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First Mates

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“It’s a perfect night. A wonderful end to a perfect day.” As he escorted her back to her cabin, she yawned.


“Yes. I know I’m going to sleep good tonight.” When they arrived at her cabin, he caressed her cheek. Rays of warmth and passion clouded her fatigued brain, and she was reminded of the dangers of being alone with a man. She swallowed as she gazed into his hazel eyes.

“You have circles under your eyes. You need to get to sleep.” He crowned her with a warm smile. “Good night.”

She paused. “Good night.” She watched him until he was no longer in sight. She closed the door and walked to her dresser. The boat gently swayed as she touched her cheek. She tried to remember the last time she’d been so happy. As she dressed in her pajamas, a frightening thought entered her mind. The last time I was this happy was when I started dating Jordan.

He’d romanced her like an expert. He took her to expensive restaurants. He showered her with expensive gifts and roses. He made her feel like a queen. However, that special feeling was burned to ashes. She still had his engagement ring in her jewelry box. She didn’t even know the proper protocol about such things. Was she supposed to return the ring since she was no longer getting married? Jordan had not asked for the ring back, so she didn’t know what to do with it.

Her fatigue lifted for a few moments as her anxiety returned. She wrote her confusing thoughts in her journal. She was concerned about her budding feelings for Winston Michaels. She was still upset about Jordan’s betrayal. When she was finished with her journal entry, she lay on her bed.

She prayed to the Lord with her whole heart. She prayed for guidance in her friendship with Winston. She prayed for her memories of Jordan to disappear. She also prayed for the safety of her friends and family. She whispered “Amen” before she fell asleep.

The next day when Rainy awakened, she opened her curtain and gazed at the ocean view through her window. Rays of platinum sunlight filled her room with warmth. She still wasn’t sure if Winston was the right man for her. She paced and considered her situation, running her fingers through her hair. She plopped into a seat as she made a decision. I think I need to stay away from Winston for a few days. The last thing I need to do is to get deeply involved with him, only to have him hurt me the way Jordan did.

She lifted the receiver and dialed a number. “Room service? I’d like to order French toast with maple syrup and a double order of coffee.”

She replaced the receiver, still agitated. Maybe the coffee would clear the cobwebs from her brain. She barely tasted the meal, she was so preoccupied with her thoughts about Jordan and Winston. When she was finished, she changed into her bathing suit and packed her beach bag with her reading material.

She locked her cabin and walked the ship until she found a secluded lounge chair on the lower level. She lay down and closed her eyes as visions of Winston Michaels swam through her head. Heavy footsteps pounded on the gangplank, shaking her chair.

“Hi, beautiful.” His gentle tone caressed her ears. Her eyes fluttered open and she surveyed Winston from head to toe. He sported a pair of pale blue swimming trunks and a beige T-shirt emblazoned with “Cozumel” in black letters.

She blinked, trying to clear her foggy brain. “Are you going to the pool?” she asked as she started to smile, before recalling the decision she made earlier. She quickly looked away.

Winston scratched his head, baffled. Rainy Jackson was a woman of mystery. If he didn’t know better, he would have thought she wasn’t happy to see him. “What’s wrong?” He sat in an empty chair.

“Nothing,” she spat, toying with the book in her lap. “I just really need to be alone today.”

He hesitated, running his hand over his face. “Oh, okay.” He stood and continued to stare at her tight-lipped expression. “Bye.” He stomped away so fast he almost fell on the wooden deck.

Minutes later, he dove into the swimming pool. He pumped his arms through the water, swimming as hard as he could. He pushed himself until his arms were aching for rest. He tried to erase everything from his mind as he drove his body to exhaustion. I can’t do this anymore!

He stopped and climbed the steel ladder out of the pool. He gasped huge gulps of air as he grabbed a towel and hobbled to a lawn chair. Once his breathing returned to normal, he toweled the water from his body. The scorching sun matched his hot, angry mood. He signaled a waiter and ordered a large glass of water and a glass of iced tea. He gulped both beverages and ordered two more.

A feminine voice tinkled in the hot humid air. “I’m surprised to find you here alone.” His gaze traveled over the shapely cocoa-brown woman as she sat in the vacant chair beside him. Her black-and-white striped bikini hugged her physique like a second skin. She smiled and fluttered her lashes, her large dark eyes probing into his.

“I’m Carol.” She presented her hand, showing long, red, talon-like nails.

He accepted her hand. “I’m Winston.”

“Winston. That sounds like a nice strong name.” She continued to stare. “And you look like a nice strong man.” She pulled some sunblock out of her large bag. “I saw you swimming all those laps in the pool. You swam like Satan himself was after your soul. I just love it when a man is fast at doing physical things.” She popped the top on her lotion and poured a generous amount into her palm. “So tell me, where’s your girlfriend this morning? I was starting to think you two were joined at the hip.”

“Excuse me?”

She giggled as she slowly rubbed lotion over her flat abdomen. “You know, the woman you’ve been with over the past few days. I’ve been dying to introduce myself, but she’s always with you. I haven’t had a chance to speak with you until now. She’s not coming anytime soon, is she?” She stopped rubbing the lotion as she gazed around the deck, her dark eyes full of anxiety.

