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Voyage Of Destiny

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At the age of 15, Blowing Wind already had the makings of a great warrior: excellent archer and horseman, he was undoubtedly the best hunter of the Tribe. With the arrival of puberty, the most important moment of his life arrived too, the search for the Vision.

His father, Dappled Deer, invited him to sit around the fire of their tepee as his mother, Dancing Stream, filled a bisaccia with food. The man filled the pipe and with a solemn gesture offered it to heaven and earth, then lit it and began to speak.

"My son, the time of the search for the Vision arrives for all men. No man will ever be himself if he has not yet had his own Vision." He paused to take a long puff, then passed the pipe to his son and went on.

"You will isolate yourself in a sacred place, and you will stay awake fasting for four days, and wait patiently to receive, through a dream or vision, your Protective Spirit which will guide you through life."

The boy listened to his father's words in respectful silence. Dappled Deer emptied the pipe and hung it on the wall of the tepee, then turned to his son once again.

"Now sleep, tomorrow with the rising sun you will prepare to leave." The young man nodded in assent and retreated to his bed for the night.

With the first light of dawn he went to the "sweat hut" for a purifying sauna. Then he set off towards the sacred place he had chosen to receive his Vision.

On the third night in solitude, this was granted to him. In the sky a large silver moon watched over him, he had reached inner silence, he was one with mother Earth and father Sky. The image was clear, the surrounding world was an immense sea, a silhouette was approaching from the north, walking on the waters: it was a wolf.

A noise diverted him from the much-awaited objective. He opened his eyes resigned, and there was the same wolf with a tawny coat a few yards from him. They looked into each other’s eyes for a few seconds that seemed interminable. A terrible shudder ran through his body when he saw his face reflected in the animal's eyes. He remained motionless as a light breath of wind stroked his skin and the wolf's fur. Paralyzed by fear, he held his breath, praying to the Great Spirit to be spared.

As if he had understood his discomfort, the animal retreated a few steps and, before leaving, let out a howl that resounded throughout the valley. Then it disappeared into the darkness of the night.

It had been a very intense experience indeed, and he was happy and grateful, but he could not get to sleep. With the first light of dawn he prepared to return to the camp, and had traveled a few yards when something attracted his attention. He bent down to pick it up. It was a wolf's tooth. He squeeed it in his hand, turning his gaze full of gratitude to heaven, then carefully placed it in his medicine bundle and continued on his way.

The reddish light of the sky filtered through the flap of Blowing Wind’s tepee, announcing the arrival of twilight.

"The sun is setting," said the young man looking at the upper opening, then turning to his parents he informed them of his decision to declare himself to Golden Falcon. Dancing Stream stood up and went to a basket, made from a weave of river reeds and yucca which she had been keeping next to her bed for some time. Dappled Deer lit his pipe and took a long puff of it before he spoke, addressing his son.

"Your choice is an important step in a man's life, you are committing yourself to taking care of this young woman and the children who will be born from your union."

He looked at him intently as he passed him the pipe.

"This decision is a reason for pride for all of us," added the man, receiving respect and gratitude in the eyes of his son in return. His mother smiled happily as she handed him the basket.

"I have often wondered what was in here," said the young man as he pulled out the contents, unfolding a blanket in bright colors.

"I had my sister make it for you, for when this day would arrive," Dancing Stream told him.

"Thank you!" said the young man, giving her a loving look. "The sun has set, it is time for me to go," he announced as he stood up.

The mother folded the blanket and put it on his forearm before he went out. As soon as he was outside, the young man quickly glanced in the direction of Golden Falcon’s tepee, and saw that there was no line of suitors outside. He sighed with relief and, as was the tradition, he crossed the camp which was almost deserted, carrying the engagement blanket. The few Natives who were still around were returning to their tents.

When he arrived outside the tepee of his young beloved, he pushed aside the flap of hide at the entrance and met the gaze of Great Eagle, sitting in front of him.

"May I come in and sit beside Golden Falcon?" he asked with great respect.

The expression of joy on the young woman's face left no doubt about the outcome of that long-awaited visit.

"Of course, come in," Great Eagle replied.

Blowing Wind went in and sat down next to the girl, then wrapped her close to him in the blanket. They were officially engaged.

1 Chapter 5

Gokstad, 915 AD.

It was a hot June day. Ulfr and Thorald, 15 years old, were preparing to enter the adult world. Everyone was busy preparing for the party, to which the family members of Thorald's clan had also been invited. The aroma of roasting meat hung in the air: King Olaf had had two large wild boars felled for the occasion.

The boys were putting on the chain mail when they heard Olaf greeting someone warmly.

"Welcome back, my friend!"

"Olaf!" answered a man’s deep voice. Thorald recognized that voice instantly and rushed out.

"Father! You're back!" he exclaimed overjoyed.

"My son, I wouldn’t have missed such an important day for anything in the world!" declared Harald oening his arms wide. They embraced vigorously, clapping each other on the back.

"Let’s go in Harald! We must toast your return," Olaf said, putting his strong arms around his friend's shoulders.

Inside the house the servants were busy preparing all sorts of food and Herja was directing the various tasks as only a perfect hostess can do. Her youngest daughter, Isgred, was working with the servants too, as her mother had done as a girl, believing that only if she knew how to perform all tasks would she be able to direct them properly.

Isgred was 14 years old and in one or two years she would certainly become engaged to a young man of the same rank as her. Her mother wanted her to arrive at marriage perfectly prepared to play her role as lady of the house.

Herja was checking the bread baking in the oven when the two men, followed by their respective children, came into the large kitchen.

"Harald!" she exclaimed, opening her arms wide as she went towards him.

"Herja, you're always gorgeous! Even with flour all over you!" They burst out laughing, as she pestered him with questions as Olaf took two horns and filled them with mead.

"Let's toast to your return!" he proposed, offering one to his friend.

"Drekka Minni! " they toasted in unison, raising their horns, and then emptying them in a single sip.

Harald ordered his men to bring a large wooden trunk into the house.

"The gods protected me on this journey and led us to a city called Kiev, one of the largest trading centers I have ever seen. We sold all our cargo at twice the price we did at Hedeby, and we bought goods that earned us a fortune." He opened the trunk and took silk and jewels out of it.

"These are for Herja and Isgred!"

"This silk is beautiful," Herja said, opening her eyes wide, "and these jewels! Come and see Isgred!"

Curious, the girl rushed over and gasped at the sight of those wonders.

"These silver cups and spices are for the whole family, and this is for you," he said addressing his friend. He handed him an elegant red wool mantle edged with fur and silk decorations and a large gold filigree brooch to close it.

"If it wasn’t so hot today, I’d put it on immediately," said Olaf, making everyone laugh as he continued to admire his new cloak, fit for a King.

"Thank you, Harald, my friend! I really appreciate your gift." In their eyes was all the affection and mutual respect that had united them all these years since they were children, when they had chosen to become sworn brothers. Harald then pulled out of the trunk two wooden sheaths beaten in leather, on which he had had the triangular rings of bronze and gold embellished.

"And these are for you... " he said, giving them to the two boys.
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