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Hinduism and Buddhism, An Historical Sketch, Vol. 1

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*9. The Jâtaka verses.

10. Paṭisambhidâ.

*11. Apadâna.

*12. Buddha-vaṃsa.

*13. Vimâna-vatthu.

*14. Peta-vatthu.

*15. Cariyâ-piṭaka.

The works marked * are not found in the Siamese edition of the Tripiṭaka but the Burmese editions include four other texts, the Milinda-pañha, Petakopadesa, Suttassanigaha, and Nettipakaraṇa.

The Khuddaka-Nikâya seems to have been wanting in the Pitaka of the Sarvâstivâdins or whatever sect supplied the originals from which the Chinese Canon was translated, for this Canon classes the Dhammapada as a miscellaneous work outside the Sutta Pitaka. Fragments of the Sutta-nipâta have been found in Turkestan but it is not clear to what Pitaka it was considered to belong. For mentions of the Khuddaka-Nikâya in Chinese see J.A. 1916, pp. 32-3.

1. Dhamma-sangaṇi.

2. Vibhanga.

3. Kathâ-vatthu.

4. Puggala-paññatti.

5. Dhâtu-kathâ.

6. Yamaka.

7. Paṭṭhâna.

The Abhidhamma of the Sarvâstivâdins was entirely different. It seems probable that the Abhidhamma books of all schools consisted almost entirely of explanatory matter and added very little to the doctrine laid down in the suttas. It would appear that the only new topic introduced in the Pali Abhidhamma is the theory of relations (paccaya).

1. The Vinaya-Samukasa. Perhaps the sermon at Benares with introductory matter found at the beginning of the Mahâvagga. See Edmunds, in J.R.A.S. 1913, p. 385.

2. The Alia-Vâsâni (Pali Ariya-Vâsâni) = the Samgîti-sutta of the Dîgha Nikâya.

3. The Anâgata-bhayâni = Anguttara-Nikâya, V. 77-80, or part of it.

4. The Munigâtha=Sutta-Nipâta, 206-220.

5. The Moneyasute=Moneyya-sutta in the Itivuttakam, 6see also Ang. Nik. III. 120.

6. The Upatisapasine. The question of Upatissa: not identified.

7. The Lâghulovâde musâvâdam adhigicya. The addresses to Râhula beginning with subject of lying=Maj. Nik. 61.


I. 53-54.


His father.


I.e. the Buddha's former wife.


Half brother of the Buddha and Suddhodana'a son by Mahâprajâpatî.


Jâtaka, 356.


Mahâvag. III. 1.


Thus we hear how Dasama of Atthakam (Maj. Nik. 52) built one for fifteen hundred monks, and Ghotamukha another in Pataliputta, which bore his name.


Maj. Nik. 53.


Cullavag. VI. 4.


Probably sheds consisting of a roof set on posts, but without walls.


Translated by Rhys Davids, American Lectures, pp. 108 ff.


E.g. Maj. Nik. 62.


But in Maj. Nik. II. 5 he says he is not bound by rules as to eating.

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