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Geological Observations on South America

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Bahia (Brazil), elevation near. – crystalline rocks of.

Ballard, M., on the precipitation of sulphate of soda.

Banda Oriental, tertiary formations of. – crystalline rocks of.

Barnacles above sea-level. – adhering to upraised shells.

Basalt of S. Cruz. – streams of, in the Portillo range. – in the Uspallata range.

Basin chains of Chile.

Beagle Channel.

Beaumont, Elie de, on inclination of lava-streams. – on viscid quartz-rocks.

Beech-tree, leaves of fossil.

Beechey, Captain, on sea-bottom.

Belcher, Lieutenant, on elevated shells from Concepcion.

Bella Vista, plain of.

Benza, Dr., on decomposed granite.

Bettington, Mr., on quadrupeds transported by rivers.

Blake, Mr., on the decay of elevated shells near Iquique. – on nitrate of soda.


Bollaert, Mr., on mines of Iquique.

Bones, silicified. – fossil, fresh condition of.

Bottom of sea off Patagonia.

Bougainville, on elevation of the Falkland islands.

Boulder formation of S. Cruz. – of Falkland islands. – anterior to certain extinct quadrupeds. – of Tierra del Fuego.

Boulders in the Cordillera. – transported by earthquake-waves. – in fine-grained tertiary deposits.

Brande, Mr., on a mineral spring.

Bravais, M., on elevation of Scandinavia.

Brazil, elevation of. – crystalline rocks of.

Broderip, Mr., on elevated shells from Concepcion.

Brown, Mr. R., on silicified wood of Uspallata range.

Brown, on silicified wood.

Bucalema, elevated shells near.

Buch, Von, on cleavage. – on cretaceous fossils of the Cordillera. – on the sulphureous volcanoes of Java.

Buenos Ayres.

Burchell, Mr., on elevated shells of Brazil.

Byron, on elevated shells.

Cachapual, boulders in valley of.

Caldcleugh, Mr., on elevation of Coquimbo. – on rocks of the Portillo range.

Callao, elevation near. – old town of.

Cape of Good Hope, metamorphic rocks of.

Carcharias megalodon.

Carpenter, Dr., on microscopic organisms.

Castro (Chiloe), beds near.

Cauquenes Baths, boulders near.

– pebbles in porphyry near.

– volcanic formation near.

– stratification near.

Caves above sea-level.

Cervus pumilus, fossil-horns of.

Chevalier, M., on elevation near Lima.

Chile, structure of country between the Cordillera and the Pacific. – tertiary formations of. – crystalline rocks in. – central, geology of. – northern, geology of.

Chiloe, gravel on coast. – elevation of. – tertiary formation of. – crystalline rocks of.

Chlorite-schist, near M. Video.
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