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Cowboy Dad

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He made a silent vow to visit home more often. The majority of his siblings and their families still lived in and around the Phoenix area and those who didn’t would make the drive—hopefully. In escaping his grief over Hailey, he’s pushed away the people who loved him the most. Maybe it wasn’t too late to change…

“Fine, Reyes. What is it you want to talk to us about?”

Jake’s abrupt question roused Aaron. “Riding helmets.”

“Really,” Jake said with practiced neutrality.

“I found three children’s helmets in the tack room this morning. There were no adult helmets.”

“Don’t recall we’ve ever had a need for them.”

“I asked Gary Forrester, and he told me a couple guests have requested them.”

“What exactly are you proposing?” Jake sat back in his chair, but there was nothing relaxed about him. Beneath the table, one knee bounced, and he held his pen in a death grip.

“That we buy three more children’s helmets and six adult helmets. I also think we should posts signs in the main lodge and at the stables, informing guests that helmets are available should they want one.”


Aaron paused. Was the slip unconscious or had he finally begun to accept his position in the family?

“How much do helmets cost?” Carolina asked.

“For good ones, a hundred to a hundred and fifty each.”

“The yearly budget’s already been approved,” Jake said firmly. “We don’t have any extra funds.”

“It’s a thousand dollars, Jake,” Millie answered with equal firmness. “I think we can find a place in the budget for that without throwing the entire ranch finances into turmoil. Alice, do you have the new budget on your laptop?”

“Yes, ma’am.” She grabbed the wireless mouse and began clicking.

“You might save that much in liability insurance,” Aaron suggested. “Talk to your agent.”

Jake leaned forward and propped his elbows on the table. “Are you an insurance expert now?”

“No, but I’ve carried plenty of it over the years.”

“On Hailey?”

“On me,” Aaron answered steadily and fought to remain calm.

Jake was baiting him, Aaron recognized the ploy. He’d had it used on him by his four brothers and two sisters—and used it on them in return—all the years they were growing up.

“Hey,” Carolina interjected. “No reason to go all testosterone on us.”

“It’s not a bad idea,” Rachel appealed to Jake. “Seriously.”

“Guests may get the idea riding isn’t safe.”

“Sometimes riding isn’t safe. We all know that.” Carolina glanced at Aaron.

He wondered if he’d gained another ally or at least some ground.

“Guests may also feel reassured by the availability of helmets,” she said with noticeably growing confidence. “That their safety is our top concern.”

Jake’s jaw visibly clenched. “This isn’t anything we should jump into without careful consideration.”

“I agree.” Millie smiled approvingly. “I make a motion that we table the discussion of purchasing helmets until the next regular meeting. In the meantime, Alice can contact our insurance agent, see if we qualify for a rate break. And Aaron can obtain prices so we know exactly what the cost will be.”

She was no dummy when it came to running the ranch either.

Aaron figured now was a good time to drop his final bombshell. “What if the helmets were free of charge?”

That got everyone’s attention.

“You have some?” Carolina asked.

“No. But I know where we might be able to get them.”


Jake snorted.

Carolina bristled. “Honestly, Jake. If we can get the helmets at no cost, what’s the harm in providing them?”

“Nothing’s for free. There’s always a catch.”

“No catch,” Aaron said. “I know of an organization that promotes equestrian safety. We can apply to them for a grant and if they approve our request, the helmets are ours. No charge.”

“What organization is that?” Jake’s gaze narrowed with suspicion.

Aaron met it head-on. “The Hailey Reyes Foundation for Equestrian Safety. I’m the chairman.”

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