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Your Ranch Or Mine?

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“You’re Anna’s boss?” he heard Cassie say. “She and I are friends.”

“Yep. Anna works for me.” Alex’s proprietary tone set Mitch’s teeth on edge. “She’s a great employee.”

“I don’t doubt that,” Cassie said. “Even back in high school, Anna was very responsible.”

Anna. Anna. Anna. Mitch hadn’t heard the name in years. Now it seemed he couldn’t go five seconds without being reminded of her.

“Are you and your husband happy you made the decision to move back?” Alex asked, abruptly changing the subject.

“I’m divorced.” Cassie lifted her chin. “It’s just my two boys and me now. And of course my friends.”

To Mitch’s surprise, she reached over, slipped her hand around his arm and gave a squeeze.

“Well, if this isn’t a motley crew…”

Cassie’s hand dropped from his arm and she took a step back.

Perhaps Mitch should have been surprised to hear Anna’s voice. But he wasn’t. As many times as her name had been mentioned already, it would have seemed odd if she hadn’t appeared.

“Anna. What are you doing here?” Surprise flashed across Alex’s face. “You’re supposed to be watching the office.”

The hint of censure in the man’s voice roused Mitch’s protective instinct but he reminded himself this was Anna’s battle, not his.

“I am watching the office.” Anna slipped her hand into her bag and retrieved a hot-pink cell phone. “Electronically. I gave the papers to this morning’s client, then forwarded your calls to my cell.”

Her smile was engaging but Alex’s gaze narrowed. “What about walk-ins?”

“No one seeing an attorney just stops by,” Anna said with a dismissive wave. “Since I’ve worked for you, I’ve yet to see one person walk through the door without an appointment.”

“I still don’t understand what was so important that you had to leave the office,” Alex said.

“You forgot these.” Anna pulled a sheaf of papers from her oversize bag.

The tight lines bracketing Alex’s mouth eased. Puzzlement filled his gaze. “What are they?”

“Documents for your ten-fifteen meeting.” The papers Anna held flapped in the wind. “I was worried you wouldn’t have time to make it back to the office before your next appointment.”

Alex took the papers from her outstretched hand and slipped them into his briefcase. A rueful smile tipped his lips. “Thanks. I shouldn’t have made assumptions before I had all the facts.”

“No worries.” Anna shivered and her gaze settled longingly on the building’s front door. “Could we step inside for a minute? It’s freezing out here.”

Mitch resisted the urge to smile. For someone who could be so hot in bed, the entire time he’d known Anna she’d been notoriously cold-blooded. Just like now. Though the temperature had to be at least sixty, tiny goose bumps dotted her arms and nylon-clad legs. Of course, he had to admit the thin fabric of her wraparound dress provided little protection from the wind.

Before he had a chance to think about what he was doing, Mitch whipped off his coat and settled it around her shoulders. He wasn’t sure which of them was more surprised.

“I couldn’t—” Anna said, even as she pulled the jacket tight around her.

“I’m plenty warm,” Mitch said, dismissing her protest. She’d been away from Montana too long. She’d obviously forgotten that in Sweet River, men took care of women. It didn’t matter if they had feelings for them or not.

“After we tour the building, we’re heading over to The Coffee Pot.” Cassie spoke for the first time since Anna had appeared. “Care to join us?”

Anna’s gaze settled on Alex and a look of uncertainty filled her eyes. “As long as you don’t mind the office being unmanned a little while longer?”

Mitch turned and headed for the building’s front door. He didn’t bother waiting for Alex’s response because it didn’t matter to him whether Anna came along or not. She meant nothing to him. Nothing at all.

Chapter Five

Anna stared at Mitch through lowered lashes. It felt strange to be seated across from him in so public a spot. After hiking with him, Alex and Cassie through two dusty floors of The Hattan, they’d headed to The Coffee Pot. The only table open had been the one by the front window.

Three prominent citizens had already stopped by to say hello. Pastor Barbee had been the first, followed by the sheriff. Then Henry Millstead, who’d been Mitch’s boss when he’d been in high school, had knocked on the window. Mitch had excused himself and gone outside to talk to the rancher for a few minutes.

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