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Massacre at Paris

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Exeunt [omnes]

[Scene vi]

Enter Mountsorrell and knocks at Serouns doore.

SEROUNS WIFE. Who is't that knocks there?


MOUNTSORRELL. Mountsorrett from the Duke of Guise.

SEROUNS WIFE. Husband come down, heer's one would speak with
you from the Duke of Guise.

Enter Seroune.

SEROUNE. To speek with me from such a man as he?

MOUNTSORRELL. I, I, for this Seroune, and thou shalt ha't.
Shewing his dagger.

SEROUNE. O let me pray before I take my death.

MOUNTSORRELL. Despatch then quickly.

SEROUNE. O Christ my Saviour—

MOUNTSORRELL. Christ, villaine?
Why, darst thou presume to call on Christ,
Without the intercession of some Saint?
Sanctus Jacobus hee was my Saint, pray to him.

SEROUNE. O let me pray unto my God.

MOUNTSORRELL. Then take this with you.
Stab him [and he falls within and dies].


[Scene vii]

Enter Ramus in his studie.

RAMUS. What fearfull cries come from the river Sene,
That fright poore Ramus sitting at his book?
I feare the Guisians have past the bridge,
And meane once more to menace me.

Enter Taleus.

TALEUS. Flye Ramus flye, if thou wilt save thy life.

RAMUS. Tell me Taleus, wherfore should I flye?

TALEUS. The Guisians are hard at thy doore,
And meane to murder us:
Harke, harke they come, Ile leap out at the window.

[Runs out from studie.]

RAMUS. Sweet Taleus stay.

Enter Gonzago and Retes.

GONZAGO. Who goes there?

RETES. Tis Taleus, Ramus bedfellow.

GONZAGO. What art thou?

TALEUS. I am as Ramus is, a Christian.

RETES. O let him goe, he is a catholick.

Exit Taleus.

Enter Ramus [out of his studie].

GONZAGO. Come Ramus, more golde, or thou shalt have the stabbe.

RAMUS. Alas I am a scholler, how should I have golde?
All that I have is but my stipend from the King,
Which is no sooner receiv'd but it is spent.

Enter the Guise and Anjoy [, Dumaine, Mountsorrell, with soldiers].

ANJOY. Whom have you there?

RETES. Tis Ramus, the Kings professor of Logick.

GUISE. Stab him.

RAMUS. O good my Lord,
Wherein hath Ramus been so offencious?

GUISE. Marry sir, in having a smack in all,
And yet didst never sound any thing to the depth.
Was it not thou that scoff'dst the Organon,
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