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The Temptation Trap

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‘Of course I have.’

‘When’s he coming home to see you?’

‘As soon as he can,’ she said defensively. ‘He’s very busy.’

‘He’s also a fool,’ said Ewen flatly.

‘How can you say that?’ she retorted. ‘You don’t know him.’

‘I know you, Rosanna. And if the man’s not worried about leaving a woman like you alone for months on end—’ He raised his free hand. ‘I rest my case.’

‘I suppose that’s a compliment.’

‘It was intended as one.’

‘Then thank you.’ Rosanna hesitated, then gave in to temptation. ‘Are you very tired, Ewen?’

His eyes narrowed. ‘Why?’

‘Would you mind coming back with me to the house? There’s something I want to give you.’

‘I’d be delighted, as you know very well.’ He smiled into her eyes, his fingers tightening. ‘I intended to see you safely home anyway, Rosanna. Am I allowed to ask what I’m about to receive? Will I be truly thankful for it?’

‘I hope so,’ she said lightly. She detached her hand very deliberately and got to her feet. ‘If not I’ll keep it.’

‘I’ll treasure whatever you give me,’ he assured her. ‘Would you like a nightcap while we wait for a cab?’

‘No, thanks, not after champagne.’ She smiled at him. ‘Thank you for the meal.’

‘My pleasure, Rosanna. Not that you ate much of it,’ he added, and turned away to pay the bill, and a few minutes later they were in a taxi on their way back to Ealing. And rather to Rosanna’s surprise Ewen made no move to touch her on the journey home, but sat, circumspect, in his own half of the seat.

Rosanna saw the red light blinking on the phone the minute she unlocked the door. ‘Go into the sitting room,’ she told Ewen. ‘I’ll make coffee. Would you like some brandy with it?’

‘No, thanks.’ Ewen nodded towards the machine. ‘Aren’t you going to play that back? It might be urgent.’

He leaned against the newel-post, eyeing her with challenge, but she went past him into the kitchen to fill the kettle, then returned without haste to press the button.

‘Hi, Rosanna,’ said David’s familiar voice. ‘Got your message. Catch you later.’

‘The missing lover, I assume,’ said Ewen with irony.

‘That was David, yes,’ she returned. ‘Do go in and sit down. I shan’t be long.’

But Ewen followed her back to the kitchen. ‘He sounds rather transatlantic. Has he been out there long?’

‘Six months.’

‘And he hasn’t been back since?’

‘No.’ Rosanna poured boiling water on instant coffee, and handed him a beaker. ‘Black, no sugar.’

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