“It was nice meeting you, Carol, but I really need to get going.” Carol’s silence was rewarding as he took his exit.

Rainy pushed her book aside. “Oh, what have I done?” Winston’s hazel eyes had flickered with pain when she made her announcement. A cold knot of guilt settled into her chest, and she was anxious to remove the burden. Her hand flew to her mouth as tears coursed a smooth path down her cheeks.

Lord, help me with this pain. When her breathing calmed, she signaled a waiter for a glass of ice water and napkins. He placed the large frosty glass on the table. She drank the water and pulled several napkins from the holder. She blew her nose. “I need to find Winston,” she mumbled as she stood.

She hurried to his favorite swimming pool, gasping when she witnessed a beautiful woman chatting with him. Rainy strutted away so fast, she barely noticed the passengers in her path. She returned to her secluded hiding place and reclined on the white deck chair. As she closed her eyes, the ocean breeze whispered over the ship and she relaxed. Shadows of sadness filled her mind as she drifted away into blessed sleep.

Chapter Four

As Winston abandoned Carol, he walked on every level of the ship, carefully avoiding Rainy’s secluded hiding place. He finally found a secluded spot of his own. The nursery overflowed with energetic children. Several blocked his path as they invited him to a game of hide-and-seek. He plodded through the nursery and entered the empty discotheque. A lone waiter stood behind the counter. “We’re not open yet.”

He waved the comment away. “I just want to sit for a minute.” I know Rainy wouldn’t dare come into this place. The floor was streaked with dark marks and dirty cups, and glasses littered the tables. He sank in a vinyl chair and dropped his head in his hands, closing his eyes. The boat swayed as they made their way to their next destination.

“What’s wrong with Rainy?” he muttered. He opened his eyes and enjoyed the cool dark air-conditioned room.

A group of Hispanic teenagers entered the discotheque, chattering in their native tongue. They regarded him with curiosity before they haphazardly moved glasses and cups, seemingly searching for a lost item. He sighed as he relaxed. He finally stood and exited the deserted discotheque. Everything would be just fine between him and Rainy Jackson. It just had to be.

Weak sunlight spilled into the room as Rainy awakened the following morning. She blinked, forcing herself out of bed. She was tormented with dreams about Jordan, awakening every hour. She plodded to the bathroom and gazed at her face in the mirror. She looked awful! Her eyes were red and puffy and her throat felt as parched as a desert.

Brushing her teeth, she recalled the itinerary for the day. They were docking in Grand Cayman, one of the most popular islands to visit. She looked forward to seeing this exquisite place in spite of her sadness. She changed into her bathing suit and packed her bag. She groaned as she left her cabin, fatigue settling in her bones. She pictured herself on the beach, napping all day. Her lips curled into an anticipatory smile.

She trudged onto the empty deck. She paced and glanced at her watch. Where was the first ferryboat to Grand Cayman? Minutes later, passengers flooded the deck. She scanned the crowd and was glad she didn’t see Winston.

After she boarded the ferryboat, she removed her book from her bag and tried to read. Passengers chatted as the motor started. Someone sat beside her. She scooted to give the passenger more room. “Hi, there.” Her heart skipped a beat as she gazed at Winston. His presence was like a spark of light on a dark day. He gave her a sad smile. “You look sleepy.”

“What are you doing here? I didn’t see you before I got on the boat.” With shaky hands, she placed the book in her bag and removed her sunglasses. She placed the shades over her eyes.

“I was the last person to get on just before the ferry left. I guess you didn’t see me. I really need to speak with you. Can we go someplace for breakfast when we dock?” Pain, raw and fresh, glittered in his hazel eyes, and she couldn’t refuse his request. Visions of the beautiful lady at the pool cluttered her mind. Did Winston really want to continue spending time together on the cruise, or was this just an act? Was he already on a quest to find another date for the remainder of the trip?

The ferry stopped and clusters of people disembarked. They were the last patrons to exit the boat. “Please have breakfast with me,” he pleaded.

She sighed, rubbing her back. I’m so hot and tired! “Okay.”

Passengers cluttered the sidewalk, gazing at natives hawking their wares. Children clogged the street, selling a wide range of merchandise. Rainy reached into her purse and purchased a cotton scarf from a toothless boy for a few dollars.

They walked in silence for several minutes before they stopped at a restaurant and ordered coffee and sweet rolls. She poured cream and sugar in her coffee before she sipped the fragrant beverage.

Winston brushed away a stray fly as he fixed his coffee.

Licking her dry lips, she gazed at the rich gooey cinnamon buns. Her heart pounded as he touched her hand. His light caress calmed her frazzled nerves. She relaxed as she gazed into his eyes.

“Rainy, please tell me what’s wrong.”

She closed her eyes, saying a silent prayer. She took a deep breath and told him how her apprehensions returned after they spent the wonderful day together in Cozumel. “I had not felt that happy since I’d dated Jordan. Everything seemed to be moving so fast and I just needed some time alone.”

“I see.” He gazed at the table, toying with a napkin.

“I didn’t mean to hurt you. I just felt so confused.”
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