I stare at the black screen and try to concentrate on the voices. No idea whose they are. I turn off the TV again. I don’t feel like playing. It’s more fun to play against someone. I’ll ask Robin when he has time. Which is never.
What else can you play here in this room? Something occurs to me.
I push my head back, getting the pillow under my neck, so I can look above and behind me. I haven’t looked there yet. That’s where the pale light is coming from. On the wall is a row of long fluorescent tubes. A wooden cover hangs in front of them to keep them from being blinding. I look at the grain of the wood and all I can see are pussies. Whenever I see the grain of boards lined up next to one another, I see pussies of all shapes and sizes. Like on the door to my room at home. It’s covered with that thin wood laminate that’s made in mirror-image panels. It reminds me of something from art class when I was younger. You put a blotch of watercolor and water in the middle of a piece of paper, fold it in half, press it together, then open it up again, and your pussy portrait’s done. I try to conjure something else in the grain of the fluorescent light cover. Doesn’t work. Just pussies. I ring the call button. What could I want now? Think of something fast.
A knock and the door opens. A female nurse walks in. Actually she opened the door first and then knocked. I’m so generous to this oafish nurse that I switch the order of the two activities in my head so she comes across as more courteous. Robin must have sent her. I’ve got him too flustered for now. I’ll have to work on that. This nurse is named Margarete. Says so on the badge on her chest. I looked at her breasts first and then her face. I do that often. But I’m fascinated by her face. She’s unbelievably well-kept. That’s what people say: a well-kept woman.
As if being “well-kept” represents something of great value. At school we call kids who look like that “doctors’ daughters” no matter what their fathers do. I don’t know how they do it, but they always look better washed than the rest of us. Everything is clean and carefully styled. Every little body part has been treated with some beauty product.
What these women don’t know: the more effort they put into these little details, the more uptight they seem. Their bearing is stiff and unsexy because they’re worried about messing up all their work.
Well-kept women get their hair, nails, lips, feet, faces, skin, and hands done. Colored, lengthened, painted, peeled, plucked, shaved, and lotioned.
They sit around stiffly—like works of art—because they know how much work has gone into everything and they want it to last as long as possible.
Those type of women would never let themselves get all messy fucking.
Everything that’s sexy—mussed hair, straps that fall off the shoulder, a sweaty glow on the face—is a bit askew, yes, but touchable.
Margarete looks at me questioningly. I’m supposed to tell her what the story is.
“I need a trash can for my dirty bandages. If I leave them on the nightstand it won’t smell too good in here.”
Very convincing, Helen. Well done.
She’s sympathetic to my put-on wish for additional hygiene in the hospital room, says “of course,” and walks out.
I hear noise outside. Something’s happening. Probably nothing exciting. The usual hospital things. I bet it has to do with distributing dinner. Here in the hospital you’re subject to a strict schedule that must have been designed by a lunatic. Starting at six in the morning the nurses bounce loudly around the hallways. They come in with coffee, they want to clean the room or clean me. You’re trapped in a beehive full of worker bees, all flying around and tending to something. Very loudly most of the time. All sick people really want to do is sleep, and that’s the one thing they won’t let you do here. If after a bad night—and every night is bad in a hospital—I want to catch up on sleep, there are at least eight people conspiring against my doing this. Nobody who works in the hospital pays attention to whether someone is sleeping when they enter the room. They all just yell “Morning” and loudly do whatever it is they have to do. They could just drop the “Morning” and quietly and considerately take care of their duties in the room. They have something against sleep here. I heard once that you’re not supposed to let people with depression sleep too much because it intensifies the depression. But this isn’t a nuthouse. I sometimes think they use the constant interruptions to make sure the patients are still alive. As soon as one nods off, he has to be saved from certain death: “Morning!”
People come in and out. Each one expects me to be understanding. But that should go both ways. That’s how the world works.
The nurse comes back in with a little chrome trash can and sets it on the nightstand. She pushes down on the plastic pedal with her hand and the top flies open. I put in the used bandages from between my ass cheeks. The way Margarete uses the pedal is typical of a well-kept woman. She pays close attention to her nails. She touches everything only with her fingertips. Odd phenomenon. Sure, if your nails have just been painted, you’re careful not to touch things until they dry. But some women act the same way even when their nails are dry. It makes them look squeamish. As if they’re disgusted by everything around them.
“Thanks a lot. When it comes to hygiene, I’m quite particular,” I say with a broad smile.
She nods knowingly—though she doesn’t know a thing. She thinks I want to keep things neat here, that the smell bothers me, or that I’m ashamed of the bandages I magically pull out of my behind. In reality, what I’m quite particular about when it comes to hygiene is that I don’t give a shit about it, and I despise germaphobes like Margarete.
What’s up with me? Why am I so worked up about her? She’s hasn’t done anything to me.
I’m putting one over on her with my trash can request, not the other way around. When I instantly despise someone for no comprehensible reason, when I want to punch them or at the very least insult them in the harshest terms, it usually means my period is on the way. Just to top it all off.
Margarete says, “Have fun with your trash can.”
Yeah. Thanks a lot. You’re a barrel of laughs.
