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Footprints in the Sand

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‘I can’t understand why you’ve changed your mind like this,’ said Mum. ‘You couldn’t wait to get out of the place at lunchtime.’

‘Yes, I know but… I went down to the other bay this afternoon. The beach is much nearer and it’s quite nice really.’

‘I hope you didn’t sit in the sun.’

‘Don’t fuss. Mum. I had a closer look. It should be fine for swimming. There are plenty of channels through the weed.’

‘But the beach I’ve found hasn’t any weed at all.’


‘I’ve left a deposit on the room. Said we’d arrive by lunchtime. If we get up early and pack before breakfast, we can settle up with the Old Rogue and be there by mid-morning.’

‘He’s not really an old rogue. He’s actually quite nice. His name’s Stavros. He brought me some hot crispy onion rings, free with my drink.’

‘This new place has got a proper water heater and everything. We have to share the bathroom, but at least we can have decent hot…’

I leapt on this shred of hope.

‘Oh, we don’t have to share a bathroom, do we?’

‘It’s only with one other room. And that room may not even have people staying…’

‘But I had a hot shower here this afternoon. It was fine…’

‘Is the water on again? Thank God for that. I’m feeling really anti-social.’

She got up and reached for her bag.

‘Mum, do we have to go?’

‘What do you mean – have to go?’

‘Well, it’s not really so bad here, is it?’

‘Lucy, what’s going on? I’ve been half-way across the island in a stuffy bus, searching in the broiling heat. And all because you said you absolutely loathed the pl…’

Mum paused. An arm leaned over and took my glass and empty plate away. It wasn’t the Old Rogue’s arm. It was a nice bronzed one, flecked with golden hairs.

‘Hi,’ he said. ‘Welcome to the Paradisos. My name’s Ben. Can I get you anything?’

Mum looked up and smiled at him.

‘I’d love a glass of white wine. Chilled white wine?’ she said.

‘Coming right up.’

He turned and gave me a half-grin and walked away, disappearing into the kitchen.

Mum sank back into her chair and looked at me wryly. She raised an eyebrow. ‘Oh I get it now,’ she said. ‘A lot can happen in an afternoon, can’t it?’

Half an hour or so later, Mum was sitting on her bed wrapped in a towel. She’d perked up a lot after her shower.

‘It’s not like that, honestly. I haven’t even spoken to him,’ I protested.

‘Does he work here or what?’

‘I don’t know. I wish you wouldn’t keep going on about him. Wanting to stay here has nothing to do with him.’

Mum wasn’t buying that. ‘Oh, I suppose it’s the view of the bay that’s the big attraction.’

‘Maybe it is. There was another fantastic sunset. You missed it.’

‘Lucy, you get sunsets everywhere. You said yourself, there’s absolutely nothing for you to do here.’

‘Yes there is.’ I racked my brain for inspiration. ‘We could hire a pedalo.’

‘I saw the pedaloes on the beach, in pieces. They’re wrecked.’

‘Well, we could hire donkeys then.’

‘Correction, donkey. There’s only one – one of us would have to walk.’

‘You’ve already made up your mind, haven’t you?’

‘I’ve paid a deposit. For two whole nights. And the beach there is far nicer.’

‘How much have you paid?’

‘Umm – two nights, about fifty quid.’

‘Why did you have to go and do that?’

‘It was the only way to secure the room.’

‘Well you could’ve checked with me first.’

‘I think you’ve forgotten, Lucy. It’s because of you we’re moving.’

I could tell Mum was losing her cool. She was right of course, it was because of me.

I tried a new angle. ‘But you said you really liked it here.’

‘I did, yes. But, I don’t particularly want to waste fifty quid. Do you?’

‘It’s only fifty quid.’

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