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Husband Needed

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“Nope. I put a garbage bag around it because the doc said to keep it dry.”

“What other orders did the doctor gave you yesterday?”

“Hey, no one gives me orders outside of the firehouse.”

Kayla sighed. Her instincts were right. This guy definitely needed a keeper. “Meaning you probably ignored whatever orders the doctor gave you, right? That was real bright. Do you enjoy being in pain?”

“Want me to tell you what I enjoy?” Jack countered, his gaze focused on her lush lips.

“I already know.”

“You do?”

She nodded and held up a bag of corn chips. “Junk food.”

“Among other things. Lots of other things.”

Kayla refused to be distracted. “Did the doctor give you a prescription?”

Jack nodded.

“Let me guess. You didn’t get it filled, did you.”

The look on his face said it all.

“What is it about men that makes them so stupid?” she demanded in annoyed exasperation. “Are they born that way or is it learned behavior? I think they’re born that way,” Kayla answered herself. “It’s some sort of defective gene, the same one that makes men refuse to ask directions or read instructions.”

“What do we need to read instructions for?”

“To get the job done faster.”

“There are plenty of times when slower is better,” he murmured, the look he gave her making it clear what those times were.

“Oh, I see. So slower is better when you’re in pain from a broken leg? Sure, that makes sense. Why take medication to make you feel better, right? I mean, that would be admitting that you’re human. That once in a blue moon you might need some help. Heaven forbid that should ever happen!”

Jack glared at her. His humor wasn’t helped by the fact that his leg was really throbbing in earnest now.

Seeing the pain etched on his face, Kayla felt remorse for yelling at Jack, even though he did deserve it. “If you’ll give me the doctor’s prescription, I’ll go get it filled for you,” she said quietly.

“Forget it. The stuff made me too groggy.”

“How do you know? You haven’t even taken it yet.”

“They gave me one at the hospital. I’ve got some over-the-counter stuff around here someplace. I’ll take a couple of those.”

“You bet you will,” she said, spying the bottle of analgesics near the kitchen sink. “What would you like to drink with it? Water or soda?”

“I’d say beer, if you’d gotten the right brand.”

“You’re not supposed to drink beer when taking these,” she told him. “Where do you keep your glasses?” she asked as she searched through the cabinets.

“I don’t have any right now. Just give me the can of soda.”

She did.

Jack took the pills, tilting back his head as he drank half the can in one go. He knew she was watching him. She’d been watching him since he’d gotten out of the shower. But there was a wariness in her gaze that didn’t sit well with him. Never one to beat around the bush, Jack said, “So who was the guy who gave you such a warped view of men?”

“I don’t have a warped view of men,” she immediately denied. “If anything, I have a clearer view than most.”

“And why is that?”

“Because I was married.”

“I guessed that much. And now you’re...?”

“Divorced.” She reached for another bag of groceries, noting that the chocolate mint ice cream had almost melted. Normally she had a system to putting away groceries, one that involved putting away the perishables first. But Jack’s appearance, half-naked and still dripping from his shower, had flustered her.

“What happened?”

“What do you mean what happened?” she repeated, worrying that he’d noticed the melting ice cream and somehow guessed he was the reason for it.

“With your marriage.”

“I’d rather not talk about it.”

“You’re not over him yet?”

“What makes you say that?”

“The look in your eyes. Kitten blue eyes. Ah, now they’re going all frosty. And when you laugh, they kind of shimmer.”

“I’ll bet you say that to all your girlfriends,” she declared before realizing what company that put her in. “Not that I’m one of your girlfriends,” she hurriedly clarified.

“Not yet,” Jack murmured.

“Not ever.” Pulling her scattered thoughts together, Kayla reached into her purse. “The bank put a rush on getting your new checks in. Until then, here are some temporary checks. The cash you wanted with your ATM card is in this envelope. And here’s the receipt for the groceries—the total was seventy-three sixteen. You can make me out a check for that.” She handed him the temporary checks, receipt and a pen.

“How do I make it out?” he asked.

“To Errands Unlimited. And don’t forget to call your friends back. You know, Misty and the gang....”

“They can wait. First I’m calling Vito’s Pizza for dinner.”

“Are you going to be okay here tonight?”

“Why?” Jack countered. “Are you offering to stay with me?”

“No. Misty and the gang were more than willing to come over and hold your hand.”
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