I’ve already lost plenty of blood down there. And I’ve already got plenty to do to take care of my wounded ass without having to worry about preventing the flow of blood from my period, too. I’m fine with my actual period once the irritability right before it dissipates. Often I’m horny when I’m bleeding.
One of the first dirty sayings I ever heard, when I was very young, was at a party my parents threw, and I had to ask around a lot before I understood it: It’s okay to swim in the red river as long as you don’t drink the water.
It used to be considered disgusting for a man to fuck a woman who was bleeding. But those days are long gone. When I fuck a boy who likes it when I’m bleeding, we leave behind a huge, blood-splattered mess in the bed.
When I have any control over the particulars, I try to get fresh, white sheets to use. And I change positions and move around the bed as much as possible so there’s blood all over the place.
When we’re fucking I like to be sitting or squatting so gravity helps as much blood as possible flow out of my pussy. If I simply lie there, the blood just pools.
I also love it when someone goes down on me while I’m bleeding. It’s kind of a test of mettle for the guy. When he’s finished licking and looks up with his blood-smeared mouth, I kiss him so we both look like wolves who’ve just ripped open a deer.
I like to have the taste of blood in my mouth when we finally fuck. I find it extremely exciting, and I’m always sad when after a few wolf-days my period ends.
But I’m lucky. From what I hear from other girls, some of them are in pain for days on end. Doesn’t exactly make you want to have sex.
All that happens to me is that shortly before it starts, I get into a really bad mood—like right now—and I’m extremely aggressive toward random people I encounter. Then the blood starts to flow. No pain. No cramps.
Back when periods were still something new to me, I used to think I really was just in a bad mood. And then I’d be caught by surprise by the blood. Usually in school. Clearly visible to everyone as a red stain on the back of my skirt, because I’d be sitting when it started. You’re always sitting in school.
Or during a visit with my relatives at my aunt’s house. I went to bed because I didn’t feel well. I didn’t know why.
The next morning I got up and saw that I’d covered the bed with blood. A huge puddle. I was too self-conscious to go to my aunt and say that I’d had a bit of an accident. There was just nothing I could do.
I had slept and hadn’t noticed anything. I didn’t know how to describe what had happened to me, either. I decided just not to say anything. I left the next morning like nothing had happened, leaving the mess behind without comment.
My aunt must have gone into the room to tidy up and noticed it right away. I hadn’t even covered it with the blanket. All those liters of red were right out in the open for my aunt to see. Ever since then I’ve been uptight around my aunt. Though she’s never said anything about it.
Typical of family.
I can’t think of anything else when I see her. Until I get so ashamed I can hear the blood pulsing in my ears.
When it comes to my period, I don’t care about hygiene, either. It’s blown completely out of proportion. Tampons are expensive and unnecessary. When I have my period, I use toilet paper to make my own tampons while I’m sitting on the toilet. I’m proud of that.
I’ve developed a special balling and packing technique so they stay in for a long time and hold in the blood. But I have to admit that my toilet paper tampons really just stop up my pussy and dam up the blood rather than absorbing it the way commercial tampons do. I asked my gynecologist, though, whether it was harmful to the pussy to keep the blood inside and then let it flow out while sitting on the toilet. And he said it was a common misconception that the bleeding had some kind of purifying effect. So from a medical perspective, my blood-dam system is harmless.
A few times I went to the gynecologist because I’d lost a tampon inside me. I was sure I’d stuffed one in but, when I went to pull it out, I couldn’t find it anymore. Of course, that’s a small disadvantage of my homemade tampons: there’s no turquoise-colored string to pull it out with. And my fingers are kind of short, so I don’t get too far when I’m looking for something in my pussy.
A couple of times when I found myself in this situation at my dad’s house, I had to fish around in there with his nice barbecue tongs. There’s usually charred bits of meat and fat stuck to them. I couldn’t be bothered to clean the tongs before they went inside me. So I laid myself down in Dr. Broekert position and tried as best I could to locate the clump of toilet paper in my pussy. With all the stuff from the grill still on them. Often without finding anything. Just as I don’t clean the tongs before I shove them inside me, I don’t wash them before they land back on dad’s grill after my gynecological insertion. I always have a broad grin on my face during barbecues with friends of the family.
I ask everyone “Doesn’t it taste great?” and wave to my father who waves back with the tongs, smiling. My third hobby. Spreading bacteria.
If I’m unsuccessful in my search with the barbecue tongs and start to worry that the bloody toilet paper will rot inside me and I’ll die a horrible death from infection, I go to the gynecologist.
He calls it my Bermuda Triangle problem. Sometimes he can help me, but often he can’t find anything, either. He has really long fingers and all kinds of medical barbecue tongs made out of steel. And still there are times when he doesn’t find the clumps.
“Are you sure you inserted a tampon?”
Cute. He always says “inserted.” I always say “shoved in.”
“Yes, absolutely sure.”
I’m a real mystery to him. As my pussy is to me. I have no idea where the clumps go. Hopefully I’ll live long enough to figure out this mystery. Dr. Broekert does an ultrasound to make sure there’s nothing hiding up there.