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A Cowboy's Christmas Proposal

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“Thank you, Owen, for saving the day.”

“My pleasure.”

When he didn’t move, Molly tilted her head back. Way back. He was tall, she realized. Much taller than her. And he wore his height well, moving with grace and agility.

“You’re proving to be more valuable than I anticipated.” She barely recognized the breathy voice as her own.

“Now if I can just get the officiating weddings part down, I’ll be indispensable.”

“You will. Get better at officiating,” she amended. What would she do if he really did become indispensable?

“I have a good tutor. She’s tough but reasonable in her expectations. Mostly.”

“I apologize if I got carried away this morning at practice and when the internet went down. I want things perfect.”

“You’re launching a brand-new business, and you’re committed to its success. Add to that, you’ve been hit with one problem after the other. You’re understaffed, overworked, lost your regular minister and your internet service. I’d say you’re entitled to get carried away.” At her tentative smile, he said, “There we go,” in a low voice that slowed the madly spinning wheels inside Molly’s head.

Most attractive men had the opposite effect on her, causing her thoughts to race a mile a minute. She couldn’t account for what made Owen different. She could account for the parade of red flags. She wasn’t ready for this, and she certainly wasn’t ready for a single dad of three whose life was in flux.

“I’ll see you later.” Molly retreated a step.

“If I’m not around when Lenny gets here, call me. You can stream me practicing the ceremony to test the equipment.”

“All right.” The phone on the registration counter rang. Relieved, Molly hurried to answer it. Another person had seen the TV news segment last night and wanted more information on the ranch. When she glanced up after ending the call, Owen had disappeared.

Just as well, she thought and went to the parlor where she began removing the vases of orange roses, making room for the white lilies due any moment. Molly had a standing arrangement to donate any leftover flowers to the Rio Verde Senior Living Center.

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