy?’

Her chin jutted. ‘I experienced a pretty humiliating form of rejection recently. If—or more likely when—the manuscript’s rejected, too, I’d rather no one knew about it.’


LUCAS eyed her with respect as she got up to refill his coffee cup. ‘You’re a lady of surprises, Emily.’

She shook her head. ‘Not really. All my life, until recently, I did everything by the book.’

‘What happened then?’

‘Miles Denny happened.’ Emily sat down again. ‘My family disapproved. They don’t like him.’

‘I don’t either.’

She laughed. ‘You haven’t met him.’

‘I don’t have to.’ He frowned. ‘Emily, I’ve got a name, but you haven’t used it yet. I thought we’d sorted that out.’

She gave him a fulminating look, and jumped to her feet. ‘Right—Lucas! I’m going to clear up now.’

‘Don’t go yet! Please?’ His eyes met hers with a persuasion she found impossible to resist.

‘I’m still going to clear away and so on,’ she said firmly, picking up the coffee tray. ‘But I’ll come back afterwards for a few minutes. Then you should try to sleep.’

‘I can do that when I’m alone,’ he said testily.

While Emily loaded the dishwasher later she fought a losing battle with her common sense. She’d achieved her aim in coming here to check on Lucas Tennent, feed him, and make sure he wasn’t any worse. So she should go home once she’d finished her usual routine. But it was such balm to her dented ego to have a man like Lucas Tennent pleading for her company. Besides, she thought, brightening, it was all an aid to research. The more she saw of him, the more her fictional hero would take shape.

She paid the living-room some attention, made sure the kitchen was immaculate, then cleaned the bathroom in the hall to complete at least part of her usual routine for Mondays. Afterwards she brushed her hair, used a lipstick, then went to rejoin Lucas, who regarded her with bloodshot, accusing eyes.

‘I thought you’d gone,’ he said, his jutting lip so much like young Tom Sedley in a strop that Emily bit back a smile.

‘What’s so funny?’ he demanded.

‘You reminded me of someone.’

He scowled. ‘Not the much-disliked Miles?’

‘No. I’m very fond of this someone.’

‘Who is he?’

‘Son of my landlord.’

‘One of the twins?’

‘You remembered,’ she said, surprised, and sat down in the armchair.

‘I remember everything you’ve told me so far,’ Lucas assured her. ‘I’ve felt too lousy to read, or watch television, so I lie here and think about you.’

‘Time I was going,’ she said hastily, and got up, but he lunged swiftly and caught her hand.

‘I was not coming on to you. I meant that you interest me.’

Her eyebrows rose. ‘Is that a compliment?’

‘It’s the truth,’ he said simply, and released her hand.

Appeased, Emily resumed her seat. ‘By the way, Lucas, the new number I left for you is unlisted. My family have it, of course, and my closest friend, but—’

‘Not Miles,’ he said, nodding.

‘That’s the problem. He’s got hold of it somehow. He rang me last night.’

His eyes narrowed. ‘Did you speak to him?’

‘No. I just listened while he left a message. He tracked the number down somehow. Now I’m afraid he’ll find out where I’m living.’ She shivered at the thought.

Lucas frowned. ‘Emily, are you afraid of this guy?’

‘Certainly not. I just don’t want to see him again.’

‘Why did you leave him?’

Her lips tightened. ‘The usual reason.’

‘Another woman?’

‘One that I know of personally, but probably a lot more that I don’t.’ She shrugged. ‘A boring little tale.’

He settled more comfortably against the pillows. ‘Tell me about your family instead.’

Preparing to lie about some fictitious appointment, Emily hesitated. Lucas Tennent was enjoying her company. And she was enjoying his. But she had no illusions. Without his dose of flu none of this would be happening.

His heavy eyes narrowed as he watched her face. ‘You’re about to say you can’t stay. Are you due at the Donaldsons’?’

‘No, not today. But I should be going home.’

‘Don’t tell me we’re back to this “upstairs, downstairs” garbage again?’ he demanded irritably.

‘You should be resting.’

‘I can do that after you’re gone.’ He gave her a cunning look. ‘I could pay you overtime.’
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