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Suitor by Design

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The most precious voice in the whole world yanked him out of misery and into a firestorm of hope. “Minnie. What are you doing here?”

She stood in the doorway between the office and the shop, looking so pretty he couldn’t rip his gaze from her. From the red plaid skirt to the matching hat, she could warm up the coldest heart. The snow dusting her shoulders and hat made her even more beautiful. He wiped his brow again.

“You busy?” Her gaze dropped to the floor, her boots dripping with melting snow.

“Not at all.”

She looked up hopefully. “I was wondering if you might reconsider.”

Peter quickly thought through what she might mean and came up empty. “Reconsider?”

“Hiring me.” She shrugged and tilted her head in that way of hers that drove him crazy. “Instead of Ruth. She’s going to New York, you see, and can’t do the upholstering that you wanted. But, if you’d give me a chance, I’d like to try.”

Peter’s heart nearly stopped. She wanted to work with him. His plan wasn’t dead at all.

She dropped her gaze. “I understand. You want someone experienced to help out your friend. Here I went and said I didn’t know how to do it and would do a horrible job and all—”

“All right.” He had to cut her off before she dug a bigger hole.

Her wide-eyed wonder shot an arrow straight into his heart. “You mean it? I can help?”

“Yeah.” Then a thought occurred to him. If she was willing to work with him, maybe she would agree to a little more. “Maybe you can come to the church supper with me.”

She blinked. “Tonight?”

“Yeah. We can, you know, talk things over.”

“Oh. We can’t do that now?”

Peter examined the wrench in his hands. “I suppose, but I’m pretty busy.”

“Oh. But it’s Ruth’s last night home, and we all want to be together. Daddy can’t go out, especially not in this heavy snow.”

Peter could have kicked himself. “I forgot.”

“You couldn’t know.” Her quick smile dazzled him. “I’ll stop by later, then. Your friend is bringing the car on Saturday?”

He nodded, unable to think of a word to say.

“Saturday, then.” She gave him a little wave before waltzing through the office and out of the building.

Peter watched her go, unable to move a muscle and not entirely sure what had just happened except that she wanted to work with him.

He finally had a chance.

Chapter Five (#ulink_aaf6a59e-432c-5575-8adb-0935b36c38f1)

The rest of the week flew by in a flurry of activity. Between Ruth and Sam leaving Thursday morning and two clients wanting last-minute alterations on their ball gowns for Friday night’s Valentine’s Day Ball, Minnie didn’t have time to think. She also forgot to notify Mrs. Neidecker that she was giving up her job while Ruth was gone and thus had to serve punch at the ball.

By Saturday morning, she was exhausted.

“Get up, get up,” an annoyingly cheerful Jen called out. “It’s another gorgeous day.”

Minnie pulled the covers over her head. “It’s dark out.”

“I can see the moon and the stars. That means sunshine. Mr. Hunter says that sunny days and cold nights make the airfield perfect for flying. He wants to test out the new cold-weather engine they’ve been designing over at the factory. It’s got a special cowling—”

“Sorry I asked.” Minnie hadn’t understood a word her sister just said. Honestly, she couldn’t fathom how any woman could be the slightest bit interested in mechanical things. She had to practically hold her breath inside the motor garage.

“Better get moving. You have to open the shop this morning.”

“You can do it,” Minnie moaned. “Please?”

“Not a chance. I want to be at the airfield at first light. That’s when the Hunters are testing the motor. If it works, they’re going to start planning for the run to the North Pole.” Jen whistled “Ain’t We Got Fun?” as she headed out of the room and downstairs to the kitchen.

Peace at last. Minnie breathed in the quiet and relaxed. Just a few more minutes. She reveled in the warm blanket cocoon. If only she could stay here all day. If only she could rest a little bit longer.


At Mother’s command, Minnie shot up. “I’m coming.” She rubbed her eyes.

Mother set a lit lamp on her dresser. “The Saturday after the ball is often busy, what with the guests and all the revelry the night before. Someone always needs a repair. Hems torn out, underarms ripped and who knows what. It’s different every year. And now that Ruth and Sam have added cleaning, it’s sure to be busy. Guests could come pouring in.”

“Guests.” That woke her up. Saturday meant Vince would return. “What time is it?”

“Eight o’clock. I let you sleep as late as I could.”

“Eight o’clock?” Minnie scurried out of bed. She had less than an hour to dress and do her hair and eat breakfast. How could she ever look presentable in that amount of time, especially when she couldn’t put on the face powder and lipstick until she reached the shop?

“The oatmeal is ready,” Mother said as she headed downstairs.

Minnie squinted at her reflection in the wall mirror. She looked dreadful. Hair stuck out every which way, and blue half-moons circled under her puffy eyes.

She splashed cold water on her face and pressed a damp cloth to her eyes.

Though Vince Galbini hadn’t exactly excited her at their first meeting, maybe this time would go better. He was older than she’d imagined, and that crooked, flattened nose made him look more like a prizefighter than a movie star, but he was definitely on his way up, and that had to be worth something. Though he didn’t wear a wedding band, she couldn’t be certain he was unmarried. Today, she’d unearth the truth on that subject.

As she dressed, her energy returned. With Vince’s return came the start of her new job. She hadn’t exactly told Mother or Daddy yet, but they’d understand. They both liked Peter. They might not care that she would have to work evenings at the garage.

She tugged a brush through her wavy hair. Maybe she wouldn’t have to tell Mother or Daddy about the job. She could simply present them with her wages after she finished. Wouldn’t that be a wonderful surprise? She tucked the face powder and lip color into her handbag and headed for the stairs.

“Minnie?” Daddy’s soft voice drew her to a halt. He leaned on a cane in the doorway to his bedroom.

“Daddy, you shouldn’t be up.”

After the seizure last summer, which Doc Stevens attributed to his weak heart, he spent most of his time in his room. Mother brought his meals there, and Ruthie gave him the receipts at the end of each day so he could do the bookwork.
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